Dried apricots provides the body with a much larger amount of nutrients than fresh apricot. In the article you will learn how dried apricots are useful, methods of use and contraindications.

The chemical composition and calorie content of dried apricots

The beneficial properties of dried apricots are due to its composition. Dried fruits include:
• vitamin A;
• phosphorus;
• fiber;
• vitamin C;
• manganese;
• ash;
• a nicotinic acid;
• calcium;
• copper;
• starch;
• potassium;
• citric acid;
• vitamins B;
• salicylic acid;
• cobalt;
• organic acids;
• iron;
• magnesium.
In 100 g of the product, calories 275 kcal.

What is the use of dried apricots for the human body

Doctors recommend the use of dried apricot for people suffering from anemia, dystrophy and anemia. It helps with high blood pressure, copes with edema in people with heart disease and kidney failure. Good diuretic.
We propose to consider the effect of fruits separately on the female and male body.

For woman

Useful dried apricots for women:

1. Regular use makes it possible to maintain good physical shape. The product helps to make a figure slim and fight obesity. The desired effect will occur if you replace all the usual sweets with dried apricot.
2. Helps to remove poisons, radionuclides and processed products from the body.
3.With constant use, the amount of bad cholesterol is reduced - this reduces the risks of developing atherosclerosis and stroke.
4. The capillary walls are strengthened and become more elastic.
5. If a woman has problems with constipation, then thanks to the pectin included in the composition, dried fruits promptly and gently cleanse the intestines.
6. With regular use, the issue of edema will be resolved. Thanks to the diuretic effect, it helps to remove excess fluid.
7. A decoction of fruit helps to solve the problem of obesity.
8. Only 100 g of fruit per day will help to cope with anemia.
9. Help fight heavy menstrual bleeding.
10. Nails, teeth, hair and bones are strengthened. The skin becomes moisturized, smooth and supple. Hair begins to grow better and fall out less, gain a natural shine.
11. Thanks to antioxidants it is an anti-cancer agent.
12. The work of the reproductive system is normalized. It should be regularly used to prevent and treat infertility.
13. Beneficial effect on the endocrine glands and urinary system.
14. Increases immunity.

For men

Favorable fruits affect men's health:

1. A large amount of magnesium and calcium supports heart function and helps prevent muscle cramps.
2. Dried fruits contain calcium and saturate the body with it. Thus, testosterone does not need to maintain bone tissue, and it begins to work in other systems.
3. Due to the improvement of the intestines during the use of dried apricots, blood circulation returns to normal in the small pelvis. For the male body, this serves as a wonderful prevention against urological diseases (impotence, prostatitis).
4. Fruits help normalize pressure.
5. Niacin cleanses blood vessels.
6. Fiber activates the action of blood circulation of the genitals. Thus, potency improves.

When storing and transporting fruits, sanitary standards are rarely followed, therefore it is recommended to thoroughly rinse them before use.

Dried apricot during pregnancy and lactation

Due to the fact that the stomach digests dried fruits for a long time, a large number of them should not be consumed. The maximum amount per day of fruit should not exceed 100 grams. To pregnant and lactating women, dried apricot brings many benefits:
• has a general strengthening effect;
• supports the work of internal organs, thereby helping the fetus develop properly;
• increased protective properties in the body;
• dried fruits completely, without harm to the fetus, satisfy the need for sweets;
• helps to combat the common problem of pregnant women - anemia;
• saturates with vitamins, which is very useful in the winter;
• helps to remove the symptoms of toxicosis;
• Another common problem is constipation, which is easily handled by fruits with a laxative effect;
• acidity in the stomach is normalized;
• pressure (arterial) returns to normal;
• hair and teeth become stronger, which are very affected when carrying and feeding a child;
• relieves swelling, as it has a diuretic property.
As you can see, the benefits of dried fruits are enormous, but should be consumed in doses, do not exceed the recommended amount, so as not to harm health.

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Traditional medicine recipes with dried apricots

We offer several recipes for common diseases.

For pain in the hip joint


• stalks of parsley - 1.5 tbsp. chopped spoons;
• dried apricots - 50 g;
• dill - 1.5 tbsp. chopped spoons;
• honey - 15 ml;
• water - 470 ml.


1. Chop dried fruits.
2. Boil water. Place prepared greens and dried apricots. Boil an hour.
3. Use such a decoction course, which is two months. Two drinks should be drunk per day.

To improve vision


• carrot - 1 pc.;
• dried apricots - 100 g;
• orange - 1 pc.;
• sour cream - 1 teaspoon.


1. Grate or chop carrots and dried apricots in a combine. Squeeze the juice from the orange. Chop the pulp.
2. Mix the products and add sour cream.
Use the mixture half an hour before eating (three times a day).

To maintain heart function


• lemon - 3 pcs.;
• rosehip - 100 g;
• walnuts - 210 g;
• prune - 210 g;
• hawthorn - 110 g;
• honey - 170 g;
• raisins - 210 g;
• dried apricots - 250 g.


1. Rinse all products. Chop lemons.
2. Place in a meat grinder and grind. Add honey and mix. The added ingredient should completely dissolve.
3. Clean in the refrigerator compartment for 10 days.
Use in the morning (on an empty stomach) for a tablespoon. Apply until mixture is complete. Then take a break.

Immunity strengthening


• dried apricots - 200 g;
• honey - a mug;
• prune - 200 g;
• walnuts - 200 g.


1. Place the indicated products in a blender. To grind.
2. Pour in honey and stir. Eat three large spoons every day.

Dried fruits compote

A delicious drink is obtained from various dried fruits.


• dried apricots - 330 g;
• water - 2500 ml;
• prune - 100 g;
• sugar - 220 g.


1. Rinse the fruits. Put in water (warm) and stand for half an hour.
2. Boil water. Place prepared dried fruits. Boil for eight minutes.
3. Pour sugar and cook for another eight minutes.
4. Insist for two hours.

Dried apricots for weight loss, how to use

For weight loss, it is recommended to replace all sweets with dried fruits. Add to various salads, bake fish and meat dishes with them.
Following a diet, in between meals, one often wants to eat. At this time, it is allowed to have a snack with several fruits of dried apricots, washing them down only with water.
For quick disposal of several kilograms, it is recommended to do fasting days. To do this, wash a couple of glasses of dried apricots a day and pour boiling water. To insist the night. In the morning, first of all, drink liquid from dried fruits. Then divide the fruits into six servings and consume all day. The main condition is to drink a lot of water (at least three liters).

Contraindications and possible harm

Dried apricot has a positive effect on everyone if there is no individual intolerance. Remember that eating too much fruit can lead to indigestion.
Since the fruits are high-calorie, diabetics and overweight people should be used with caution.

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