Papillomas are pathological growths of the surface layers of the skin caused by the human papilloma virus. Neoplasms provoked by some types of HPV are able to malignant, turning into a malignant tumor. Therefore, they must be treated. One of the proven folk remedies is celandine from papillomas. The juice of the plant contains active substances that have, including cauterizing effect. Drugs based on medicinal herbs destructively affect the tissue with papillomas, leading to necrotization.
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Celandine composition
Celandine - a medicinal plant, since ancient times used to remove neoplasms from the surface of the body. Grass belongs to the poppy family and is weedy. On an industrial scale, celandine is not cultivated. It grows in most countries with a temperate climate. In Russia, it can be found on roadsides, near ponds, in forest glades, in horticultural zones.
Celandine juice has a yellow color and contains many components, such as:
- Alkaloids (more than 20 items) - possess the properties of an antispasmodic, analgesic and sedative. Due to the presence of alkaloids in the plant, doctors of the Middle Ages used it in the treatment of various diseases. Today, grass is excluded from most therapeutic regimens because of its high toxicity. When consuming high doses of celandine, alkaloids cause convulsions, hallucinations, the development of a cholinolytic complex of symptoms and other neurological disorders.In severe cases, the victim dies.
- Esters and Organic Acids (apple, lemon, amber) - have a cauterizing effect on animal tissue, if used improperly, can cause a chemical burn. The ability of celandine juice to chemically destroy tissue from ancient times was used to remove warts. Unwanted growths were regularly treated with plant sap. After several treatments, they fell off spontaneously.
- Volatile - plant antibiotics that can affect most common pathogenic microorganisms. Preparations based on the herb under discussion are actively used to treat skin infections (acne, boils). As a rule, decoctions and infusions of a medicinal plant are used for this.
- Vitamins A and C, which are part of celandine, contribute to local saturation of tissues and enhance local immunity. For systemic vitamin therapy, celandine is not used. In order to stimulate the mechanisms of immune defense, one should resort to recipes that do not require serious heat treatment of the plant. Decoctions are not suitable for this.
Note: in accordance with modern concepts, celandine can only be used for the manufacture of external products. It is not recommended to take preparations based on herbs inside, since the risk of toxic effects of alkaloids contained in the juice is quite high even with the correct preparation and dosage of the drug.
Is it possible to remove papillomas with celandine?
Celandine from warts has proven itself on the positive side. Both the plant juice in its pure form and the medicines prepared with its use have rather high efficiency indicators. Skin growths fall off after 10-15 days. It should be remembered that tumors located on the mucous membranes are a contraindication to the use of the plant. Such zones are too sensitive; chemical burns easily develop on them. Therefore, it is recommended to remove anogenital papillomas using laser or radio frequency technologies.
Read also: celandine
In order to destroy the growths, it is permissible to use grass in its pure form. However, this method requires a long course of treatment. The modern pharmacological industry produces many medicines based on celandine, the concentration of active substances in which is incomparably higher. The course of treatment with such agents takes 1-3 days, however, the risk of chemical burns in violation of the instructions increases significantly.
It is worth noting that papillomas are a viral disease. Therefore, the removal of the growth itself does not lead to recovery. The destruction of the external manifestations of the disease should be combined with systemic therapy, which is aimed at suppressing the virus and enhancing the body's own defenses. It is necessary to take immunostimulants (T-activin), antiviral agents (interferon). Drugs are prescribed by a doctor.
Celandine based products
Based on celandine, many medicines are produced that can be made independently, or found in a pharmacy. These include the following varieties.
Celandine oil from papillomas
For the preparation of celandine oil, it is recommended to use fresh stems collected during the flowering period, June-August. The raw materials in the required amount are washed with running water, washing off the existing impurities, after which they are dried and finely chopped with a knife. After this, the resulting mass must be placed in a glass jar and pour in sunflower oil so that the line of the latter was 3 centimeters higher than the grass level. The jar is left in a warm room for 1-2 hours, after which it is placed in a cool room or in the refrigerator, where it is stored for a week.
After the preparation is infused, it is filtered through several layers of the bandage, sieving solid fractions, and again diluted with oil in a ratio of 1: 1. Treatment of papillomas with the help of the obtained product is carried out by treating the neoplasm 4-5 times a day. In this case, oil can be applied to healthy skin around the affected area. Papilloma falls off on the 25-30th day of treatment. Such a long period is due to the low content of active components in the oil extract.
If it is not possible to prepare the medicine yourself, the drug can be purchased at the pharmacy. The cost of celandine oil is 40-50 rubles, and the pharmacological properties and rules of use do not differ from those for a self-prepared product.
Note: a 30-day course of treatment is quite inconvenient. Therefore, to remove skin papillomas, celandine oil is practically not used. The tool can be used to treat anogenital formations, genital warts. Low concentration of acids helps prevent chemical burns of the mucous membrane.
Papilloma celandine extract
To cook celandine extract yourself, you need to collect 1 kilogram of grass, wash, dry and pass the prepared raw materials through a meat grinder. After that, the material is squeezed through cheesecloth so as to separate the juice. The pulp is discarded, and the resulting juice is poured into a jar and placed in a warm, darkened room.
By the end of the first week, the fermentation process begins. During this period, a rubber glove or lid with existing holes is put on the jar. This is necessary for the discharge of gases. After the fermentation process is over (1 week), the product is mixed with ethyl alcohol in a ratio of 2: 1 (2 parts of alcohol, 1 share of fermented juice). The finished product is stored in the refrigerator.
Cauterization of papillomas with celandine in the form of an extract should be done 3-5 times a day. In this case, only the tumor is treated, without affecting healthy areas of the skin. In order to avoid damage to the skin of the area near the papilloma should be glued with adhesive tape, or greased with a greasy cream. Treatment with papillomas on the mucous membranes with the help of the extract is not performed.
The content of active components in the drug is high, so the course of treatment is much shorter than when using oil. As a rule, the growth is destroyed and falls off at the end of the second week of treatment. At the same time, the risk of skin burns increases, so the use of alcohol preparations requires particularly careful observance of safety measures (pre-treating the skin with cream, applying the drug only to the growth, refusal to use the drug on the mucous membranes).
Mountain celandine from papillomas
Mountain celandine - a balm based on Baikal herbs and celandine. Distributed in small containers of 1.2 ml or 15 ml. It is made from natural ingredients, has a high content of active compounds. It has a black color and a specific smell of ammonia. The cost of the drug in pharmacies is 100-120 rubles. Self-preparation of the drug at home is impossible.
The action of the product is similar to that for grass juice in its pure form, but more pronounced. When using the medicine, the patient may experience discomfort. When trying to use on the mucous membranes, burning can become intolerable. In such cases, topical local anesthesia with a lidocaine solution is necessary.
Removal of papillomas at home by celandine of this type requires preliminary steaming of the growth. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to take a hot bath. The application of the balm is carried out only on the tops of the papillomas, without affecting clean skin.In this case, the tool is not just applied, but it is applied for a certain time, which varies depending on the location of the neoplasm:
- body - 12 minutes;
- face - 8 minutes;
- mucous membranes - 2 minutes.
The course of treatment is 3-4 days with twice daily treatment of growths. As they die off, they darken and become covered with black dots. Perhaps the allocation of a small amount of wound exudate. After reaching the required degree of destruction of the papilloma, it falls off on its own.
Note: papillomas and warts react differently to treatment. The papilloma blackens and is covered with dots, the wart is covered with a white scab, which must be removed. In this case, the papilloma often falls off entirely, and the wart is destroyed in layers.
Superchistot from warts and papillomas
Superchistotel is a purely chemical preparation for the most intensive removal of papillomas. It consists of a mixture of caustic alkalis, which within 1-5 applications completely destroy the growth. Self-preparation of the drug is impossible, its cost in pharmacies in Moscow and Moscow region is 25-35 rubles.
It is recommended to remove papillomas with the help of the medication in question after preliminary steaming and protecting the skin areas that are not processed. The skin around the papilloma is treated with a cream, or glued with a band-aid, after which a superchistel is applied to the growth. Application is carried out using the available applicator, in the amount of 1 drop. It is not necessary to withstand funds on the surface of the neoplasm, as described in the section on mountain celandine. It is forbidden to apply the drug to anogenital warts.
Superchistotel is the most effective tool for removing papillomas. Small formations are destroyed and disappear after the first application. This can happen within 1-2 hours after the procedure. Larger growths require 3-5 treatments. The interval between moxibustion should be at least 1 day. If signs of a burn appear around the neoplasm, treatment should be discontinued until it is completely healed.
How to use celandine pencil from papillomas?
Celandine against papillomas can be used in the form of a pencil, which makes it extremely convenient for use. To destroy the papilloma, it is treated twice a day, previously steaming. Before use, the pencil should be moistened in cold water, after which its head should be drawn several times along the top of the papilloma without affecting healthy tissue.
The cost of a celandine in the form of a pencil does not exceed 200 rubles. Moreover, the duration of treatment is comparable with the same indicator for liquid dosage forms (decoctions, tinctures, extracts). You can buy a pencil in most large network pharmacies.
Celandine broth
Celandine broth is a soft variety of composition for removing growths. It can be used for painless treatment of the anal or genital area in the presence of condylomatosis. The concentration of active substances in decoctions is low, so the patient may not be afraid of chemical burns. The broth is used in the form of douching or baths. Processing is carried out 2-3 times a day, for 3-4 weeks. Such a long period is necessary for the complete removal of growths in a gentle mode of exposure to them.
To prepare the broth, the raw materials are ground and poured with boiling water. The ratio of the components is calculated on a 1:20 basis (1 gram of grass per 20 ml of water). The resulting mixture is put on fire and boiled for 15 minutes, after which it is insisted in a warm place for an hour. After the expiration of this period, the medicine is filtered through a bandage to remove residual solid particles, cooled and used to treat papillomas. It is not recommended to store the product for a long time, so the amount of the drug that will be used up during the day should be prepared.
The answer to the question of whether it is possible to remove papillomas with celandine is negative in the following cases:
- The patient's age does not exceed 5 years for anogenital growths and three years for papillomas on the body and face;
- The patient has hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
- In the area of the alleged treatment, there are open skin lesions or acute inflammatory processes;
- The patient has a very low threshold for pain sensitivity (treatment is possible only after anesthesia);
- The patient has a mental illness in the acute stage.
As can be understood from the above, celandine is an excellent treatment for papillomas and warts, which has passed the test of time. However, preparations based on this herb require compliance with all the rules of therapy, as they are toxic and can lead to chemical burns on the skin. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist or venereologist to accurately determine the type of neoplasm and assess the prospects of treatment with celandine. Otherwise, an effective and effective drug can become a poison and bring a lot of troubles to the patient.