At the end of spring, early varieties of certain berries are already beginning to ripen, pleasing with an excellent taste, and not only. They contain many vitamins, minerals and other elements necessary for the body to maintain health. All this applies to cherries, which begins to present ripe fruits at the end of May. What is the use of sweet cherry for the woman’s body, will be discussed in today's material.
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Nutritional value and calorie content of cherries
In nature, there are 40 varieties of fruit plants that are divided according to their characteristics. They differ in taste, each of which has its own characteristics.
The nutritional value of the berry is small - only 63.2 Kcal per 100 grams, where 1.1 g belongs to proteins, 0.4 to fats and 11.5 carbohydrates. And this allows it to be used by women who want to lose weight and watch their figure.
What vitamins and minerals are in cherries
Any product that we eat as food is valuable in its composition, the same applies to cherries:
- A lot of vitamin C - 16.7% of the norm per day.
- Vitamin A with PP (niacin) - 2.8 and 25.5%, respectively.
- Vitamin E - 2%, as well as group B (1 and 2).
- Micro and macro elements represented by potassium, iodine, fluorine, zinc, chromium, manganese, copper, magnesium, phosphorus and iron, which in the berry 10% of the daily norm. Present in sweet cherry and calcium (3.3%) with sodium (1%).
There is also malic acid with pectins in the fruits, as well as polyphenols, which are considered strong antioxidants. For people suffering from gastric diseases, cherries are a real find, since they contain a small amount of organic acids, but there is glucose.
Important: for the same reason, cherries can be eaten by those who have an increased acidity of gastric juice - it will not cause heartburn, such as cherries.
P-active elements have a small diuretic property. And the fruits of a dark red hue contain carotenoids with anthocyanins. Coumarins in cherries reduce blood clotting, protecting against blood clots.
The calculation of the percentage of the daily norm is carried out from the data on the needs of the average woman who leads a normal lifestyle in the age category from 18 to 29 years.
Useful properties of cherries
If we talk about the beneficial properties of cherries for humans, they are due to its composition, carrying out the following positive effects:
- strengthening and toning the body as a whole;
- improving fat metabolism, reducing the harm from fatty and heavy foods;
- prevention of the development of thyroid pathologies and help in the treatment of existing diseases, which is especially important for people who have crossed the 40-year age limit;
- as an additional source of sweet cherry is used for anemia;
- normalization of blood pressure due to diuretic properties, but only if you use berries of a dark red hue. The same quality of the berry is useful for the work of the liver and kidneys;
- getting rid of pain with gout, arthritis and rheumatism;
- strengthening the skeletal system, as indicated by patients with osteoporosis, including prophylactic purposes, as well as improving vision due to vitamin A in the composition;
- cleansing the body of harmful substances, including toxins and harmful radicals, protecting against the development of cancers;
- treatment of skin ailments such as eczema, acne and psoriasis;
- lowering cholesterol levels, improving blood quality and strengthening the vascular walls;
- getting rid of constipation due to a mild laxative effect that stimulates intestinal motility;
- a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieving stress, relieving depression and sleep disorders;
- strengthening the roots of hair and nails due to the presence of vitamin B in the composition.
For people suffering from cough with colds, cherries are also very useful, as they have an excellent expectorant effect. To do this, it is enough to cook compote based on it, without adding sugar, consuming hot.
The seeds of the plant are also filled with useful qualities, incorporating essential oils, fats and amygdalin. They are indicated for renal ailments due to the diuretic effect when using a decoction of them. Gout is treated with an infusion of seeds, dipping it in a course that will relieve inflammation and pain.
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What is the use of sweet cherry for the body of a woman
In addition to all of the above beneficial properties, cherries are useful for women in that it slows down the natural aging process and makes it easier to endure the menopause. And, of course, these delicious fruits are widely used by women to solve cosmetic problems.
For facial skin
Masks based on this berry relieve swelling, inflammation on the face, protecting against dryness. Here is one of the recipes for moisturizing the skin - squeeze the juice, then mixing it with honey and peach oil (4/1/2, respectively). The resulting composition should be infused for a couple of days, after which it can be applied to the face and neck for 20 minutes, followed by rinsing with plain water.
To narrow the pores, use the following composition - knead the fruits and immediately apply them to the face for about 15 minutes. After washing off, apply a cream that has a moisturizing effect.
Perfectly nourishes the skin rubbed with cottage cheese cherries (1/1), for a greater effect, you can still drop 6 drops of vitamin A there, holding the mask on your face for about 15-20 minutes.
The berry perfectly removes excessive oiliness in the form of an unhealthy shine. To do this, knead the fruits of the plant, mixing with lemon juice (2 tsp). Put all this on gauze and apply for 30 minutes to the problem area.And for washing, prepare cherry juice diluted with warm water.
Whitens the skin with age spots. The composition of mint cherries with starch and lemon juice has a positive effect on the hair roots applied for 40 minutes. These 3-5 applications relieve dandruff.
For weight loss
One of the most useful products for women who want to lose weight is cherry. It helps to withstand any diet, even the toughest. This helps her sweet taste that you usually want during this process.
But there are several more positive aspects when eating sweet cherries for weight loss:
- There is no need to stand at the stove, since cooking the dish is not required - washed and eaten.
- The property of berries to gently act on the intestines will not only save you from unnecessary kilograms, but also from harmful components.
I would like to note the benefit not only of the fruits of the plant, but also of the leaves - vitamin formulations with their participation restore the lack of vitamins with minerals after the diet, and they are also useful for people who have had hepatitis.
The benefits and harms of cherries during pregnancy
Pregnancy is a very significant period in the life of any woman. And at this time a special approach to nutrition will be required, introducing only high-quality, natural and fresh products into the diet. Sweet cherry in this case, as well as possible, solves the problem of filling the body of the future mother with vitamins and minerals.
Important: you must observe moderation when eating berries, so as not to harm yourself and the baby.
Effective helpers in relation to the digestive system and the kidneys, the fruits are considered due to the diuretic action, saving the body from excess fluid and harmful components.
Often pregnant women are tormented by constipation, which cherries can do well, while maintaining the correct ratio of microflora in the intestines.
With toxicosis, cherries also help:
- get rid of vomiting and a constant feeling of hunger, and in its absence - to awaken;
- to establish a chair with existing problems;
- relieve headache and eliminate dizziness.
The use of ripe berries has other positive effects on a pregnant woman:
- The restorative property has a beneficial effect on the placenta and the fetus.
- Iron has a prophylactic effect against the development of anemia.
- The cardiovascular system is strengthened, as well as bone and muscle tissue.
- The psycho-emotional state improves, protecting the woman from mood swings and the appearance of depression after childbirth.
The benefits of cherries for women during pregnancy extend to later periods, when blood pressure jumps occur, which gently regulates cherries, while strengthening the walls of blood vessels. The berry is an excellent prophylactic against the development of varicose veins.
With all the positive qualities of berries, there are contraindications for use for pregnant women:
- a period of exacerbation of existing digestive system problems;
- diagnosed gastritis with high acidity;
- Type 1 diabetes mellitus;
- pancreatitis in the acute stage.
Persistent remission of chronic diseases allows you to eat cherries during this period of a woman's life, but under strict control of well-being.
Important: bright red berries are capable, although in rare cases, of causing an allergic skin reaction, respiratory symptoms and digestive upsets.
But in any case, moderate consumption of cherries is shown, not exceeding one handful per day. Otherwise, you will get bloating with gas and other problems.
Contraindications for the use of cherries
There are sweet cherries and contraindications for any person.
These include, for example, diabetes mellitus, as well as:
- The presence of adhesions and intestinal obstruction.
- Gastric ulcer and gastritis.
- Exacerbation of cystitis.
- Diarrhea and low blood pressure.
Individual intolerance to the components in the berry is also on the list of contraindications.Do not abuse quantity - it will not bring to good, causing diarrhea and increased gas formation.
At the same time, dried fruits have the opposite effect, causing constipation, which should also be taken into account before their use.
Given all these points, enjoy the wonderful taste, aroma and fill your body with important and necessary trace elements with vitamins, not forgetting to consult a doctor with any problems. Health to you and your loved ones!