Many people, at the mere mention of this medicinal product, are already crooked, recalling the unpleasant smell and taste of fish oil, which several years ago without fail was given to all children. Today, this undeservedly forgotten product is released in a more convenient form, which allows you to get the maximum effect on health. How useful fish oil is, what is included in its composition, what diseases can be overcome with its help and are there any contraindications for consumption? The answers to the questions can be found in the article.
Material Content:
- 1 Chemical composition, calorie content of fish oil
- 2 What is useful fish oil for women and men
- 3 Useful properties for children
- 4 Indications for use
- 5 Source of health in capsules and in liquid form
- 6 Daily rate of fish and effective sources
- 7 Can I take during pregnancy?
- 8 Possible harm and contraindications
Chemical composition, calorie content of fish oil
The medicine itself is a concentrated extract of useful substances taken from the cod liver or directly from the fish carcass. The drug looks, of course, not very attractive: an oily translucent substance with a not very pleasant aroma.
But the main thing, as you know, is not packaging, but what is inside. But the composition of fish oil is actually unique. It has all the substances that a person needs for health.
In addition to them, as part of the drug:
- vitamins E, D and carotene;
- palmitic and oleic acids;
- iron;
- calcium;
- iodine;
- selenium;
- phosphorus;
- manganese;
- bromine;
- chlorine.
The calorie content of the useful product is quite high - 850 - 900 kcal per 100 grams.But if you take into account a small amount of the required daily dose of the drug, then calories are not so many.
What is useful fish oil for women and men
The complex of vitamins and minerals has a beneficial effect on human health. The tool affects many body systems, improves their condition and prevents the occurrence of pathologies.
How does the drug work:
- improves heart function;
- lowers cholesterol;
- normalizes the rhythm of the myocardium;
- improves eyesight;
- supplies vitamins to the body;
- prevents the development of thrombosis, atherosclerosis;
- accelerates metabolic processes, burns fats;
- improves the condition of the inner membranes and the epidermis;
- strengthens hair, nails, teeth;
- produces serotonin, a hormone of joy that improves the emotional state, fights depression;
- stimulates active brain function, improves memory;
- prevents the occurrence of seizures;
- helps strengthen bone tissue;
- boosts immunity;
- normalizes the production of bile;
- eliminates pain during menstruation in women;
- neutralizes the symptoms of alcohol poisoning.
Of particular benefit is fish oil for men, it increases potency and serves as an effective prevention of prostate cancer.
Useful properties for children
Pediatricians strongly recommend that their little patients drink this vitamin. After all, if the child’s body lacks omega fatty acids, it will not be able to fully develop, various pathologies will arise.
How fish oil helps at this age.
- The tool improves concentration, promotes active brain function. This property allows children to quickly absorb information during school, reduces the threshold of fatigue, and increases mental abilities.
- Acids help reduce hyperactivity, have a calming effect. Thanks to the use of the drug, children become more assiduous, while, unlike various tranquilizers, the drug does not cause addiction and side effects.
- A sufficient amount of vitamin D helps to strengthen the skeleton in infants, and serves to prevent rickets in infants.
- Fat increases resistance to colds, allergies. Regular use of the drug strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the child.
- The production of serotonin, which is responsible for the emotional state of children, is increasing. This is especially important in adolescence. The child will have a good mood, not succumb to stress and depression.
- Carotene as part of the drug strengthens the organs of vision. In the era of all kinds of gadgets, eye pathologies are very common. With the help of fish oil, children will be able to better see, distinguish colors and shades.
Indications for use
Among the diseases that can be prevented and treated with the help of this natural remedy, medicine names:
- flu, chronic bronchitis, acute respiratory infections;
- thrombophlebitis;
- allergic reactions;
- dermatitis, rash;
- rickets;
- sclerosis, senile senility;
- Alzheimer's disease;
- depression;
- insomnia;
- visual impairment;
- hypertension;
- frequent cramps;
- atherosclerosis;
- anemia;
- arthritis, other joint pathologies;
- psoriasis;
- wounds, burns;
- decreased immunity;
- obesity;
- oncological pathologies;
- heart disease;
- pulmonary emphysema, tuberculosis;
- general exhaustion.
In fact, the spectrum of use of the drug is much wider, it all depends on the specific disease and its symptoms. After consulting with your doctor before use, you can choose the best option for effective treatment.
Source of health in capsules and in liquid form
In pharmacies, the drug is presented in two forms:
- liquid substance in a bottle;
- fish oil capsules.
Adults and especially children prefer the second, more modern option. A clear advantage is the absence of a specific smell and taste when using capsules.
In addition, the capsule shell prevents the oxidation of fish oil under the influence of air and sunlight. That is, this form of the drug has a higher content of nutrients than the liquid in the bottle.
Daily rate of fish and effective sources
In no case should you take a medicine without control. The dosage of fish oil depends on the age, as well as on the characteristics of each person, especially the presence of diseases.
The recommended minimum daily dose of omega-3 for children is 250 mg, adults will need 1000 - 1500 mg per day to strengthen immunity, and if there is a disease, you can take up to 2500 mg of the drug.
The final dosage is indicated by the doctor based on the goal of treatment or prevention and the general condition of the person. Usually the course lasts 1.5 to 2 months, and then, after a break of 2 to 3 months, it is repeated again. After all, the body constantly needs replenishment.
In its natural form, omega-3 can be consumed with food.
Sources of beneficial acids:
- seafood;
- fish - salmon, sardines, tuna, herring, trout;
- vegetable oils - linseed, pumpkin, sesame;
- walnuts;
- pumpkin and flax seeds;
- greens - dill, parsley, spinach, cilantro.
You can even enjoy meals based on these products every day, replenishing the body with useful elements. There are no restrictions on the dosage of omega-3 in this form.
Can I take during pregnancy?
During gestation, it is very important for women to eat only healthy and safe foods. Fish oil is just such a product that improves the health of the expectant mother and baby.
The combination of fatty acids and vitamins:
- protects the woman and the fetus from infectious diseases;
- improves heart function;
- strengthens blood vessels;
- prevents the development of toxicosis in pregnant women;
- stabilizes the emotional state of future mothers;
- promotes full intrauterine nutrition;
- becomes the foundation for the normal growth and development of the child’s bone and nervous system;
- reduces the risk of allergies;
- minimizes the risk of premature birth.
Fish oil, in the absence of contraindications, is a safe and effective tool that ensures the normal bearing of a child. Nursing mothers can also take a vitamin preparation after consulting a doctor.
Possible harm and contraindications
In addition to the unconditional benefits that fish oil brings to the human body, it can do harm if contraindications are not taken into account.
When you can not use the drug:
- with problems with the thyroid gland;
- in case of hypervitaminosis;
- people with congenital diabetes;
- in the presence of chronic kidney pathologies;
- in case of individual intolerance to seafood;
- with hypotension, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
- people with kidney stones, gall bladder;
- with an active form of tuberculosis.
The use of extracts from fish carcasses rarely leads to an overdose. But if you drink a drug based on cod liver for a long time, unwanted side effects may occur.
Among them:
- loss of appetite;
- nausea, bouts of vomiting;
- headache;
- diarrhea, constipation;
- epigastric pain;
- exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
- a sharp decrease in blood pressure.
In addition, an unpleasant fish smell from the mouth appears.After discontinuation of the drug, all symptoms disappear.
The correct dosage of fish oil will bring only a positive result, fill the body with health and energy, give a good mood.
- Anna smartly