Fans of miniature touching dogs are unlikely to pass the Spitz - a charming ball of wool with a cute muzzle. These wonderful creations are distinguished by a variety of colors. Black spitz is currently particularly popular. What is the peculiarity of this breed and how to care for a coal-black “teddy bear”?
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Description and specifications
The charming dogs acquired their name thanks to the notorious historical area on the Baltic coast of Svalbard. However, the exact location of the appearance of the Spitz was not possible to track. Many dog breeders are sure that for the first time furry creatures were seen in the north of Europe, where, in fact, German Spitz came from. The breed reached wide distribution in the 18th century. Interestingly, at that time, Spitz were mostly pets of ordinary people and only after some time became favorites of aristocratic families.
A bit of history. Beginning in 1960, Spitz gave the championship to the Pekingese, who captured the love and delight of Europeans, having arrived from China. Queen Victoria, ascended the throne, helped restore fame to Spitz - dogs of this breed were considered her favorites. Gradually, the Spitz attracted the attention of the Kennel Club of England. Breeders increasingly sought to create even more miniature individuals, since at that time there was a certain weight restriction for participants in dog shows.
Spitz - very mobile and playful dogs. They get along well with people, adore children. Puppies easily adapt to the lifestyle of the new owners, if necessary, for a long time they can do without a walk and relieve the need for a tray. Spitz is distinguished by complaisance of disposition and obedience.
As for the interaction with other pets, everything is somewhat more complicated. In general, Spitz are quite peaceful and ready to accept almost any animal, except for cats, as companions - they do not like them. At the same time, Spitz clearly delimits space, and will not allow intruders to invade their territory.
There are 2 main varieties of dogs of this breed: Pomeranian and German Spitz.
Pomeranian Spitz
Charming creatures resembling foxes or cubs (for this reason they are also called bear type dogs).
Standard thoroughbred Spitz weigh no more than 3 kg and should not grow more than 23 cm. The color of oranges is the most diverse: white, black and tan, reddish, beige, sand, grayish. The hair of individuals of this breed is straight and stiff; a soft undercoat is spread under it. The muzzle of purebred dogs should not be excessively pointed or wide. Spitz ears must always be upright and have a triangular shape. The presence of hanging ears is a sign of a defective individual. A small tail forms a perky little ring, pressing against the back of the animal.
There are several subspecies of Pomeranian spitz:
- classic type (dogs are very reminiscent of foxes with their elongated muzzle);
- bearish type;
- baby dollars
By the way. For its miniature size, the Pomeranian was called dwarf.
German Spitz
German Spitz is a kind of combination concept for several varieties of the breed, with each "branch" being bred and put up for competition separately. Often in the litter appear too small or, conversely, large puppies. In such cases, young growth is assessed by experts and, if necessary, the pedigree is changed taking into account the size characteristics of specific individuals.
Note. The concept of "Spitz" (including German) is used to refer to all animals of the Spitz-like species. These creatures are distinguished by a pointed muzzle, erect ears, small eyes and a tail thrown back to the back.
Black German Spitz is easily distinguishable from its Pomeranian counterpart, but for convenience both breeds are called a short term. Going into the depths of pedigree differences is the jury of dog shows. For admirers of charming animals, it’s enough to know - a tiny “teddy bear”, fingering its strong plump legs - orange. A medium sized dog with magnificent hair and long graceful legs is a German Spitz.
Breed standard
Speaking about the standard indicators of the breed, it is necessary to take into account the different varieties of Spitz:
- Wolfspitz - 43-55 cm, 25-30 kg;
- large Spitz - 8-12 kg, 17-20 kg, 42-50 cm;
- average Spitz - 30-38 cm;
- Small Spitz - 4.5 kg, 23-29 cm.
The head of Spitz is of medium size, the roll from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly distinguishable.
The muzzle is shorter than the forehead; black lips are located on it. The teeth are small, sharp.
Erect triangular ears are located close to each other.
The neck is strong and gives the impression of being short because of the thick coat of the animal.
The chest is massive and wide.
The legs are straight, parallel to each other.
A high-set tail is medium in size.
Bear Care Features
The flowering appearance and health of Spitz depends on the care of his care. The main feature of Spitz and their dignity is, of course, wool. It should be soft, thick and shiny. Of course, such a cover requires careful care, but not too complicated. Every 4 days, the dog needs to be combed with a special brush and a regular comb.
Tip. Pomeranian Spitz does not need to be bathed often, only in case of severe pollution and during moulting. Daily combing is also not necessary - it can deprive the animal of the undercoat.
The teeth of babies need careful care - they should be regularly cleaned with a special brush and toothpaste.
It is also necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the ears and eyes of Spitz - they are examined weekly and, if necessary, cleaned with a swab dipped in boiled water.
How to feed Spitz dogs
When purchasing a dog from a breeder, you should be interested in the nutritional characteristics of the animal. Subsequently, this diet should not be radically changed. If the transition is inevitable, a new type of food should be introduced into the Spitz diet in stages, in small portions. The entire transition period should not exceed 7-10 days.
If the owner has chosen dry food as the basis of his pet’s diet, you must definitely choose the highest class brands. The composition of the goodies must certainly include proteins. Vitamins should also be present in the feed.
You can diversify the diet of the Spitz with natural products (meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy products).
And the products from the following list will not only not bring benefits, but they can also significantly harm:
- sausages and smoked products;
- sweets;
- overly salty dishes.
Tip. Do not feed the Spitz with food from the general table. Adults should not be given whole milk, cabbage and legumes - they can cause intestinal problems. Food consumed by Spitz should not be too cold or hot.
The cost of dogs with a black color
The cost of black Pomeranian spitz puppies is usually higher than that of standard, reddish ones. Although in this regard, everything is individual and depends on the "purpose" of the dog. So, puppies sold as a pet can cost from 17 to 40,000 rubles. The cost of purebred dogs with a pedigree starts at 50,000 rubles. Children of titled parents, future winners of various dog competitions, can cost 150-170 thousand rubles.
Black Spitz are very cute and funny creatures. They are ideal as companions to those people who value unpretentiousness and activity in dogs. Miniature dogs can easily adapt to the owner's lifestyle, and their touching appearance will tirelessly delight the look.