Angina is a disease characterized by local inflammation. Therefore, acting on the focus of infection can achieve rapid recovery results. In the article we will raise questions: how to gargle with angina and how to distinguish between forms of the disease?

Gargle remedies for sore throat

Now there are a number of new drugs for disinfecting the throat. They have a convenient form of application and quickly put on their feet. But many invariably turn to long-known means that have been tested over the years and cost mere pennies.

  • Furacilin tablets. Effective against gram positive and negative bacteria and some viruses. Kill streptococci and staphylococci.

One tablet is diluted at the rate of half a glass of boiling water. Rinse the throat with a solution that has not yet cooled for 3-5 minutes. The treatment is repeated 2-3 times a day.

  • Chlorophyllipt - oil or alcohol extract of eucalyptus leaves. Bactericidal agent, causes the death of sensitive microorganisms (mainly streptococci).

Diluted in the ratio: 5 ml of the drug per half a glass of warm water. The throat is treated every three hours. After rinsing for half an hour, you should not eat any food or drink.

  • Hydrogen peroxide known for its antiseptic properties. Cleans tonsils from plaque. Reduces the degree of intoxication.

It is interesting: healing properties of hydrogen peroxide

It is soluble in warm water.On a glass is a tablespoon of 3% medicine.

The procedure is carried out every 3 hours. After treatment, it is recommended to soften the throat with infusion of chamomile or sage.

  • Elekasol - Herbal collection based on chamomile, string, sage and eucalyptus with anti-inflammatory effect. Two filter bags are placed in a glass dish and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes. Apply to rinses in the form of heat three times a day.

Folk remedies for the disease for adults

Some do not like to use pharmacy drugs, considering them to be "chemistry." For such people there is an alternative - folk remedies. A number of recipes were even adopted by official medicine (Elekasol, Chlorophyllipt).

  • Camomile tea quickly helps with sore throats. It disinfects and softens tissues. Carotenoids in the composition heal the mucous membrane.

Chamomile is brewed in hot water. On a glass put 2 tablespoons of dry funds. The throat is treated with a warm solution up to 5 times a day. After rinsing, you should not eat or drink.

  • Alcohol propolis tincture nibbling at the throat. Causes blood flow to affected tissues. Activates the healing process. The tool kills pathogenic bacteria.

15 ml of the drug are diluted in half a glass of water. Gargle 4-5 times a day for 3-4 days.

  • With angina helps to fight elecampane root. Fifty grams of the plant is poured with half a liter of vodka. Insist for 3 days.

After filtering, half a teaspoon of the liquid is poured into the throat. The head is thrown back so that the solution covers the tonsils. Wait until it is absorbed. You can’t talk right after the procedure. Actions are repeated 2-4 times a day.

Rules for rinsing

Rinses need to be carried out with warm solutions. Cold water causes narrowing of the vessels of the tonsils, which leads to a decrease in their protective functions.

Too hot a liquid activates the growth of bacteria, which can lead to the development of the disease. The optimum temperature of the solution is 36-37 ° C.

The amount of rinse should be 100-150 ml. There is no need for more. A smaller amount will not contain enough disinfectants.

The frequency of rinsing is set by the instructions for the drug or the doctor. For alternative drugs, the optimal frequency of use is 3-5 times a day.

To treat the throat, you need to draw the necessary amount of fluid into the mouth. Tilt your head back and exhale gently. It is undesirable to actively gurgle and pronounce sounds, as this can cause choking.

After rinsing, you should refrain from eating and drinking for half an hour. If the throat needs to be treated with several means, a break of half an hour is established between doses.

Rinses depending on the form of tonsillitis

Different types of disease are distinguished depending on the nature and degree of the lesion.


The disease is characterized by a shallow lesion of the tonsils. During the examination, spilled redness is visible. The patient has a low temperature (up to 37.5 ° C) and weak intoxication. Symptoms are observed within 1-2 days, then they either disappear spontaneously, or the disease goes to another stage.

Solutions of soda, salt or sea water are suitable for rinsing. Pharmacy medicines - “Chlorophyllipt”, “Furacilin”. Infusions of medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile, calendula). Subject to frequent treatment (4-5 times a day), relief comes quickly.


The form of the disease is characterized by a picture of "starry sky". Yellow-white suppurations shine through a thin tissue membrane. Tonsils swollen and enlarged. The temperature rises to 40˚. The patient has distinct signs of intoxication: headache, nausea, weakness, body aches.

Strong antiseptics are needed for treatment. In addition to antibiotics, rinses are prescribed “Chlorophyllipt”, “Furacilin”, alcohol tincture of calendula.When processing, you should stick out your tongue more strongly so that the medicine penetrates deeper into the throat. After eliminating suppuration, the patient becomes better.


Viral tonsillitis does not require the use of antibiotics. The main treatment consists in choosing drugs that promote ulcer healing.

Processing is carried out in three stages. First, rinse solutions (sodium tetraborate in glycerol, Castellani liquid, Tebrofen). Then the throat is sprayed with aerosol (Hexoral, Kameton, Panavir). And in the end, pills for resorption are taken (“Faringosept”, “Septolete”, “Lizobakt”).

This treatment helps to reduce pain and prevents the attachment of a bacterial infection.


The disease is characterized by a severe form of the course. A large abscess forms directly in the tissues surrounding the tonsil. The patient has a very high temperature and unbearable sore throat. This form of angina is treated surgically. After opening the abscess, frequent rinses with antibacterial agents are performed.


The form of the disease is often caused by staphylococci, or type A streptococci. The disease is characterized by the formation of purulent plaque on the tonsils, after the removal of which, the patient usually experiences relief.

Gargling with purulent sore throat should be using local antiseptics (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Iodinol), which eliminate plaque and remove dead cells from the tonsils. The throat is treated every 2-3 hours during the entire time of taking antibiotics.

Necrotic ulcer

The disease is characterized by the presence on the tonsils of an uneven solid gray-green plaque that goes deep into the mucosa and is able to spread to the tongue and surrounding tissues. Wounds after removal of plaque bleed. Necrosis can spread to the back of the throat.

For rinsing, use herbal infusions of sage, eucalyptus, mint, chamomile, St. John's wort. Tonsils are treated with a cotton swab dipped in onion or garlic juice. After the plaque has gone, bleeding wounds heal with chlorhexidine.


The disease leads to inflammation of the tonsils, but does not have signs of a purulent process. With the right treatment, inflammation lasts for 5-7 days.

On the first day it is necessary to carry out processing up to 10 times. Gargle with chlorhexidine, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, Miramistin, Furacilin, salt water. Further, throughout the course of therapy, repeat the procedure 4-5 times a day.

Pregnancy therapy

During an interesting situation, natural medicines remain a priority.

Expectant mother can gargle with herbal infusions:

  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula.

Of the pharmaceutical preparations, eucalyptus-based products are suitable. A woman should exclude individual intolerance to any of the drugs taken.

Not only rinses help, but also the treatment of tonsils with cotton turunda dipped in Chlorophyllipt. For allergies to medicinal plants, the throat can be treated with a salt solution.

How to gargle with a sore throat for a child?

When treating children, they rely on natural remedies. The kid will surely like a weak warm aqueous solution of honey (a teaspoon per glass). And it’s not scary if a child swallows a part of the medicine.

If he can already quite gargle on his own, he should be offered infusions of medicinal herbs (plantain, chamomile, eucalyptus). After the procedure, the tonsils are lubricated with tonsils with a cotton swab dipped in iodine.

Is it possible to gargle soda with angina?

A solution of soda with salt is the most common rinse for sore throats. In a glass of water add a teaspoon of one and the other substance. To increase efficiency, 2 drops of iodine are dripped.

The solution removes plaque from the tonsils. Clears the throat. It removes puffiness and reduces inflammation.

What to use to relieve pain?

Pain can be relieved by lozenges or aerosols containing menthol or lidocaine. Any warm rinse reduces the severity of sensations. The pain goes away after moisturizing the mucous membrane. But do not treat the throat more often 6 times a day to avoid overdrying the mucous membrane.

Rinses are an adjunct therapy for angina. They remove plaque. Reduce bacterial and viral load. Helps activate local immunity.