Red caviar is a favorite delicacy of many Russians. How useful is red caviar and why do our compatriots around the world love it? We will talk about this in detail.
Material Content:
The chemical composition and calorie content of the product
Red caviar is a nutritious valuable product obtained from fish of the Salmonidae family. There are many varieties of delicacy (caviar of pink salmon, salmon, trout, salmon, chum salmon). It is believed that the bright red caviar of sockeye salmon is lower in quality than pink salmon (light orange).
It is especially appreciated for the rich composition of nutrients.
- Proteins 30-35 grams per 100 grams of product. Allows to fill 60% of the daily needs of the human body.
- Fats up to 15 grams. This is approximately 12-15% of the daily intake of fat.
- Vitamins (A, E, PP, B, C) are necessary for the normal functioning of all systems.
- Useful minerals and elements (phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron, selenium, fluorine, potassium, calcium, molybdenum). It is curious that 100 grams of fresh caviar provides 170% of the daily intake of sodium and 50% of the daily intake of phosphorus.
- Quite a large amount of lecithin. This phospholipid has a hepatoprotective effect, improves liver function.
And the fatty acids in the product are contained in sufficient quantities. But, unlike salmon steaks and fillets, eggs do not contain a really large amount of acids. Therefore, you should not consider the delicacy as a storehouse of omega-3 or omega-6 acids. They are able to saturate the body with these substances, but in moderation.
Calorie content of the product exceeds the norm. Each type of caviar has its own calorie content.For example, salmon roe contains almost 247 calories, and sockeye roe contains 253 calories. Protein red caviar (artificially bred) is suitable for dietary nutrition, because it has only 65 calories.
Useful properties of red caviar for women
Salmon caviar is very much appreciated by the fair sex.
This product has many positive properties:
- prevents the aging of the body, slows down the process of removing moisture from the skin.
- has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
- improves well-being on critical days. Helps alleviate the condition during PMS and menstruation.
- the product has a strengthening effect on the walls of the capillaries, which helps to normalize the state of the vascular mesh on the legs. And after wearing shoes with heels, this effect is extremely important.
- deficiency of phosphorus and calcium is compensated, the condition of bone tissue improves. The risk of fractures, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis is reduced.
- iodine, which is rich in the product, ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
- strengthens the immune system, boosts immunity.
- positively affects female beauty. Makes nails strong and healthy, and hair shiny and smooth.
- the iron contained in the product helps transport hemoglobin and saturate all cells with oxygen.
What is useful for pregnant
During the period of gestation, red caviar for pregnant women has a beneficial effect on the body. A complex of vitamins, minerals and proteins ensures the harmonious growth and development of the fetus in the womb.
IMPORTANT! Since salmon caviar is an allergen, you should consult a specialist before using it. The doctor will tell you whether to eat a delicacy, and how to do it right.
How much caviar is useful
Daily consumption of red caviar is impossible for all residents, since its cost is quite high. But, a couple of times a month, almost everyone can afford a sandwich with butter and caviar. Despite this, it’s worthwhile to use the delicacy deliberately, without excessive fanaticism.
The normal amount of food eaten per day is 1 tsp. for a child and 2 tsp. for an adult. You should not abuse caviar, as the product is quite salty, and excess salt negatively affects health. Yes, and a large amount of caviar can provoke the development of food allergies.
What products is combined with red caviar?
Salmon delicacy is combined with many products. Among them: butter, white bread, pita bread, pitas, greens, seafood, sea and river fish, eggs, mayonnaise. Red caviar is a common ingredient in the preparation of cocktail salads, sandwiches and sushi.
Classical dishes with red caviar in Russia - sandwiches with butter and salad with seafood. Neutral oil and seafood emphasize the taste of eggs. Eating dishes, you get a truly tremendous pleasure.
Despite all the benefits, the product has contraindications. Some features of caviar (a large amount of salt, allergenicity, preservatives) do not have the best effect on health.
Refrain from eating caviar in the following cases:
- People with diabetes because of the ability of the product to increase sensitivity to insulin preparations.
- In renal failure, as the body will not be able to remove protein breakdown products.
- With severe atherosclerosis.
- With gout, since the clinical manifestation of the disease is kidney damage.
- People prone to allergies or with individual intolerance to the product.
- Children under 3 years of age.
- With gestosis during pregnancy.
- People suffering from overt and latent edema.
- For moderate to severe obesity.
- With chronic heart disease.
- With high blood pressure.
How to store the product correctly
Storage of delicacy is an important and necessary question. Sometimes, storage standards are violated, which leads to spoilage of the product, the use of which can adversely affect well-being and health.
Caviar storage requirements:
- The product is stored in tin or glass cans for no more than a year.
- The product is stored in plastic vacuum containers for about six months.
- Delicacy by weight in a sterile container is stored for about 5 days.
- An open product is consumed during the day.
The delicacy is stored only in the refrigerator. He does not tolerate high temperatures, extremes. It is better to store a container with red caviar on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, away from the door.
IMPORTANT! Delicacy can be frozen. With proper shock freezing, the product will not lose its palatability, and the benefits of caviar will remain at a satisfactory level. Defrost caviar only in the refrigerator so that it does not deteriorate.