Dried fruits and, in particular, prunes are allocated as a separate link in the human diet. This dried delicacy has a pleasant taste and can be used to enhance health. Fans of such a product should know what the benefits and harms of prunes are for the body, as well as to whom it is indicated and to whom it is prohibited.

Prunes: chemical composition and calorie content

Prunes have a fairly high energy value - 264 kcal for every hundred grams.

The chemical composition includes:

  • fats - 0.7 g
  • proteins - 2.3 g,
  • carbohydrates - 57.5 g.

Also, the composition of dried fruit includes a whole bunch of healthy substances, vitamins and minerals:

  • Sahara;
  • pectins;
  • cellulose;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins A, B, C, PP;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.
  • sucrose;
  • glucose;
  • fructose.

Useful properties for the human body

What is prune good for? The fetus has a positive effect on all body systems:

  • Cleanses the intestines from toxins and toxins.
  • It is considered a good prevention of constipation.
  • Promotes natural weight loss.
  • It has a cleansing effect on blood vessels.
  • Resists free radicals, reducing the risk of cancer.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • It has an antibacterial effect (suppresses the activity of harmful microorganisms: E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus).
  • Serves for the prevention of dental diseases.
  • Beneficial effect on the quality of vision due to the content of carotene in its composition.
  • Helps increase efficiency.
  • It has a tonic effect.
  • It has a mild diuretic effect.

Prune treatment for constipation

Useful properties of prunes are relevant in the fight against such unpleasant phenomena as constipation. If this condition is not caused by serious pathologies, then you can use traditional medicine recipes to eliminate it.

Prune tea against constipation. Stages of preparation:

  1. Pour boiling water over several fruits.
  2. Let them brew for at least 5 hours (best left overnight).
  3. Take the infusion during the day in small portions.

Tip. You need to take such a decoction no more than 2 times a week. Those who do not like the fruits of prunes can remove them from the broth and take only liquid.

There is another option for using prunes for constipation (for those who value time and do not want to spend it on brewing dried fruits).

  1. It is enough to take 5 ripe prunes, chew them thoroughly and drink with clean boiled water.
  2. After 3 to 4 hours, the process should be repeated.
  3. Relaxation usually occurs on the same day. This procedure should be performed on an empty stomach.

How to lose weight with prunes

Can prunes be used for weight loss? Of course, because the components in its composition help to quickly lose extra pounds without exhausting diets.

The main "weight loss" benefits of prunes are as follows:

  • Normalize blood sugar. Despite the high calorie content, the fetus has a low glycemic index - only 29 units. This is almost 2.5 times less than sugar. Thus, prunes are also suitable for diabetics.
  • Lowers cholesterol.
  • Gives a feeling of satiety, dulling hunger. Fiber in the fetus fills the stomach, temporarily discouraging a bite to eat.
  • It is considered a good antidepressant. Good mood = successful diet. Prunes guarantee a charge of vigor and optimism, improves mental and emotional state.
  • Cleanses the intestines. A diet rich in fiber is considered more effective.
  • Provides the body with all the necessary substances. Dried fruit retains all the properties of ripe plums and provides the systems with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. In addition, this delicacy is very tasty.

The combination of prunes + kefir has excellent "weight loss" properties. For the sake of experiment, you can try to replace dinner or breakfast with this tandem. Cut 5 prune fruits (or chop in a blender) and mix with a glass of kefir. Such a cocktail will not only help you lose weight, but also prevent possible constipation.

Tip. When buying kefir, you should pay attention to the timing of production, since the laxative effect directly depends on its "age".

A product older than 2 days, in contrast, is able to exert a fixing effect. In this case, it remains only to guess who will win - weakening prunes or fixing kefir.

Dried fruit during pregnancy

What is the benefit of prunes during pregnancy? The fetus has a beneficial effect on the body of expectant mothers due to the following properties:

  • Improves complexion, healing skin.
  • Eliminates constipation - frequent companions of pregnant women.
  • Normalizes the water balance in the body of the expectant mother.
  • It has a choleretic effect.

And although this dried fruit has practically no contraindications for women in position, when using it, you should adhere to some recommendations:

  • Do not use prunes often and uncontrollably. Particular care should be taken to dose the fetus to pregnant women with diabetes.
  • To reduce the risk of a possible allergy, you need to carefully choose prunes. Fruits should be sweet, with a slight acidity, without bitterness and sufficiently hard.

Dried prunes: benefits and harms

Such dried fruits are valued for their multiple positive qualities:

  • Stabilize the pressure.
  • Fight oral infections.
  • Relevant in the early stages of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • They help eliminate pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
  • Increase efficiency.
  • Rejuvenate body cells.
  • Improve vision.
  • They have a powerful antibacterial effect, not inferior to medications.

Attention! All of the listed qualities apply exclusively to natural, non-chemical treated fruits.

For a long time, the plum was dried directly in the sun and only in the 30s of the last century they began to use mechanical dehydration.

As a rule, only ripe, fleshy fruits with a sugar content of at least 10% and acids - not more than 1.2% are dried.

Drying prunes at home:

  1. Sort plums thoroughly, rinse and blanch.
  2. Arrange the fruits on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
  3. Raw materials need to be dried for at least 4 hours at a temperature of 100 degrees, but they need to cool down much longer - 6-8 hours.
  4. After drying, the future prunes must be re-placed in the oven, preheated to 80 degrees. At this temperature, the hearths are dried for 6 hours, after which they cool for another 3 hours.
  5. It remains to reheat the oven to 100 degrees, place the plums there and hold for 30 minutes.
  6. Prune is ready. You only need to transfer it to a suitable storage container.


Contraindications to the use of prunes are few.

So, the fruits should not be introduced into the diet (or strictly limit):

  • patients with diabetes;
  • nursing mothers (can cause colic and upset stomach in the baby);
  • people suffering from obesity.

Prunes are a universal treat combining a pleasant taste and invaluable benefits for the body. With a relatively small number of contraindications, these fruits are suitable for people suffering from constipation, and those who want to lose weight. Dried plums are also useful for those who just like to enjoy healthy sweets.