The Chihuahua breed is well-known throughout the world. This is not surprising, because miniature dogs do not require a lot of space to keep. They are cheerful and smart, they feel the master’s mood well, and if he is sad, they will certainly try to console him with funny tricks.
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Description of Longhair and Smooth Chihuahua
The smallest dog in the Guinness Book of Records is a chihuahua. Despite the miniature size, she is distinguished by courage, curiosity and observation, she is quick-witted and touchy.
In two types - longhair and shorthair - the breed was divided in the 50s of the XX century.
Long-haired Chihuahuas are believed to have a good-natured and tolerant character. Shorthair pets are more mobile and emotional. Both varieties come in a variety of colors.
Too long, developing wool is considered marriage, just like the complete absence of hairline or bald patches. Longhaired individuals do not have a very dense undercoat, and on the back of the limbs, ears, neck and tail, tow is visible.
To stroke a long-haired chihuahua is a real pleasure, their coat is thin and silky. It can be straight or slightly wavy. But smooth-haired chihuahuas require the most minimal care, it is enough to wipe them with a special mitten to make the coat shine.
History of breed origin
This breed comes from Mexico, and is named for one of the states of this country. She descended from the little leaky dogs that disappeared after the Spanish conquistadors conquered American lands.The Aztec civilization that existed on the territory of Mexico was then destroyed, the Spaniards destroyed the religious and cultural heritage of the indigenous population, and pets suffered a sad fate. Some leakies hid in the jungle and survived due to this.
Rumors about an amazing miniature dog living in Mexico were confirmed at the end of the 19th century by James Watson. He bought one animal and made the first description of the breed.
She has been participating in the Chihuahua Dog Show since 1904. Later, a standard for smooth and long-haired varieties was developed.
Chihuahuas came to Russia in an unusual way. The first pair of dogs was presented to President of the USSR Nikita Khrushchev by Cuban Fidel Castro as a sign of international friendship. It was a time of the Cold War, when the whole world lived in the painful expectation of a military conflict between the two superpowers.
Life span
Chihuahua - native breed, formed in vivo from dwarf Mexican dogs of the pre-Columbian era. She is distinguished by good health and the absence of genetic mutations.
With normal care and timely vaccinations, the dog is not susceptible to disease. In the summer, if she walks on the street, it is advisable for her to do monthly treatments for ticks and fleas.
The positive side of the breed is a long life span - up to 15 - 20 years. Health problems can be with very small pets that weigh less than 1.5 kg.
Dwarf dogs require delicate handling. You need to take them carefully, with two hands, you can not lift them by the legs, stomach, scruff or in the circumference of the ribs. If you fall even from a small height, animals have a risk of injury. Therefore, from a high sofa or chair, the Chihuahua should be put on the floor with his hands, immediately after you get up yourself.
The purpose and nature of the dog
The character of the dog is cheerful, playful, perky. She is very devoted to her master, she loves children. A chihuahua is completely fearless, sensing danger, rushes into battle, even if the enemy is much larger than her in size, she can easily crawl into the mouth of a large dog.
This companion dog loves spending time with the owner.
She is temperamental, agile, brave and devoted, naturally has a strong psyche. Very curious, but notable for her remarkable endurance and patience. She is active and loves attention. She will try to do everything so that guests who come to the house notice her.
Chihuahua dog is very smart, she learns quickly, easily adapts to new conditions and find a common language with children. To some this breed may seem intrusive, its favorite place is in the hands of the owner.
Breed standard and puppy selection
Chihuahuas come in a variety of colors, with short or long hair. These are dogs with a compact body, a rounded skull and a tail bent upwards in the form of a semicircle.
Description of the breed, requirements of the standard for appearance:
- the muzzle is short and straight or slightly oblong, a rounded forehead hangs over it;
- scissor bite or straight;
- large eyes of dark color almost bulging;
- large ears with slightly rounded tips;
- neck of medium length with a scruff in long-haired dogs;
- the back is short and strong;
- the chest is wide, moderately voluminous;
- tight stomach;
- tail set high, always bent up;
- forepaws straight, hind muscles muscular, move freely and springy;
- any color is acceptable except merle;
- reasonable, bold character;
- weight from 600 g to 3 kg;
- growth from 15 to 25 cm.
Dogs are knitted large enough, weighing about 3 kg. A chihuahua usually has no more than 3 puppies per litter. It is advisable to buy a puppy from the breeder in 2.5 or 3 months.
The best indicator of the animal’s health is its appearance, shiny coat and eyes burning with enthusiasm. Puppies are born with hanging ears that rise after 6 months of life.
A dog with a slight defect can be bought for 10 thousand rubles.Thoroughbred chihuahua puppies are more expensive, the upper limit of the cost depends on the line of breeding and other factors.
Maintenance, care and feeding
- Restroom. During the growth of the puppy, all the rugs and carpets are cleaned, because the dog does not feel the difference between the carpet and the diaper, and will write on it.
- A place. The animal should have its own corner where they put the bowls, preferably on a stand so that the back is straight during eating. A sleeping place is arranged nearby and a diaper is laid, on which the puppy goes to the toilet. If nobody is at home all day, it is advisable to buy a special enclosure for the dog, which is easy to assemble and put in the room. In the free space of the apartment there are many dangers for it - electrical wires, narrow slots under the furniture.
- Food. Chihuahuas must have constant access to water and food. The average adult eats 50 - 70 g of dry food per day. You can also feed your pet with natural food. A varied diet should include not only protein foods (meat, fish, cottage cheese), but also vegetables, fruits, cereals.
- Hair care. Chihuahua does not need complicated grooming. She sheds 2 times a year. It is necessary to bathe a dog with long and short hair 1 time in 2 or 3 months, and comb it out once a week.
- Hygiene. In addition to wool, they monitor the ears, eyes, claws, teeth. Cut the claws with special claws. After each walk, they wipe their eyes with moist cotton. Daily hygiene procedures include brushing your teeth. If this is neglected, gum disease may begin, leading to tooth loss.
- Games. The dog loves to play, she needs latex or vinyl toys, a ball. During the change of teeth, so that the dairy ones fall out more quickly and do not interfere with the indigenous growth, they give large bones, boiling them beforehand.
- Walking. Chihuahua needs exercise. Although she’s used to getting used to the tray without any problems, she shouldn’t be allowed to sit at home. One half-hour walk per day is enough for the dog to walk up. In winter, so that the pet does not freeze, you need to wear special clothes - overalls or a jacket, and on the legs of the boot.
How to train a chihuahua
Looking at the size of the dog, it seems that she does not need education. But so that the pet understands what can and cannot be done, do not climb tables, stealing food, behave with restraint and obedience, it is necessary to deal with it from 2 to 3 months.
In raising a dog, the most important period is the first year. The puppy needs to be taught to behave at home and on the street. A properly educated pet has a stable psyche, it will not bark and be capricious all the time.
A dog must be punished for misbehavior. This, of course, is not about the use of force, it is enough to ignore it for a while, and she will immediately understand everything. In order for the puppy to grow socialized and not bark from every noise, it is advisable to bring him out into the street.
A full training course is optional. It is enough to know several important commands - “to me”, “sit”, “fu”, “not allowed”, “place”. Aggression, disobedience and pampering of a dog must be strictly stopped, since this breed is very smart and can easily perform in a circus with a special training.
Advantages and disadvantages of the breed
Less breed in its tiny size, it requires a careful attitude. Dogs weighing less than 1.5 kg have a small fontanel on their heads, as in infants. It is necessary to handle such an animal carefully, because a jump from a high height, a fall of some object on the animal’s head can lead to injury.
It is undesirable to have such a small dog for families with children under 6 or 7 years old.
Plus the breed is also in its miniature.
- You can buy clothes for a dog and dress up, like a child, for a walk in cool weather.
- This pet is not necessary to walk every day.
- He does not need to buy a lot of food and spend a lot of money on doctors - the Chihuahua has excellent health.
- It is interesting to take a tiny companion everywhere with you - to a store, a country trip, and even a tourist trip.
Chihuahua - a dog for cheerful people, which will not let you get bored. It is suitable for teenagers and senior citizens, for people who work hard, and for housewives. This is a charming ball of happiness with smart eyes and a clear voice.