Currently, more than 400 varieties of onions are known. Being completely unpretentious, it is grown everywhere and is actively used not only to create different dishes, but also in alternative medicine for the treatment of many diseases. Consider what is useful onions for the human body, and how it is used for health purposes.
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What is useful for onions for the human body
All varieties of onions are rich in trace elements such as vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as folic and ascorbic acid. The body needs these substances in order to function normally. At the same time, onion calories, depending on the variety, range from 45 to 60 kcal for every hundred grams of the product.
Consider the beneficial properties of onions depending on the type.
When thinking about how useful onions, just pay attention to what effect this vegetable has on the body:
- strengthens the immune defense;
- prevents anemia;
- restores metabolic processes;
- normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels;
- stimulates the functionality of the brain;
- strengthens bone and tooth tissue;
- ensures the normal functioning of the liver, kidneys and thyroid gland;
- has an antioxidant effect;
- relieves inflammation;
- fights tumors;
- dilates blood vessels.
In addition to internal use, onions are used externally. The juice of this healthy vegetable has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
The main benefit of green onion is that it enriches the body with vitamins A, C and PP, as well as essential compounds and volatile.
In addition, it has the following properties:
- suppresses pathogens and viruses;
- improves blood circulation and blood composition;
- helps food to be better digested and absorbed;
- stimulates the immune system;
- beneficial effect on the reproductive system.
Also, eating green onion feathers helps to cope with insomnia and improve sleep quality.
Shallot is an artificially bred variety of onions, a distinctive feature of which are small onions and abundant greens.
It has such useful properties:
- enriches blood with potassium and sodium, which helps to improve heart function and normalize blood pressure;
- helps break down fats and stimulates the digestive system;
- relieves blood from toxins and "bad" cholesterol;
- strengthens bone tissue, teeth and nails;
- It has an antioxidant and tonic effect;
- improves memory and sleep;
- positive effect on the organs of vision.
On a note. Shallots are not able to restore vision or cure any eye disease, but the active substances present in it have a positive effect on organ cells, and for this reason this vegetable is recommended for ophthalmic problems.
Red onion
Red onions are also called blue or purple, due to the rich color of the husk.
This product acts on the body as follows:
- stimulates metabolic processes;
- improves digestion;
- helps in the fight against helminths;
- neutralizes viruses and infections;
- lowers blood sugar;
- removes toxic substances;
- struggles with edema and allergies;
- restores the nervous system;
- It has a rejuvenating effect on the body.
The anthocyanins contained in the red onion, which give it a rich shade, are able to fight cancer and destroy cancer cells.
Useful properties of onion peel
Onion peel contains antioxidant compounds, vitamins and minerals.
These components have such an effect on the body:
- stimulate the immune system;
- eliminate allergic manifestations;
- cleanse the intestines;
- improve the condition of blood vessels and capillaries;
- destroy parasites;
- slow the growth of benign and malignant tumors;
- strengthens hair, teeth and nails.
Attention! Decoctions and tinctures from onion peels increase blood coagulability, so they should not be taken by people prone to thromboembolism.
Recipes with onions in folk medicine
Onions are present in many traditional medicine recipes.
Consider how to use it in the treatment of various conditions:
- Cough. Mix the onion head chopped to a state of gruel with warm fat in equal proportions and drink a teaspoon once a day, and also rub the neck, back and chest with a mixture.
- Runny nose. Combine the onion gruel with an equal amount of chopped laundry soap, goat or cow milk and 5 ml of alcohol. Then warm the composition in a water bath and cool. The resulting product needs to moisten cotton swabs and enter their nasal passage.
- Whooping cough and bronchitis. Scroll in a meat grinder 500 g of onion, mix with an equal amount of sugar and 100 g of honey. Dilute the resulting composition with a liter of water and cook for about 3 hours, and then strain, pour into a bottle and put into the cold. You need to drink such a remedy 3 times a day for a tablespoon, slightly heated before taking it.
- Atherosclerosis and hypertension. Chop the onion, mix with a little honey and use the pulp three times a day for a tablespoon
- Diabetes. Grind a large onion, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 8-10 hours. Drink a decoction of 100 ml 3 times a day.
- Digestive problems and hemorrhoids. Squeeze the juice from the onion and drink a tablespoon 3 times a day. It is better to prepare a fresh remedy for each reception.
- Tumor diseases and scurvy. Add feathers and onion slices to the first and second courses, or eat separately in large quantities.
- Inflammatory processes and parasitic diseases.Boil 10 onions, cut in half, in 600 ml of water, then strain and drink the broth on an empty stomach in 100 ml for 7 to 10 days.
- Otitis and ear plugs. Mix juice from onions with vodka in a ratio of 4: 1 and dig in the ear canal three times a day.
- Bruises and sprains. Grind the onion head to a pulp state, add honey or granulated sugar, wrap in gauze and bandage it to the site of damage.
- Dandruff and weakness of hair. Rub juice from onions daily into the scalp for 30 days.
- Freckles and age spots. Wipe your face with onion juice mixed with purified water every night.
- Withering of the skin and wrinkles. Mix the gruel from the onion with honey in a ratio of 2: 1 and apply the mask on the face for 20 minutes.
Attention! In no case should you bury onion-based products in your eyes, this will cause a severe burn of the mucous membrane.
There are no direct contraindications to the use of onions, however, care should be taken and eat it in small quantities under such conditions:
- heart problems;
- asthma;
- hypertension;
- frequent bloating;
- decreased vitality;
- liver disease.
If you abuse onions in the presence of these problems, this can lead to deterioration.
Given these warnings when using onion in its pure form or health-improving products based on it, you can only bring benefits to the body without fear of harming your health.
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