Sweet jealousy is derived on the basis of the Bryansk pink variety, from which it took all the best and at the same time is devoid of its main shortcomings. Before you plant a tree, you should learn in detail about the agricultural technology of its cultivation, as well as all the features of the variety.

Sweet cherry: description of the variety

In the register of fruit trees, the variety of sweet jealousy has been listed since 1994. It is recommended for cultivation in the south and in the central region. The experience of gardeners shows that the culture can be grown to the north, although there is a risk that the tree will freeze in particularly harsh winters.

It produces fruits of medium size, and their weight averages 4.7 g and a maximum of 7.7 g. Their shape is wide round. The peel is particularly dense. The fruit color at the peak of ripeness is dark red, almost black. The taste is very sweet. High transportability.

The tree grows at high speed and soon reaches its maximum size.

Cherry fruiting begins at 5 years after planting. It blooms in mid-May, the fruits ripen by the end of June, beginning of July. Productivity is high. Frosts, which most often occur during the period of kidney formation, are not dangerous for jealousy.

The variety is self-fertile, therefore, to obtain a crop, it is necessary to plant two trees. It is possible to plant different varieties of cherries, which will bloom at one time.

Features of growing in the garden

The tree grows sprawling, and therefore, when choosing a place for it, you must immediately select the site on which it will not obscure other plants, disrupting their growth.If only one tree is planted on the plot, then from self-pollination of the plant only 5% of the volume of the crop that should take place with proper pollination will be obtained when other sweet cherries grow in the neighborhood.

Pollination of cherry from a cherry tree practically does not occur, while from it cherries of many varieties are qualitatively pollinated. This is important if you plan to get young plants from the seeds and keep the variety.

Outdoor landing

From how correctly planted the plant depends on its further development. Novice gardeners often make mistakes at the planting stage, because of which they have to wait a very long time for the harvest.

How and when to plant?

The best time for planting cherries is the beginning of spring until the buds are swollen on the seedling. In this case, the stress will be minimal, and rooting as fast as possible.

A tree is planted in a pit, at the bottom of which a mound of nutrient soil is formed. A tree is placed on it, whose roots are evenly distributed over the mound, preventing their bending and twisting. Then the seedling is covered with soil to the root neck. Having slightly trampled the earth, planted cherries are watered with 20 liters of water.

Read also: why cherries are useful for a woman’s body

Soil preparation and location

Cherry is very demanding on the place where it will grow. The tree is characterized by increased photophilia and does not tolerate excessive moisture. It cannot be planted in lowlands, windy places, on heavy soils and northern slopes. Ideal for planting are sunny southern or southwest areas protected from the wind, with light, nutritious and neutral soil. If you plant cherries near the southern wall of the house, it will be reliably protected from the wind and at the same time will be able to get the necessary amount of light. You need to retreat from the building at least 4 meters, since otherwise the roots of a growing tree can violate the foundation.

It is necessary to prepare the soil in the fall. To do this, a 60 by 80 cm hole is dug, a stake is driven into the center, to which a tree will be tied up when the drawdown occurs. At 1/3 of the depth, the pit is filled with a mixture of sod land and humus, which are taken in a ratio of 1: 1. 300 g of superphosphate and 100 g of sodium sulfate are added to the same composition. After this, the soil with fertilizers is already well mixed in the pit. In this condition, the landing site should spend the winter, and then in the spring the soil will become fertile enough for the cherry seedling.

Sweet jealousy: leaving

After proper planting, the seedling needs to provide competent care. Without this, counting on high cherry yields is impossible in the future.

Watering schedule

For cherries, jealous varieties are equally harmful overmoistening of the soil and its overdrying. A young tree is watered 2-3 times a month, if it rains, and 4 times a month in a drought. For adults, cherries have their own watering schedule, which should be strictly observed by the gardener, with the exception of very rainy weather.

According to the schedule for watering the tree, the following dates are recommended:

  1. Last week of May.
  2. 2 decade of June.
  3. Mid July.
  4. Autumn, before the start of frosts - this watering is water-charging and allows the plant to fully winter, without experiencing water shortages.

A young plant in one irrigation needs 20 liters of water. In the future, each year the volume of fluid is increased by 10 liters.

If the summer is bad, daily and very heavy rains occur, drainage grooves should be dug around the sweet cherry, which will drain excess water, which will prevent waterlogging of the soil.

Feeding and wood processing

This variety of cherries requires mandatory top dressing. In the first year after planting, it is not necessary to feed the seedling, since the soil is already saturated with nutrients. The next two years, the plant is fed only with urea, which stimulates the rapid formation of a quality crown. Since the 4th year, top dressing is carried out by superphosphate and ammophos at the rate of 80 g per 1 m2 of soil.

Treatment of cherries from pests is needed in the spring before flowering.For her, they use special compounds against the main pests that attack the fruits and leaves of the tree. These funds are purchased in specialized stores. The plant trunk is whitened in spring and autumn by garden whitewash.

Cropping, crown shaping

Regular pruning helps shape the crown so that the branches do not thicken or obscure each other. With such cherries it is more convenient to harvest. Pruning is carried out from the second year. It should be done in the spring before the start of sap flow. It is necessary to remove all incorrectly located shoots that grow inside the crown or vertically at right angles.

Also, spring pruning should be carried out sanitary pruning. In this case, damaged and dry branches are removed. With any type of pruning, all sections of the cuts should be covered with garden var.

Fruiting and pollinators

In order for pollinating insects to perform their work efficiently without losing a large amount of pollen on the way from tree to tree, there should not be more than 3-4 meters between cherries. At such a short distance, the wind can also serve as pollination.

It is best if several varieties of cherries are planted on the site.

Agronomists believe that the following varieties of trees are the best neighbors for jealous pollination:

  • Tyutchevskaya;
  • iput;
  • raditsa;
  • speech;
  • compact
  • a woman
  • venyaminova.

If there are such pollinators in the garden, the yield will be maximum.

The fruiting of the jealous is plentiful - up to 30 kg of fruit in a tree. Putting cherries in storage, you can not pour it with a layer more than 5 cm thick, since under the weight of the upper berries the lower layer will be crushed, flow and ruin the rest.

The fruits are very tasty in fresh form, but also have proven themselves well as raw materials for jams, marmalade, marmalade and liquors. With proper care of the tree, its productivity will be high, and it will be possible for a long time to enjoy fresh cherries and harvestings from it.

If the berries are grown for sale, then their attractive appearance and high transportability in this case are very beneficial.

Preparing for the winter

Despite the fact that the variety is called frost-resistant, trees still require preparation for winter. After the trunk is whitewashed, the soil around it is mulched with sawdust or peat with a layer of 20 cm. The trunk itself and skeletal branches of the crown are wrapped in burlap. With the onset of heat, it is removed as early as possible, so that the bark does not deteriorate from the fabric that is wet due to melting snow.

Pest and Disease Control

Cherry jealousy is not susceptible to fungal diseases. If the trees growing nearby began to sharply begin to become infected with infectious diseases, then together with them it is necessary to treat with a universal preparation for stone fruits and sweet cherries, but only until flowering. This phenomenon usually occurs in a very unfavorable year, when the trees are weakened after a hard winter.

The main pests of cherries are cherry flies. From them there are chemical compounds, but they are toxic. Therefore, it is optimal to simply place bird feeders near the tree, which are the natural enemies of this insect. However, it is likely that feathered helpers, in turn, will eat some of the fruit.

This is one of the most delicious cherries that requires less maintenance.