This breed is quite rare, and yet the black German shepherd often becomes the heroine of feature films and documentaries, decoration of exhibitions. A person who is just about to get a dog should take a closer look at such a four-legged friend, because thanks to the advantages of a universal breed and spectacular appearance, such a dog will be an excellent choice.
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Breed description
The black German shepherd looks more impressive than its black-headed counterparts, but in general, the description of the breed applies to it. The "Germans" have thick hair with a dense undercoat. Such a dog can work in various climatic zones. True, in Russia, shepherd dogs were still crossed with huskies so that service dogs did not freeze even in Eastern Siberia.
- The growth of the black shepherd is higher than black-eyed. The standard permits 68 cm (for black ones - up to 65 cm). The dog is large, but not a giant.
- Weight can also be more - up to 50 kg (for dogs of standard colors 40 kg - the limit). A physically developed person can keep such a dog in a jerk. This is important for service breeds.
- The coat of the black "Germans" is longer, it looks more silky. In the area of the head, it can slightly rise, resembling a lion's mane.
- With good care, the German Shepherd Dog will live 14 - 15 years and longer. Although her official work will end a few years earlier.
The most attractive in this breed is character. German shepherd, including black, is a station wagon.Mature and vigilant, loyal to the owner and incorruptible, strong and moderately aggressive, she has served the person faithfully for many years.
The German Shepherd is not in vain included in the TOP-3 of the most intelligent breeds. Her intelligence makes it easy to remember a large number of teams. Your pet will be great at training.
For many years, breeders focused on matching puppies with the general characteristics of the breed, while the color receded into the background. But the white dogs were still rejected, and the black color was considered not a very significant drawback. Later, it was black puppies that were selected from litters, raised and bred. Then a separate description of the breed appeared.
Origin history
Dogs resembling shepherd dogs served humans thousands of years ago. They helped herd cattle, protected from predators. A key role in the formation of the breed was played by a resident of Germany, a passionate dog handler von Stefanitz. His pets were distinguished by amazing obedience, precise execution of the owner’s commands, they won the competitions more than once. The breed has become a national pride.
As mentioned above, black dogs were not much appreciated. But in 1906, the male dog Roland made a splash at the show. He demonstrated the best qualities of German shepherds, but he looked so unusual and spectacular that many dog breeders decided - a new breed appeared.
Since then it has become prestigious to have a black pet. Puppies of this color could be born to both parents of a dark color and black-eyed shepherds. The recessive gene responsible for the transmission of dark color is present in almost every pedigree line. But since it is not dominant, coal-colored shepherds are still rare. Among them are long-haired black German shepherd dogs. Recently, such pets are allowed for exhibitions and breeding.
The nature and behavior of the black German shepherd
The character of the black German shepherd allows her to act in different roles. To be a pet (although a hard-working dog will begin to yearn without real work) or to protect the entrusted object. Work in the police or become a guide for the blind. To search for drugs or graze cattle - a shepherd - a clever and a worker - will come in handy everywhere.
The dog is always attentive, nothing escapes her eyes. However, she will not show excessive aggression: she will not attack for no reason at all other animals or humans. You will not hear the constant barking - the shepherd speaks only when he wants to attract your attention.
It should be noted that all of the above does not apply to those animals that sit on a short chain around the clock. Although the shepherd has a flexible psyche, she will not be able to withstand such conditions for a long time. Not knowing where to throw out his energy, the dog will become hysterical and aggressive.
With proper education, representatives of this service dog breed will become indispensable friends. They will easily pass the stage of socialization, take their place in the family.
Highlighting the owner, the shepherd will be friendly to all household members, play with children, protect the territory and property. The dog will actively begin to protect “its own people,” and it has opportunities for this. The German Shepherd is a formidable adversary who is not afraid of any threat.
Breed standard and puppy selection
- Strong, well-built dog.
- The line of the body is stretched, the backbone is strong. The withers are well defined.
- The top line is smooth, merges with the tail.
- Straight and strong back, wide chest, sloping croup.
- The tail is saber.
- The front legs are strong, parallel to each other.
- At the rear - a pronounced angle, setting wider.
- The claws are dark.
- The head is wedge-shaped, the forehead is slightly convex.
- The eyes are almond shaped.
- The nose is black.
- The bite is scissor-like.
- Black color, due to the recessive gene, have 3% BUT.
Choosing a black German shepherd puppy, you should be especially careful.An exceptional case when a baby of such a rare color can be purchased on the market. The risk exists when buying an animal on an ad. Only experienced dog handlers can say that it will grow out of one or another fluffy lump. Having given a lot of money, you can get a black mutt.
Puppies should be bought only from trusted breeders. You can visit the exhibition, get acquainted with the owners of animals, agree on the acquisition of a puppy from the next litter.
What criteria should be followed?
You should:
- Ideally, see both parents, see their pedigrees.
- Make sure that the number of puppies in the litter is small (up to 10).
- Ask how many times a year a bitch gives birth. The responsible breeder focuses on 1 litter annually. 4
- Puppies from the first day should grow in good conditions, be clean, well-fed, with shiny eyes. There should be no discharge from the eyes and nose, ruffled hair, swollen stomachs.
- If everything suits you, they are watching the puppies for some time. A promising pet behaves calmly, shows interest in the environment, does not show excessive cowardice.
- Inspect the teeth - the bite should be scissor-like. It is important that the legs are straight, the knee joints have a long bend.
- The tail of the baby should not have kinks or twist with a ringlet.
- Puppies should be vaccinated according to age.
It is best to choose a future pet along with a breed specialist.
The price for a black German shepherd puppy can range from 9 thousand to 90 thousand rubles, depending on the titularity of the parents and the external data of the baby.
Features of keeping a dog
A black German shepherd can live in the same conditions as a regular BUT. Dogs are kept both in city apartments and in the yard - in enclosures and booths.
In the apartment, the place for the dog will be a dense rug or a special couch. You should not place the shepherd in the drafts and where the dog lying in its place will interfere with people.
The owner of the "German" must tune in for long walks. Dogs of this breed can not be walked for several minutes, waiting until the dog recovers.
Shepherd dogs must necessarily get physical activity, otherwise the dog will throw out unspent energy at home. Furniture, clothes, books will suffer - everything an energetic dog can reach.
Best of all, the German shepherd will feel in the yard, which she immediately takes under guard. A spacious enclosure and a warmed booth are all that a dog needs. She perfectly tolerates the Russian winter, grows strong and healthy.
Care, health, feeding
German Shepherd Dog requires daily grooming. An attentive host will examine his eyes for any discharge. Ears are cleaned with special swabs. At the first signs of the disease - redness, itching - the dog is taken to the veterinarian.
After a walk, they remove the dirt from the pet, bathe them every 3 to 4 months. The hair needs to be combed daily, especially for long-haired representatives of the breed - otherwise, warlocks will appear.
You can feed the shepherd with both natural and dry feed. Food for the dog is prepared separately, you can not use what is left of the master's table. It is unacceptable to give the animal tubular bones, flour products and sweets will not be useful. The diet should include cereals and vegetables, meat and fish, cottage cheese.
When choosing from dry feed, you should, if possible, focus on premium products.
An adult dog is fed 2 times a day; a bowl is placed for 15 to 20 minutes. That the dog has not eaten is removed. Clean water should be freely available.
If the dog serves, lives in the winter in the street - the diet is made more nutritious.
It is advisable to constantly contact the same veterinarian. The German Shepherd is a healthy breed, but all vaccinations must be done on time for the dog. And if an emergency happened - poisoning, injury - the animal needs to be delivered to the veterinarian clinic as quickly as possible.
Purpose of the breed
Perhaps it is impossible to imagine work that a black German shepherd would not have mastered. This dog can guard the herd and protect animals from predators, work in the army and police, help customs officers, look for drugs and explosives, act as a guide for the blind. The shepherd will take care of the house and garden, apartment and car. Will become a nanny for children, comrade and companion - adolescents. In a word, he will share any work with you.
Only one thing must not be allowed - so that the dog toils from boredom. So you can destroy all the magnificent qualities inherent in this breed.
Raising and training a service dog
You need to raise a puppy from the day he got into your house. Soon, the baby will know his nickname, will remember all household members. It is advisable at this time to communicate with him as much as possible.
It’s easy to train a German shepherd. She learns new teams with pleasure. Which ones should she remember first? “To me”, “Place”, “Sit”. And the latter, pay special attention. If the dog clearly understands the Sit command, having submitted it, you can stop any unwanted actions of your pet. It will not be difficult for a young shepherd to remember other commands: “Fu”, “Lie”, “Voice”. It is best to conduct at least the first classes with a trainer.
Optimally, if the shepherd passes the OKD together with you, the general training course, and the ZKS, the guard-guard service.
It is important that the pet is trained regularly, encouraged for the executed team. If you want the dog to start working immediately (for example, to start guarding the yard), and you won’t be able to spend time training, take not an puppy, but an adult trained dog.
Pros and Cons of a German Shepherd Dog
Before stopping on a dog of a particular breed, study its pros and cons. After all, you take great responsibility. It is very difficult to get rid of a pet in which you have invested strength and money, and most importantly - part of your soul if the dog for some reason did not suit you.
Pros of breed:
- Universality.
- Intelligence.
- Ability to train.
- Unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention.
- Good security and guard qualities.
- The absence of unmotivated aggression.
- Endurance.
Cons of breed
- High activity.
- Long walks, daily work are needed.
- Requires a serious attitude to training.
- Not suitable for older people, will create many problems in a small apartment.
Subject to all conditions of education, the German shepherd will become your reliable friend and protector.