Now it has become fashionable to talk about the need for such a procedure as bowel cleansing. It has become a kind of wellness fashion. So we will find out today how necessary it is and how to properly cleanse the intestines at home.
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Why does a person need a bowel cleansing?
This organ has the appearance of a long corrugated tube inside. Throughout life, we often consume low-quality products that settle on folds in the form of feces and mucus, reaching a weight of up to several kilograms. Frequent constipation aggravates the situation, since intoxication of the whole organism develops due to feces in the intestine.
The following signs that indicate slagging of toxins and other harmful elements will testify that you need organ cleansing:
- weak immunity - allergic reactions and constant colds;
- pallor of the skin with the appearance of acne and black spots;
- poor absorption of vitamins and minerals;
- disturbances in the work of the body in the form of dysbiosis, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence and bloating;
- the presence of worms;
- bad breath and / or body odor even after cleaning and washing;
- you can not lose weight despite the diet;
- constant feeling of fatigue, apathy, headaches and irritability.
And so that these symptoms do not lead to serious pathologies of the liver, heart and kidneys, it is imperative to respond to them and take all possible measures to eliminate them.
Regular bowel cleansing, which is preferably carried out every six months, will help in this. To do this, there are many ways available for use at home.
Folk recipes for cleansing
The variety of methods to get rid of toxins and toxins in the intestine allows you to choose the most suitable for yourself.
Kefir drink
The natural and economical way can be called the use of kefir. At the same time, the product also contributes to weight loss. It contains a large number of useful ingredients that support the intestinal microflora and the work of the entire digestive tract.
For cleaning, a fresh (up to 3 days) drink at room temperature with a low percentage of fat content is suitable. If you use a product with 2% or more fat, you will get the opposite effect - constipation. You will need to drink 2-3 glasses regularly throughout the day.
Here are 2 of the most affordable recipes:
- For one day, drink 10 glasses of the product, not consuming anything else, except mineral water without gases or unboiled water. This procedure can be carried out once a month.
- For two weeks, drink 1% drink immediately after waking up in an amount of 200 g. At the same time, you need to eat a lot of plant fiber and drink up to 2 liters of liquid.
Before you start to drink kefir, make an enema to cleanse the body. Such recipes, their implementation, will help not only clean the intestines, but also lose a few extra pounds, as well as improve overall well-being.
Prunes Kissel
A soft laxative is jelly from prunes, which also positively affects immunity.
To cook it you will need:
- a pound of dry plums;
- 50 g of buckthorn (bark);
- bottle of holosas.
Pour water (2 l) into the cooked dishes, place the prunes and buckthorn in it, and boil. After that, reduce the heat and cook for about 30 minutes. Then you should remove the container from the stove, strain, squeeze the thick, let cool and add to the composition of Holosas. Pour the resulting drink into bottles with caps and drink every 2 hours in the evening after eating or before bedtime for 1 hour, 0.5 cup.
Bowel Cleansing Beetroot Juice
The use of beets is considered one of the most affordable methods of organ cleaning, but it is very effective. The method is shown to people living in large cities and leading a sedentary lifestyle.
The procedure is carried out for 2 weeks with a subsequent break. Beetroot juice will also help to lose weight and improve skin condition. To do this, just every morning, drink 200 ml of the drink.
Flax seeds
A very useful and gentle procedure can be called cleansing the intestines with flaxseeds.
- The product also works in combination with others - juices, cereals, salads, yoghurts, pastries and cottage cheese.
- You can also cook your own cleansing infusion. Grind 2 large spoons of flaxseed with a coffee grinder, pour a glass of plain water and let stand for 12 hours. After this time, take the composition immediately after sleep.
- There is a recipe for a decoction that you need to use before bedtime. Not chopped 1 large spoonful of flax seeds pour 250 ml of water and put on fire. As soon as the composition boils, reduce the gas and cook for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Once it has cooled, strain and eat.
Mineral water
Cleansing the intestines with a mineral water is allowed for almost anyone, even with existing health problems.
Important: the mineral water should be selected by the attending physician, which guarantees maximum results, including the process of losing weight.
- Here is one way. Heat 2 liters of mineral water by adding 2 small tablespoons of sea salt. This mixture should be drunk one and a half hours before dinner and preferably on an empty stomach. In the evening it is allowed to eat porridge cooked on water, or stewed vegetables.
- Another cleansing recipe. In the morning, warm the mineral water to 36 degrees, stirring 3 tsp. xylitol.Mix all this and use it in one gulp. After this procedure, you need to actively move. After 20 minutes, heat up another glass of mineral water, but not adding anything else, and drink again, continuing to move actively. After the same time, repeat the last procedure, but with a half glass. Exercise until you want to visit the toilet. And 1 hour after all these procedures, eat something light.
Dietary whey with herbs
Serum with the addition of herbs will also effectively cleanse your intestines and get rid of extra pounds.
Pour 1.5 liters of yogurt or kefir into the dishes (non-metallic), putting on a small fire in a water bath. While the composition is heating, finely chop any available greens. Pour greens into the cottage cheese that pops up on the surface of the dishes and let it sit for another 10 minutes. Separate the cottage cheese with gauze from the whey, which must be drunk before eating for 20 minutes.
Bran recipe
There are several ways to cleanse the intestines using bran. Some gently remove toxins toxins, others act more rigidly and are used once for constipation.
- Pour 250 grams of bran into a bowl deeper, pour 200 ml of pre-warmed milk over them. Leave to cool, then add 1 tsp. honey. The resulting composition should be consumed throughout the day in several stages, washed down with plain water or green tea. You can use rose hips.
- To lose weight, use a different recipe. Pour bran in an amount of 100 g with hot water and leave to infuse for half an hour. At this time, using a blender, grind raisins (1 tbsp.), Prunes (50 g), and then soaked bran. The composition is divided into 3 equal parts and consumed per day.
- With frequent constipation, eat a spoonful of bran diluted with a little warmed milk every day for 2-3 months.
If you are undergoing some kind of treatment, then cleansing the intestines is not recommended, as the drugs will not be able to fully absorb.
Figs for cleansing
- Pass through a meat grinder 100 g of dried figs, the same amount of dried apricots and raisins.
- Senna (grass) pour boiling water (1200 ml), let stand for 2 hours, then strain.
- Mix the resulting composition with ground dried fruits and place the dishes in a warm place overnight.
- In the morning, move it to the refrigerator and then consume 1 tbsp every evening. l in a week.
Using salt water
The method of cleansing the intestines with salt water was taken from the practice of yogis. To carry it out, only two ingredients are required - water and salt. Mandatory action in this case will be filtering and boiling water. You can drink it a little warm. It is advisable to use salt, or even better, use a saline laxative.
The composition is prepared as follows:
- Mix water with salt in a proportion of 1 liter per 1 tbsp. l., respectively.
- Cleaning the intestines in this way is carried out on an empty stomach. Drink the prepared saline solution (1 cup).
- After that, immediately begin to perform certain exercises.
- Repeat this 6 times, that is, take 6 glasses.
After completing the entire procedure, it is immediately necessary to go to the toilet to cleanse the intestines in a natural way, which usually happens immediately. After that, still drink a glass of the composition, doing the exercises again, and repeat the visit to the toilet. These procedures should continue until a clear fluid appears during an act of defecation.
Folk laxatives
As laxatives, traditional healers recommend using various herbs and plants, for example, mountain ash.
Preparing a laxative to cleanse the intestines is quite easy:
- Collect the berries before the first frosts, put them in a glass dish, cover with sugar layers.
- Cover with gauze and place in the sun until sugar dissolves.
- Place the dishes in a dark place for 3 weeks, making sure that the fermentation process does not go.
- It remains to strain and add alcohol in a proportion of 25 ml to 500 ml.
Drink the composition in an amount of 15 ml in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Laxative teas can be prepared from yarrow, dandelion, licorice, nettle, hay or buckthorn (bark). Chopped raw materials (2 small spoons) pour 250 ml of boiled water, wait for cooling to room temperature and consume up to 4 times during the day.
- One of the safest remedies is magnesia (magnesium sulfate), both in tablet form and in powder form. The drug activates the process of promoting food through the digestive system. It is necessary to take it on an empty stomach in the morning or at night, 30 g diluted in 0.5 cup of water.
- Fiber is also a source of apples that have a positive effect on the intestines and increase motility. The optimal varieties for this are sweet and sour. A day you need to eat 2 kg of apples with enough water (at least 2 liters). Use the method 2 times a month.
- Castor from constipation is prepared from castor oil (seeds) by cold pressing. The product tastes unpleasant with a peculiar aroma that not everyone likes. And to improve palatability, you can add lemon juice to the oil. 5 hours before the cleansing procedure should be the last meal. Heat the castor by placing it in boiling water for a while, then drink in one gulp, washed down with lemon juice. You can not eat for 8 hours.
Enema For Cleansing
If you do enemas from time to time, you can protect yourself from bowel obstruction. This procedure requires some preparation in the form of 1 or 2-day fasting. It is also possible to conduct a fasting day on sour-milk or vegetable products.
An enema is put in the early morning - up to 7 hours or before bedtime. For cleaning fluid, ordinary room temperature water is added with the addition of salt (2 l / 1 tbsp. L.), Lemon juice, cranberry or apple vinegar. The composition is pre-insisted up to 12 hours.
Use Esmarch's mug for the procedure. Lie on your side with your legs close to your chest and insert the compound into the gut. After that, hold it inside for 7-10 minutes, and then empty the intestines until the fluid is completely removed.
In what cases is it necessary to use medicines?
In those cases where folk methods have not had the proper effect, the use of drugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry is justified:
- the active substances of Bisacodyl irritate the intestinal wall, accelerating peristalsis;
- Portalac syrup is used for constipation, including prolonged;
- Dufalac has a mild laxative effect;
- for protracted problems with bowel movements due to functional problems and chronic ailments, Guttalax is used;
- Depuraflux contains natural ingredients, including senna extract.
All these tools improve the functioning of the intestines and the entire digestive tract, remove harmful substances and activate the secretion of gastric juice.
When are the procedures contraindicated?
Bowel cleansing has many advantages, but there are contraindications for such procedures.
It refers to:
- hepatitis and diabetes;
- asthma and pancreatitis;
- oncology and the postoperative period;
- renal failure and ulcerative colitis;
- serious pathologies of CVS and the period of pregnancy;
- elevated body temperature.
Ignoring the recommendations will lead to negative consequences for your body. Therefore, in the presence of the aforementioned ailments, before making a decision on bowel cleansing, consult your doctor. Health to you and your loved ones!