At the initial stages of viral infections and colds, many are in no hurry to see a doctor, preferring to alleviate the symptoms with the help of traditional medicine. For these purposes, there are time-tested "grandmother's" recipes for black radish for coughing with honey. The combination of these two products is even more effective than expensive drugs.
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Black radish with honey - useful properties in the treatment of cough
The effectiveness of the known root crop in the treatment of colds lies in its composition. The fact is that radish is rich in essential oils and trace elements: potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc. These substances have antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. In addition, in the vegetable is an element called lysozyme. It is able to penetrate into viral cells and destroy infectious agents, preventing their reproduction. At the same time, lysozyme has anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effects, promoting coughing, thinning sputum, and also reducing sore throat. And the content of vitamins B6 and C only enhances these processes and increases immunity.
Do not forget about the second important component of the drug - honey. This beekeeping product has a pronounced analgesic and bactericidal effect. Included in the composition of glucose - activates the cerebral cortex and stimulates the production of opioid substances. The latter have a positive effect on the frequency of urges to cough, gradually leading them to zero.
In addition, honey stimulates the production of saliva and mucus, which moisten the nasopharynx, facilitate the process of sputum discharge and form a protective layer on the surface of damaged tissues.
What cough helps?
Before prescribing treatment yourself, you need to make sure that the medicine will help. So, radish with honey can be used for colds and SARS, because the juice contains a natural antibiotic, thanks to which all the symptoms of the disease are easier to tolerate, and a low temperature drops to normal limits.
As for the answer to the question - how to treat cough with black radish - here the vegetable does not help in all cases. First you need to deal with the symptom. A productive (wet) cough is characterized by coughing up sputum and bronchial mucus. In this case, treating a radish ailment is almost pointless. The body copes with the disease on its own, and the main thing is not to interfere with it. With a wet cough, it is enough to use at least 2 liters of warm liquid so that sputum does not become viscous.
If a person is tormented by a frequent cough, in which coughing is difficult, and the process itself is accompanied by severe pain in the throat, back, chest, then this is a dry or unproductive cough. In this embodiment, the radish will be able to help: the cough will become productive, the bronchi will clear and the disease will recede.
How to make black radish with cough honey
Before proceeding directly to the recipes themselves, you need to consider several nuances. Firstly, it is advisable to buy radish at farmers' markets, where products with a minimum content of harmful chemical impurities are sold. Secondly, you do not need to try to choose the largest root crop. From this, its effectiveness can be even worse. It is better to opt for a medium-sized radish, weighing about 300 g.
Be sure to inspect the vegetable for damage or spoiled places. Choose only hard and fresh root crops - they will be the most juicy.
After the purchase, the radish must be thoroughly washed and dried. Then it is either put in water with a pinch of sugar or crushed.
Black radish juice with cough honey
To make juice you need a small vegetable. To begin with, it is necessary to cut off the top of the radish, stepping back about 1-2 cm from the edge. In the middle, a groove in the form of a funnel should be cut at a distance of about 2-3 cm from the peel, and the pulp should be removed. Lightly cut the inner walls of the vegetable with the tip of a knife and grease with honey. It is important to leave the top edges untouched so that there is a place where juice will stand out.
The radish itself is put into a jar of water with the root, and the cut off top is used as a lid. After 2-3 hours, juice will begin to appear inside the recess. Maximum concentration will occur in 10-12 hours.
When the first portion of the liquid is used, the walls are again cut with a knife and greased with honey. If the juice becomes less - you can make the inner recess a little more. But when the radish begins to fade, and this will happen on 3-5 days of use, it is better to take a fresh root crop.
Cooking with chopped radish
In order not to suffer with core cutting, you can just peel the vegetable and grate it. Then squeeze the resulting pulp through cheesecloth or through a strainer to obtain juice. Add honey or sugar to the finished liquid.
An even more economical and simpler option is when the radish is peeled and cut into small cubes. The vegetable will be placed in a small dish (preferably glass or earthenware), watered abundantly with liquid honey, covered with a lid and placed in a cool dark place at night. During this period of time, the radish will put in a lot of juice, which must be poured into a separate jar, and again pour the cubes with honey.
So you can repeat only 3 times, after which they take fresh radish, and do it all over again. Since the finished juice cannot be drunk at a time, its remains are stored in the refrigerator.
How to take radish with cough honey
Use a healing infusion is allowed no more than three weeks for adults and no longer than one week for children. If the remedy does not help within the specified period of time, you should consult a doctor. The best option when radish juice is used in combination with other medicines prescribed by a specialist.
If the cough is not strong, and the folk remedy does not harm, then the juice is drunk according to the following scheme.
Pregnant women drink a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. The maximum duration of treatment is 7-10 days. The substances that make up the radish can accumulate in the body and cause an increased tone of the uterus, so if you take it for a long time, you need to consult a doctor.
Children are recommended to drink a teaspoon 3-4 times a day. And first you need to check the reaction of the child, giving him only one sip. If after 2-3 hours no negative reactions occur, treatment is continued. It is permissible for very young children to give ½ teaspoon.
The recommended dose for adults is 3-5 tablespoons per day. It is advisable to take the juice immediately after a meal, although the option before the main meal is also allowed.
Three days after the start of treatment, a dry cough should turn into a productive one. Then continue taking the medicine for another 2-4 days until all symptoms disappear.
The most important limitation for using a homemade medicine is an allergy to radish or honey. If a negative reaction appears on the root crop, then this type of treatment should be abandoned. When there is an allergy only to honey (which is much more common), then the bee product can be replaced with regular sugar. Efficiency will not suffer much.
Another contraindication is a recent heart attack or stroke. This is directly related to the fact that radish stimulates blood circulation and can worsen recovery after an attack, and this is unsafe for those who have vessels in poor shape.
You also need to consider that radish juice is very concentrated, so it can harm the stomach.
Hence, the root crop is taken with caution in the presence of such diseases:
- gastritis (with any acidity);
- pancreatitis
- peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
- problems in the liver;
- serious kidney problems;
- enterocolitis;
- gout (especially in the acute stage).
As for pregnant and young children, they can take radish, but there is always a risk of an individual reaction. Even if nothing like this had happened before. Therefore, it is recommended that you visit your doctor before use.
Since drugs do not always give good results, and sometimes turn out to be completely harmful to expectant mothers or young children, juice of black radish with honey is still one of the proven ways to quickly get rid of cough.