Cockroaches in the home - an unpleasant and even dangerous phenomenon. These small nimble insects have the ability to climb into any crevices and spaces. Before people who are not indifferent to the cleanliness of their home and faced with such a problem, the question will surely arise than how to poison cockroaches in an apartment on their own.

Harm and danger from the presence of cockroaches in the apartment

Cockroaches are carriers of infections!

Some people are confident that insects that do not bite or sting are not dangerous. Unfortunately, this statement does not apply to cockroaches. It is necessary to expel them from the home immediately after the appearance.

Do not forget that the Prussians are carriers of various infections.

Typical habitats are basement, attic, dumps. In such places, insects collect all the most harmful pathogenic bacteria, fungal spores, helminth eggs, etc. onto their bodies. A cockroach that has appeared on a person’s home carries all this “baggage” to furniture, food, and, as a result, to residents of the house.

The pathogenic flora that has accumulated on the body of pests, in the event of ingestion in human food, can provoke diseases such as:

  • mycobacteriosis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • meningitis;
  • dysentery.

In addition to the listed diseases, the insect is considered to be the distributor of eggs of various helminths: whipworm, roundworm, etc. The most dangerous sewer are the Prussians.

How to get rid of Prussians forever


To get rid of cockroaches forever, often it is necessary to take several attempts.

There are several ways to do this:

  1. Applying industrial insecticides.
  2. Using folk methods (we are not talking about traditional newspapers and slippers).
  3. Using various specialized traps.

The most effective professional tools

Industrial insecticides will help to quickly and efficiently remove cockroaches. The effectiveness of these products is due to the fact that the insect in contact with the product carries poison on the legs, bringing it to the home of its relatives.

The most effective means of cockroaches for industrial production:

  1. Spray can. It is considered a convenient means of pest control. In the process of its use, it is necessary to hide food and put on a protective mask. Children and pets must be removed from the premises during bullying.
    Plinths, window slopes, sinks, cabinets, and other places in the bathroom and kitchen are treated with aerosol. The apartment is left for several hours to "soak" with an aerosol. After, you should open all windows and doors and ventilate the room. Among the popular aerosols, Raptor, Dichlorvos and Raid are distinguished.
  2. Powders. The advantage of “anti-cockroach” powders is the ability to persecute insects without the need for the owner to leave the house. In this case, you do not need to clean food, hide things. The powder is applied so that pets and children do not get it. Insecticides are placed on the floor, behind furniture, under the refrigerator, etc. A cockroach dies during contact with the product.
  3. A piece of chalk. Acts similar to powders. It, among other things, can be distributed on vertical surfaces. Such drugs equally well relieve both red domestic and black sewer cockroaches. Popular varieties of crayons are considered: "Fenaxin", "Clean House", "Tornado", etc.

Read also:how to get cockroaches

Traps, appliances, gels and scared shops


You can also try to remove cockroaches using gels and special traps.
Gels consist of two ingredients: flavoring and a chemical poisonous substance. A tasty bait usually does not go unnoticed. Using it, pests return to their homes. After about 10 hours, the death of the cockroach sets in, and hungry relatives begin to eat the fallen "relative". They, in turn, provoke the death of more insects.

The gel is distributed pointwise on the floors and furniture (not forgetting the inside of the cabinets). Skirting boards and countertops must also be crafted. After the disappearance of insects, the remnants of the drug are removed with a detergent.

The following products were included in the list of popular gels:

  • Globol Gel;
  • "Raptor";
  • "Trap", etc.

As for the traps, to correctly place them, you need to find out the routes of pests and more likely places for their localization. Often the typical places for their collection are the sink, the bin. It remains only to find out on which road the Prussians make their way into the rooms. This can be done as follows: early in the morning (about 4 hours) you need to look into the kitchen, turn on the light. At this moment, you can notice the insects running up to where. The trajectory of their movement will help to find the location of the shelter.

Popular cockroach traps include:

  1. Velcro traps. Made of cardboard, in shape resemble a house. On the way to the bait located in the trap, pests stick to the sticky surface and die. The disadvantage of such a product is the fact that they do not carry the insecticide in the home. The poison only contributes to the destruction of individual individuals
  2. Electric traps. They are considered modern representatives of this kind of funds. A Prusak who runs inside dies from the current. These traps can be considered universal, because they are involved in the destruction of not only cockroaches, but also many other insects.
  3. House traps.They promise an effective and quick elimination of cockroaches. Small plastic boxes in appearance resemble houses and have an entrance and exit. Inside is a poison flavored with flavorings. Climbing into the house, the pest regales poison and becomes infected with it, after which it goes to distribute it among relatives.

Similar products are presented by Combat, Home, Raptor, etc.

Folk remedies for the elimination of cockroaches

Folk remedies are less dangerous for humans.

Alternative methods of eliminating pests are folk remedies.

Of the most popular, we can distinguish:

  1. Boric acid. Provokes paralysis and death of the pest. It does not have a pleasant aroma, and therefore it is necessary to create a suitable bait. To do this, you can crush the yolk of 1 egg with 30 g of powdered boric acid. Form balls from the sticky mass and place them in the places where the Prusaks gather.
  2. Borax. To get rid of cockroaches, it is necessary to make a bait-paste with the addition of this powder. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. l starch and with 1 tbsp. l Boers. In order to give an attractive smell, you can add a little sugar to the mixture. Dilute the product with water to the state of jelly and grease them with skirting boards, a bin, etc.
  3. Ammonia. It is famous for its sharp specific smell and is not tolerated by cockroaches. To prepare a solution of insects 1 tbsp. l alcohol is added to the bucket of water and the cabinets and the floor are washed, paying attention also to the bin.

It is interesting:cockroach boric acid poison recipes

Indoor plants as a method of controlling cockroaches


Indoor plants are very useful in eliminating pests.

Insects rarely appear in a dwelling “guarded” by geraniums.

The leaves and flowers of this plant have a specific aroma. By the way, not only cockroaches, but also many other insects cannot tolerate it.
Rosemary, petunia and fern also have “anti-cockroach” properties.

Timely prevention of cockroaches

Prevention of the appearance of cockroaches is simple, but effective.

To cockroaches forever forget the way to the home, you should follow a few recommendations:

  1. If the Prussians wound up with their neighbors, it is necessary to block their way to the apartment with all their strength. To this end, grids are stretched onto the ventilation grilles, the cracks are closed near the pipes and drains,
  2. Food must be stored in a resealable container. Do not leave food debris or dirty dishes on the table. There should also be no crumbs on the floor.
  3. The bin should always be tightly closed with a lid.
  4. Cockroaches need proximity to water. For this reason, care must be taken to ensure that all fluid containers are closed. The bath and sink should be wiped off from moisture.
  5. Keep the house clean, observing sanitary and hygienic standards. This does not guarantee the absence of cockroaches, but significantly reduces the risks of their occurrence.

To get rid of the presence of cockroaches in the home with your own hands is a very real task. To do this, you just need to choose a quality product for their persecution (folk or store). If you cannot defeat the Prussians yourself, you should contact a professional service specializing in the destruction of insects.