An excellent substitute for chips and crackers is pumpkin seeds. This product (due to its unique composition) brings great benefits to the human body. It is able to save children and adults from various ailments and, in general, strengthen the immune system. In more detail, than pumpkin seeds are useful, it is described further.
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What are pumpkin seeds good for?
The product under discussion is a source of nutrients for the body of men and women. They contain many vitamins (especially PP), fatty saturated and unsaturated acids, pectin, amino acids and other beneficial ingredients. Also in pumpkin seeds there is phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium and other minerals that help strengthen blood vessels, improve blood composition. Their daily use helps to lower blood sugar.
For women
The pumpkin seeds of the fair sex can be used both as a prophylactic that prevents the development of serious ailments, and as a folk "medicine" against physiological malfunctions in the body. For example, a common problem for women is a decrease in bone density with age. Regular consumption of a healthy product will help strengthen bone tissue and avoid osteoporosis. The sooner he appears in the girl’s diet, the better.
More materials:pumpkin seeds: benefits and harms for women
But this is not the only useful property of seeds for women. They also normalize the work of the heart, increase hemoglobin in the blood.
And besides:
- Improve the look.In particular - the condition of nails, hair, skin. For example, fatty acids from the composition of pumpkin seeds stop the process of hair loss, cope with the causes of dandruff, moisturize the skin.
- Update the epidermis. As a result, acne and other rashes disappear, the skin becomes more youthful, supple, radiant.
- Stimulate metabolic processes, which favorably affects the figure.
Pumpkin seeds help women cope with the troubles associated with menopause. They "drive away" depression from the fair sex, improve sleep, cheer up, energize. With regular use of the product in a difficult period, pain in the joints, hot flashes and headaches disappear.
For men
Equally useful pumpkin seeds for men. Scientists note that it is in the men's diet that there are often numerous vitamins and elements necessary for high-quality work of the body. Representatives of the stronger sex pay much less attention to a nutritious diet. Pumpkin seeds will help to quickly make up for the lack of essential substances. Many vitamins and minerals from the composition of the product under discussion will prevent the problems of the male genital area. So, substances from pumpkin seeds normalize blood circulation in tissues and organs, eliminate congestion, charge with vigor, and regenerate cells.
The product contains all the necessary elements to improve potency. Therefore, it will safely replace harmful synthetic drugs with the same effect.
Also, pumpkin seeds have the following effects on the male body:
- help to avoid baldness;
- increase vitality, muscle activity and sexual activity;
- prevent the development of nervousness;
- reduce susceptibility to inflammatory, viral, infectious ailments;
- improve mental abilities;
- accelerate the healing process with inflammation of the prostate gland.
Roasted or raw seeds - which is healthier?
Today, you can also find roasted pumpkin seeds with various additives on sale. For example, the most popular options are with salt and sweet ground paprika. But we must not forget that during heat treatment the product under discussion loses its basic nutritional value. And, for example, a large amount of salt in the composition also makes the seeds harmful.
It is better to eat raw pumpkin seeds without additives. It is worth buying them unpeeled. In this form, the product is stored. It is optimal to keep it in rag bags in a dry, dark place.
Pregnancy and lactation benefits
It is not forbidden to use pumpkin seeds during pregnancy. First of all, they will become a safe natural cure for heartburn, which often worries expectant mothers. The product will help, and normalize the stool (eliminate constipation). At the same time, its beneficial composition will not harm either the woman herself or the fetus.
During lactation, pumpkin seeds should be eaten little by little. It is necessary to start using with 1-2 pieces. After all, such a product often becomes the cause of allergies in crumbs. At the same time, pumpkin seeds help strengthen the woman’s body after childbirth. They help a young mother recover faster.
Recipes with pumpkin seeds in folk medicine
In folk medicine today, there are many useful recipes for the prevention and treatment of various diseases, the main component of which are pumpkin seeds.
For example, a means to strengthen the heart and blood vessels. It is prepared from 3 tbsp. tablespoons of purified raw materials and 320 ml of filtered water. The components are combined, brought to a boil and cooked on a minimum heat for 5-6 minutes.
When the broth has cooled, it can be filtered and taken ¼ cup before bedtime daily for 10-12 days. The tool also helps to cope with stress and improve sleep.
With prostate, a man will be able to get rid of pain in the urethra or scrotum using the following natural medicine. For its preparation, 140 g of purified raw materials and half a liter of vodka are used. The seed is ground in a coffee grinder, after which it is poured with an alcoholic drink. In a tightly closed container, the product is infused for 8 days in the dark.
Then the medicine is diluted in 320 ml of boiled water and taken for a week, 1 time per day. Dose - 2 tsp.
Application in cosmetology
Pumpkin seeds are widely used in cosmetology. Most often in the form of oil. The highest quality product is obtained by cold pressing. It allows you to keep maximum useful substances in the liquid.
The finished oil has the following effect:
- perfectly moisturizes the skin of the face, hands, neck;
- cares for weathered lips;
- quickly restores skin cells after cuts, burns, inflammations;
- eliminates peeling on any part of the body.
The tool is ideal for daily care for mature skin. It can be used both in pure form and added to creams, masks, and milk.
Seeds in their pure form are part of the mask to brighten freckles and / or age spots. For such a tool you will need to grind 1 tbsp. a spoonful of refined raw materials. To the chopped seed is added 1 teaspoon of liquid honey, lime juice or lemon and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour milk. The resulting thoroughly mixed mass is applied to problem areas for 15-17 minutes once a day. The mixture is washed off with cool water.
The benefits of getting rid of worms
The composition of pumpkin seeds contains a large amount of the unique substance cucurbitin. It has a paralyzing effect on parasites and does not allow them to gain a foothold on the walls of the intestine. To get rid of unsolicited "guests", you need to use the product raw or dried naturally in the open air. You can also eat seeds baked (20-25 minutes in a very hot oven) or in the form of tea (2 tbsp. L. Raw product is poured ½ l. Of water, brought to a boil, after which the drink is infused for half an hour, filtered and consumed in half a glass 1 -2 times a day).
It will be possible to independently make a healing gruel against worms from raw pumpkin seeds. To do this, 320 g of seed is peeled and crushed in small portions by a crush. Next, the product is filled with 60 ml of boiled water. It turns out a single serving of "medicine" for an adult.
A ready-made remedy is used early in the morning on an empty stomach. You need to drink it before you get out of bed. Within an hour, the drink is taken in minimal portions. Next, it will take 30-40 minutes to lie quietly in bed, and then put an enema. This is a very effective procedure that allows you to quickly cope with parasites.
Contraindications and possible harm
The product under discussion is contraindicated for those who suffer from allergies to pumpkin seeds or individual intolerance to substances from its composition.
Use with caution to people in the following cases:
- with obesity;
- with exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- with increased acidity of gastric juice;
- with duodenal ulcer and / or stomach.
If the pumpkin flesh contains a minimum of calories, then the vegetable seed turned out to be a very high-calorie product. This should be remembered to everyone who follows their figure.
The daily rate of the product is only 90 grams. Exceeding it is allowed only in rare cases (a maximum of 1.5 times), when the course of therapy prescribed by the doctor requires it. Eating pumpkin seed in large numbers affects stomach problems, can provoke the accumulation of salts in the joints or the movement of stones in the gall bladder. It is especially important to monitor the dosage for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
It is not recommended to use them during an exacerbation of any chronic ailments.Seed is also risky to choose for self-treatment of dangerous diseases in the form of folk remedies. In this matter, you must consult with a specialist.