Celandine (warthog) is a dicotyledonous oligotypic plant belonging to the poppy family. Grass is considered weedy and is not cultivated agriculturally. It grows in countries with a temperate climate. In Russia, it can be found along roads, in forest glades and in personal plots. In folk medicine, celandine is used for warts, as well as for some other diseases. Its juice contains many toxic substances, so the independent use of grass can be dangerous.

Celandine composition

The plant includes several groups of chemicals, some of which are poisonous. Among the toxic components of celandine are mainly alkaloids, the number of which in the juice of the warthog reaches twenty. In high doses, they can provoke the development of seizures, anticholinergic syndrome, hallucinations, respiratory disorders, coma. Celandine alkaloids that enter the body in small doses have an analgesic, antispasmodic, soothing effect. In addition, they enhance intestinal motility, which allows the use of celandine as a remedy for constipation.

It is interesting: useful properties and contraindications of celandine

In addition to alkaloids, celandine juice contains organic acids and essential oils. These components can destructively affect the tissues of the human body, which allows the use of grass to remove growths on the skin (warts, papillomas, moles, dry corns). Celandine removal of warts is a long-standing and more than once tested in practice method of traditional medicine.

Preparations based on the herb in question contain phytoncides - natural antibacterial agents that help fight infectious diseases. Celandine is not commonly used to treat systemic infections. However, therapy of local foci of inflammation (boil, pimple, superficial abscesses) is possible and productive.

The plant contains a large number of vitamins (mainly groups “C” and “A”). They contribute to the overall strengthening of the body, strengthening immune defense, the prevention of many diseases.

Note: when boiling the grass of the celandine, some of the substances included in its composition are destroyed. First of all, it concerns vitamins. Therefore, plant preparations that require exposure to high temperatures are not used to fortify the body.

Is it possible to remove warts with celandine?

Warthog has been used by traditional healers for a long time. Among other indications for its use are all sorts of warts, papillomas, dry calluses. The plant is a fairly effective cure for skin tumors. To achieve the desired effect, you need to know how to use celandine from warts correctly.

You can achieve a therapeutic effect if you use celandine during its flowering period. This time falls on June and early July. When a plant blooms, its juice contains the maximum amount of medicinal components. Using a warthog outside flowering time is possible, but the effect of the grass will be weakened.

It is necessary to remove the wart by applying celandine juice in the following way:

  1. Wash and steam the wart and the area around it. This will make her tissues more susceptible to plant acids.
  2. Tear off the stalk of celandine. At the same time, a drop of bright orange juice should appear on its slice.
  3. Using short touches, apply juice to and around the wart.
  4. Repeat treatment twice a day until the problem area disappears.

Celandine has three mechanisms of action. The wart is primarily exposed to organic acids, which actually dissolve it. In addition, the juice has an irritating effect, which increases blood flow to the pathological focus and accelerates its resorption. The third mechanism of action of the drug is the local immunostimulating effect. Celandine enhances reactions aimed at destroying HPV in tissues.

Note: celandine herb treatment, although effective, is quite long. Removal of one neoplasm can take up to a month or more. To speed up the process, it is recommended to use warthog-based products with a much higher concentration of active substances.

Celandine based products

Both traditional and traditional medicine have a number of drugs for the fight against neoplasms on the skin, made on the basis of celandine or having a similar mechanism of action.

The agents may contain warthog extracts combined with the acid component. Such drugs roughly burn a wart, which is often accompanied by a chemical burn. This happens when using industrial drugs that can remove a wart in 1-2 applications.

Traditional medicine is more gentle and does not cause chemical burns. They act gently, gradually destroy the wart and lead to its spontaneous separation. Alternative medicines, like pure celandine, require a long, 3-4-week course of treatment. At the same time, they are better suited for removing warts from the face and other exposed parts of the body.

Read also:medicinal properties and contraindications of bay leaf

Superchistot from warts and papillomas

The drug "superchistotel" based on sodium and potassium hydroxide is one of the most effective means for the rapid removal of papillomas.It is distributed in 1.2 ml beakers, has a gel-like consistency. The cost of the drug is 25-30 rubles.

Before removing unwanted outgrowths on the skin with the help of a super-solid, it is recommended to steam the treated area, and then protect the skin near the wart with cream or adhesive plaster. The solution is applied with a special applicator located inside the container. Dosage - 1 drop on top of the neoplasm.

A strong burning sensation may occur at the site of application of the super-solid, however, it quickly passes. Small papillomas fall off after 12-24 hours after the first procedure. Large outgrowths and dry corns may require 3-5 applications. Processing is done every other day.

After the papilloma has fallen off, a small wound remains in its place, which provides a chemical burn of the skin. For its speedy healing should use such means as:

  1. Ointment "Levomycol" 2 times a day with a thin layer.
  2. Panthenol foam 1-2 times a day on top of the wound.
  3. Miramistin or chlorhexidine in the form of washing 2-3 times a day with suppuration.

Superchistel should not be used to treat anogenetic papillomas and genital warts located on the mucous membrane of the anus or genitals. Such treatment is extremely painful and can lead to serious consequences.

Note: after applying the product, you should not be afraid that it will drain from the papilloma. The solution has a gel-like structure and is quickly absorbed into the neoplasm tissue. In this case, the appearance of black dots on its surface is evidence of the onset of necrotic processes in the wart.

Mountain celandine from warts

Mountain celandine - a balm distributed in 1.2 ml beakers and 15 ml bottles. The approximate cost varies from 80 to 120 rubles in pharmacies in Moscow. The composition of the drug includes fresh celandine juice and a set of Baikal herbs. Despite the absence of ammonia in the composition, the balm has a pungent smell of ammonia.

The action of the product is similar to superchistel. When applied topically, the drug has a destructive effect on skin outgrowths, causing keratinization and destruction. The effectiveness of mountain celandine is lower than that of superchistel, therefore it is recommended to use it for the destruction of small warts, corns and papillomas.

How to remove a wart with celandine of mountain origin? Before the procedure, it is steamed in hot water, after which the product is applied to the center of the defect. It is better if the application area is slightly less than the surface area to be treated. This will prevent damage to healthy skin. Mountain celandine is used in the form of an application.

To do this, a cotton swab moistened with medicine is pressed to the outgrowth for a certain time, which is:

  • warts on the face - 8-10 minutes;
  • warts on the body - 12 minutes;
  • anogenetic warts - 2 minutes.

The course of treatment for papillomas and calluses of dry type varies from 3 to 10 days. Moreover, the processing ratio is 2 times a day. Warts require double moxibustion for 3-4 days. In this case, the keratinized upper layers of the outgrowth should be regularly removed.

Note: the procedure may be accompanied by a slight burning sensation and the release of a timbre. Intolerable pain is an indication for local application anesthesia, and in some cases for other methods of dealing with warts.

How to use a celandine pencil from warts?

In almost any pharmacy you can find such a convenient dosage form as a pencil from warts. In this form, the notorious company "lecker" produces celandine preparations ("celandine"). The cost of a pencil at the time of writing is 150-200 rubles.

To use the tool in the form of a pencil is more convenient than in liquid form. The drug is applied to a pre-steamed wart twice a day for the time necessary for its destruction. Before use, the pencil head should be moistened with water.The approximate duration of treatment does not differ from those for the liquid form of the drug "superchistotel."

Celandine Wart Extract

Celandine extract from warts can be purchased at the pharmacy or made independently. The cost of a pharmaceutical drug is 20-60 rubles, dispensed without a medical prescription.

For self-preparation of medication is necessary:

  1. During flowering, collect the stems and leaves of celandine.
  2. Wash, dry and pass 1 kg of the obtained raw material through a meat grinder.
  3. Squeeze the mass through cheesecloth so as to separate the juice from the pulp.
  4. Place the juice container for 1 week in a dark, warm place.
  5. By the end of the week, the juice will ferment. After that, cover the container with a lid with holes and leave for another week.
  6. After two weeks, 95% ethanol is added to the fermented juice in a volume twice the volume of the juice.
  7. The resulting extract is placed in a refrigerator, where it can be stored for up to 1 year.

The drug obtained in this way can be used for the destruction of warts and genital warts. To do this, it is necessary to lubricate the neoplasm with an extract 4-5 times a day, trying not to affect healthy skin. The duration of the course usually does not exceed 2-3 weeks.

Celandine oil for warts

Celandine oil from warts can be made industrially or at home.

To prepare homemade medicine you will need:

  • fresh stalks of celandine grass;
  • sunflower oil;
  • container for insisting.

Celandine stalks are finely cut with a knife, then placed in a container and poured with vegetable oil so that its level is 3-4 cm higher than the level of plant material. The resulting mixture is insisted in warmth for an hour, and then cleaned for a week in a cool place. After the required period, the drug is filtered, separating solid particles. The liquid part of the medicine is diluted with fresh sunflower oil in a ratio of 1: 1.

Celandine oil is commonly used to treat acne and other minor skin defects. To eliminate warts, it is practically not used, since the concentration of active substances in the preparation is quite small. In theory, celandine based oil should destructively affect small warts when treated as much as once a day for 1-2 months.

Celandine broth

To prepare a decoction of celandine, you should take 10 grams of grass, grind to a state of pulp or powder, if dried raw materials are used. Next, the plant is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and put on fire. The mixture should boil for 15 minutes. After it is removed, put for 1 hour in a warm place. After the necessary time, the medicine is filtered through cheesecloth and used as intended.

Using a decoction of celandine, genital warts and neoplasms are treated, located in places where aggressive influence is unacceptable (oral cavity, genitals, anus zone). The medicine is used in the form of douching (2-3 times a day) or baths (1 time / day 10-15 minutes). The course of treatment is to achieve the desired results, usually 3-4 weeks. Before applying to the mucous membranes, it is recommended to dilute the broth 1: 1 with boiled water.


There are few contraindications for local use of celandine preparations.

These include:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age less than 3-5 years;
  • low threshold of pain sensitivity of the patient;
  • malignant neoplasms and open wounds in the area of ​​application of the drug.

In general, celandine is a highly effective and safe means of removing skin growths and calluses. This has been proven over centuries of medical practice. A prerequisite for the safety of treatment is a correct assessment of the existing pathology and level of risk. Therefore, before starting a wart removal course, you need to consult a dermatovenerologist.