Exotic and tropical goodies have always aroused keen interest of gourmets. One of such overseas guests is considered coconut - under its hard shell hides an extremely tasty and nutritious pulp. What is useful for coconut and are there any contraindications to its use?
Material Content:
Chemical composition, calorie content and BJU of coconut
100 g of coconut contains 354 kcal.
Also in the composition of overseas walnut includes:
- proteins - 3.4 g;
- fats - 33.5 g;
- carbohydrates - 6.2 g;
- potassium;
- calcium;
- magnesium;
- sodium;
- phosphorus;
- iron;
- manganese;
- copper;
- selenium;
- zinc;
- lauric acid.
What is coconut good for?
Coconut is an almost universal product, it is difficult to find an area in which it would not be useful.
The main beneficial properties of coconut:
- Helps fight bacteria, viruses, infections. Lauric acid is “responsible” for this. By the amount of its content, coconut is second only to breast milk.
- Helps strengthen the nervous system.
- Positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- It has an anthelmintic effect.
- Regulates digestion.
- Beneficial effect on the condition of the joints.
- Helps to improve blood circulation.
- It is considered a good aphrodisiac.
- Improves the condition of the skin.
- Helps fight atherosclerosis.
- It has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.
What are the benefits for women
Coconut is extremely beneficial for a woman's body:
- It has a strong cosmetic effect, beneficially affecting the condition of the skin and hair.
- Helps normalize the menstrual cycle. In addition, coconut and its derivatives relieve pain during menstruation and prevent the development of fungal infections.
Benefits for the body of a man
Coconut is also relevant for the body of a man. Its main function is to maintain normal male health. Coconut extracts are part of many drugs designed to combat pathologies of the male genital area. Coconut has the ability to increase the potency and reproductive functions of the stronger sex.
In addition, a high protein content allows coconut to be consumed by athletes as a special diet. It helps to build muscle mass, increases endurance during training, energizes.
The beneficial properties of coconut milk
Coconut milk is a white liquid formed in ripe coconut. Inside the young nut contains colorless coconut juice. As the coconut grows and grows, drops of oil fall into the juice. This is coconut water.
Pulp is taken out of ripe coconut, crushed and mixed with water. This forms coconut milk.
This liquid is unique in its properties:
- activates digestion;
- considered to be excellent cancer prevention;
- tones up, relieves fatigue;
- can be used instead of saline or sweetener for diabetics;
- used in the treatment of urolithiasis;
- in diluted form, coconut milk is useful for children suffering from lactose intolerance;
- milk is often used in oriental and vegan cuisine.
It is interesting. Coconut milk goes on sale in powder form. When diluted, it retains all the beneficial properties of a fresh product.
Coconut oil in cosmetology
In addition to the pulp and coconut milk, coconut oil brings undeniable benefits. Its useful properties are widely applicable in cosmetology, cooking. It is also useful for massage sessions.
By the way. Used as a conductor during massage, the oil provides the same benefit as if it were applied directly inside.
Useful properties of coke oil.
- Coconut oil perfectly heals small abrasions, cuts and cracks.
- It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
- Helps rejuvenate the skin and increase its turgor.
- Accelerates the growth of eyelashes, gives them volume.
- Strengthens nails, softens the cuticle, gives hands a well-groomed look.
- Strengthens hair, accelerates their growth.
Coconut Oil Face Mask
Mix 1 tbsp. coconut oil, kefir, honey. Apply the mixture to the face, rinse after 15 minutes.
Coconut Oil Hair Mask
Coconut product is not recommended to be applied to the scalp due to its high fat content. Rubbing oil along the entire length of the hair is enough to improve their condition.
Pregnancy and lactation
Coconut is also useful for expectant mothers. Its rich vitamin composition provides the body of a woman to her unborn child with all the necessary substances. Besides, Coconut helps pregnant women normalize hormones. Therefore, there is a delicacy for pregnant women, but after discussing the dosage with the doctor.
How to choose a fruit when buying
The body will benefit exclusively from high-quality and fresh fruit.
In order not to make a mistake when choosing a coconut, the following recommendations should be considered:
- When choosing from two nuts, it is better to take the one that is heavier (weigh in the palm of your hand) - this indicates a greater amount of milk and pulp.
- You should not buy a wet fruit - most likely there are microcracks on it and the flesh begins to deteriorate.
- You need to buy coconut with a uniform surface, without signs of rot and mold.
- Choosing a nut, you can knock on it - you will hear how milk splashes. If this did not happen, the flesh began to dry and the sound would be dull when tapped.
- Particular attention should be paid to 3 black dots at the base of the fetus, because it starts to deteriorate from there.
Coconut and its derivatives rarely cause allergies, but in some cases it can not be consumed.
- There is a lot of phenylalanine in the nut, so it is banned for use by people suffering from phenylketonuria.
- In case of individual intolerance to coconut.
- In acute conditions of the gallbladder or liver.
Easy way to open coconut
How to quickly and effortlessly remove coconut flesh from the shell?
To do this, adhere to the following algorithm:
- Using a sharp object, make holes in 2 of 3 eyes in the base of the fetus. This part of the coconut is considered the thinnest.
- Insert juice into one of the holes. Through the second hole, air enters the nut.
- Take a large knife and place the nut on a flat surface.
- The weak point of the coconut is approximately one third of the distance from the black dots to another base. It is here that you need to strike the first blow with the blunt part of the knife.
- Turn the nut a little and hit again. After several revolutions, a crack will appear in the shell.
- Insert the knife into the crack, and chop the fruit to the end.
Those who like to enjoy unusual products, which are also very nutritious, should pay attention to coconut. This tough nut will please the brave ones who decided to open it with delicious milk and tender core. For ladies who care about their health and appearance, natural coconut oil is suitable - a source of youth of strength and beauty.