Celandine (jaundice, warthog, wart grass, golden grass) is a common plant in our latitudes that has been used since ancient times to treat various diseases at home. The main use of celandine in folk medicine, as the name suggests, is the fight against skin pathologies.

Jaundice belongs to the dicotyledonous family and to the poppy plant family. Visually, it can be recognized by lyre-shaped leaves of dark green color and hollow stems, on the fracture of which bright yellow juice stands out. The bush is perennial, blooms twice a year. Seeds enter the soil from the resulting small pods.

The chemical composition of jaundice includes:

  • organic acids (succinic, citric, malic);
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and carotene;
  • saponins;
  • ether lipids;
  • volatile;
  • toxic alkaloids;
  • bitterness.

When starting herbal medicine, you need to learn as much information about the plant as possible and choose an individually suitable method for solving health problems.

In the case of yellow milkweed, studying the characteristics of the plant is extremely important - the bright juice that appears on the fracture of the stem is very toxic and can cause serious poisoning.

The use of celandine in traditional medicine: recipes and treatment

Jaundice is used externally and orally in different forms. Based on it, a decoction, infusion, oil is prepared, its juice is also useful. Before treatment, it is important to thoroughly study all the risks during therapy and the rules for preparing drugs. This will help not only to cure the patient, but also to avoid intoxication.

If you prefer to harvest herbs yourself, then the collection of celandine should begin during its active flowering - in May-July. If fresh juice of the plant is used for treatment, it can be obtained in the warm season. The bush grows in early spring and remains fresh until late autumn.

For harvesting, the plant is torn out, cleaned of dry and damaged roots, stems and leaves, washed and hung in a dry room with good ventilation. After the material has dried, it is packaged in a paper or cloth bag. So the raw material can be stored up to 3 years, and it will not lose its healing properties.


Celandine tincture can be purchased ready-made at the pharmacy - this is an effective and affordable tool. You can save and prepare the medicine yourself, using your own hand-picked raw materials and other simple ingredients.


To prepare the infusion, you need to choose plants during the flowering period. Preference is given to bushes with fleshy, juicy leaves. Clean the collected celandine from damaged, dry and sluggish stems, wash and chop well. Fill a glass container with raw materials (volume - 1 l), fill with 70% alcohol and leave in a closed container for 2 weeks. Avoid temperature extremes and direct sunlight.

Shredded celandine can not be decanted for 5-6 months - in this case, a more saturated infusion will be obtained, which can be spent more economically, but without sacrificing efficiency.

It is interesting: useful properties and contraindications of celandine

An alcohol tool is more effective in comparison with water (or a decoction of a plant) - in its composition, a larger number of alkaloids are retained, which have a therapeutic effect in various pathologies.

Non-alcoholic drugs are used to treat patients who are strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, but should take into account their low concentration and increase the dose of the drug.

It is important to remember that celandine contains substances that can cause serious intoxication of the body, so it is necessary to start a course of treatment with 5-10 drops of alcoholic infusion. At this dosage, drink the medicine from 3 weeks to 1 month (if long-term therapy is foreseen), and then you can slightly increase the amount of medicine drunk per day.

Gradually, the daily dose increases to 50 drops. The minimum course of treatment depends on the pathology and lasts an average of 2 months to six months.

Water infusion is used to treat patients who are strictly forbidden to drink alcohol.

In order for the plant to retain all useful components in its chemical composition as much as possible, an alcohol-free medicine should be prepared as follows:

  1. Take 1 cup boiling water and 1 tablespoon of dried celandine.
  2. Pour dry raw materials with hot water (grass must be infused in a glass container).
  3. Cover the container and leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Strain the liquid and cool to 25 degrees.

In this form, the medicine is ready for use.

In order for the therapy to be effective, the infusion must be prepared immediately before use - water does not have the ability to preserve the beneficial compounds of the celandine for a long time, therefore, it will not work to prepare such an agent for the future.

Water infusion is used to increase the body's defenses and prevent SARS. For effectiveness, it is recommended to take two-week courses of therapy three times a year. Dosage: start with 1 teaspoon and gradually bring the volume to 50 ml per day.


Celandine broth is used for therapy for those who are forbidden to take alcohol-containing drugs. In order for the product to be effective, it must be properly prepared and used in a clearly selected dosage.

How to make a decoction of jaundice

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Take a tablespoon of dried chopped celandine.
  2. Boil 200 ml of drinking water.
  3. Put the grass in boiling water and cook on low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Remove from heat, put in a warm place.
  5. After an hour of insisting, strain the broth.

Such a medicine is used both for external use (for washing wounds, erosions on the body, with seborrhea and alopecia, acne), and orally (as an adjunct in the fight against jaundice, flu, hemorrhoids, with some pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, spleen, urinary bubble).


Celandine juice can be prepared on your own using one of two simple methods.

To harvest raw materials on an alcohol-free basis, it is necessary:

  1. Collect the succulent stems of the plant (along with fleshy leaves and flowers).
  2. Clean grass from damaged elements, rinse thoroughly.
  3. Grind in a meat grinder.
  4. Squeeze the juice thoroughly from the resulting mixture.
  5. Place the liquid in a glass dish and leave in a cool place for 3 days. Then strain.
  6. Close the container with a lid with openings so that the process of raw material fermentation takes place naturally without interference.
  7. After 21 days, fermentation will end and the product will be ready for use.

A preparation prepared in this way can be stored in closed containers in a cool place for up to 1 year.

Yellow milk juice with alcohol:

  1. Grind washed, peeled leaves, stems with flowers in a meat grinder.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the obtained raw materials.
  3. Mix the liquid with medical alcohol or vodka. 250 grams of alcohol or 500 grams of vodka will be needed for 1 liter of jaundice juice.

An alcohol-based medicine is used to treat candidiasis, herpes, acne, boils, scabies, warts and polyps. It is applied pointwise to the lesions twice a day.

To treat gastrointestinal tract pathologies, juice is added to drinking water (the dosage is gradually increased from 5 drops to 1 teaspoon per glass of water). To use once a day - in the morning before breakfast.

How to cook and how healthy celandine oil is

An oil extract from the plant in question can be prepared using various base oils. For cosmetic purposes, it is worth choosing essential fats of grape, apricot or peach seed, argan oil (for the treatment of hair and scalp diseases), avocados and sweet almonds.

If you plan to use it for therapy with various dermatitis, then you should take oil from olive, sunflower or corn (cold pressed) as the basis.

Consider the recipe for cooking oil from celandine (to solve skin problems) in more detail:

  1. Take a container of dark glass.
  2. Pour dry shredded grass into the container.
  3. Pour the raw material with base oil heated in a water bath so that it covers it higher than a couple of centimeters.
  4. Put the container with oil in a warm place for 1 hour.
  5. Cork the container and put in a cool place for a week. Shake daily.
  6. After 7 days, drain the oily liquid. Further store in the refrigerator.

The oil is effectively used to treat such pathologies:

  • neurodermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • acne
  • polyps;
  • corns and corns;
  • herpes;
  • psoriatic disease;
  • warts, condylomas, papillomas;
  • cutaneous tuberculosis;
  • seborrhea (dandruff);
  • carbunculosis, acne.

In case of local skin lesions, oil should be applied only to a previously cleaned lesion, without touching a healthy dermis. After 15 minutes, the product must be removed using a clean cloth. Apply twice daily.

For the preventive care of problem skin, cosmetologists and dermatologists advise mixing celandine oil with a cream that is used daily. It is necessary to mix 10 grams of the product with 3-4 drops of celandine extract. Apply twice a day - morning and evening.

In addition to the prevention of problem skin, this tool will slow down the aging process and activate metabolic processes in the deep layers of the dermis.

With onychomycosis (the so-called fungal infection of the nails), oil is used according to the following procedure:

  1. Twice a day, steam the affected nail in a warm soda solution, then apply celandine oil to the affected tissues and adjacent areas.
  2. Steam the damaged nail in warm water, remove the keratinized part together with the fungus. To process a surface with hydrogen peroxide, and then - an oil extract of a jaundice. Processing is done daily until the nail plate has grown completely.
  3. In the morning, make a compress: apply the product on the nail, close the surface with plastic wrap and bandage it. In the evening, remove the bandage, treat the plate with iodine.

Celandine oil is very effective against many pathologies, it is stored for a long time (unlike water decoctions and tinctures), it does not dry the skin (unlike alcohol-containing compounds).

Celandine tincture on vodka - instructions for use

Celandine tincture on vodka is considered one of the simplest and most popular in folk medicine. It is used for external use and treatment of pathologies of internal organs.

Instructions for the use of tincture of the yogic on vodka for various pathologies:

  1. Cholecystitis, other diseases of the gallbladder: 15 drops three times a day. Therapy is carried out in parallel with diet No. 5.
  2. Hepatitis (Botkin's disease, jaundice): 15-20 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. The medicine reduces bilirubin levels and enzyme activity.
  3. Lubricate focal skin lesions with infusion locally, avoiding the ingress of medication to areas with a healthy surface. Apply twice daily.

It is important to remember that vodka infusion is more concentrated than water, so it is unacceptable to take medicine at a dosage for non-alcoholic preparations.

Instructions for use of celandine recommends gradually increasing the amount of hood taken. If there is a deterioration in well-being, treatment should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor.

Celandine contains many poisons in its composition, which are not only able to overcome various pathologies, but also harm the human body, therefore it is worthwhile to take the selected drug with full responsibility and listen to your body throughout the course of therapy.

Individual intolerance to the components of the plant is an absolute contraindication to the use of the drug.

Mountain celandine: properties and indications for use

Mountain celandine - a healing balm, which contains the juice of large jaundice, extracts from gentian, golden rhododendron and spear-shaped cocoa. The drug is intended for external use.

The product is highly concentrated and effective in removing various skin defects.

Indications for use:

  • papillomas;
  • corns;
  • corns;
  • polyps;
  • warts;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis.

Balm should be used with caution: apply precisely to the lesion, avoiding contact with healthy skin. Leave the drug on the neck and face for no more than 10 minutes, on the body for 2 minutes more.

What diseases heals

Folk variants of the name of the plant partially reveal the scope of its application.

In addition to dermatological pathologies and foci of inflammation on the skin (psoriasis, scabies, warts, papillomas, genital warts, onychomycosis, acne, burns, wounds and erosions), celandine is used to treat the following diseases:

  1. Respiratory system: inflammation of the lungs, bronchi, trachea, tuberculosis, asthma, runny nose.
  2. Musculoskeletal system: arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, sciatica, gout.
  3. CNS: neurosis, headache, migraine.
  4. Gastrointestinal tract: erosion of the stomach and duodenum, inflammatory processes in the pancreas, liver pathology, enterocolitis.
  5. Genitourinary system in women: cervicitis, endometriosis, cervical erosion, colpitis, vulvovaginitis.

Also, the effectiveness of celandine in the removal of menstrual, joint and toothaches has been scientifically proven.

The antitumor effect of the plant is being actively studied - it has been established that the components in the composition of the icteric hinder metastases.

Precautions Before Using Celandine

Before using this medicinal, but at the same time poisonous plant, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

External application of preparations based on celandine requires a preliminary skin test: apply a small amount of the substance to the skin of the forearm and observe the reaction for 24 hours. If itching is felt, redness is noticeable, urticaria - the drug can not be used.

In addition to an allergic reaction, contraindications for use include such pathologies and factors:

  • angina pectoris;
  • epilepsy;
  • asthma;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

The course of treatment requires a strict dosage. If discomfort in the stomach or intestines is felt after using the medicine based on celandine, treatment should be discontinued. Substances in the plant can irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and thereby create additional difficulties in the work of organs.

Celandine - a plant that includes poisonous compounds that destructively affect the causative agents of skin diseases, inhibit inflammatory processes in the body. With the right approach and good tolerance by the body, the milk jelly is able to get rid of serious pathologies, improve immunity, and correct cosmetic defects on the skin.