The horned root has long been used by folk healers. How useful is ginger, what is the use of the plant in medicine and cosmetology, are there any contraindications and possible harm?
Material Content:
- 1 The beneficial and healing properties of ginger
- 2 Ginger Disease Treatment
- 3 Effective recipes for traditional medicine
- 4 During pregnancy and lactation
- 5 Is it possible to lose weight with ginger
- 6 Beauty Application
- 7 The benefits of pickled, dried ginger
- 8 Contraindications and potential health hazards
The beneficial and healing properties of ginger
Raw root, dry powder or pickled seasoning - ginger is used in different forms. The main application is as a means for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Ginger is also used for weight loss, in cooking and in cosmetology.
It is interesting: ginger tea
Due to the beneficial vitamin composition, the root has a lot of healing properties:
- stops inflammatory processes;
- has an analgesic effect;
- lowers temperature during the flu, colds;
- eliminates signs of depression;
- rejuvenates the body;
- strengthens the immune system;
- normalizes digestion;
- speeds up metabolism;
- removes toxins;
- strengthens blood vessels;
- lowers cholesterol;
- activates the brain, tones, improves memory;
- normalizes hormonal levels;
- fights parasites;
- neutralizes the effects of poisons;
- prevents the development of cancerous tumors;
- disinfects the oral cavity, freshens the breath.
If you regularly add seasoning to dishes - health will only improve.
Why ginger is good for women
Doctors recommend using the root of the plant to young ladies to strengthen immunity, preserve beauty and youth.
Useful properties of ginger for the female body:
- relieves pain during menstruation;
- treats infertility;
- reduces the symptoms of menopause (migraine, irritability);
- relieves constipation;
- treats neoplasms of the uterus, other female intimate organs;
- relieves inflammation;
- enhances sex drive;
- contributes to weight loss;
- improves the condition of the skin and hair.
Ginger supplies a woman with all the necessary vitamins and minerals for her health.
Benefits for men
The name of the healing root in Chinese means "courageous".
After all, the spice especially affects the stronger sex:
- improves potency;
- prevents the development of prostatitis;
- normalizes muscle tone;
- increases physical and mental activity.
Ginger makes a man healthy, strong, gives self-confidence.
Ginger Disease Treatment
Folk remedies based on horned roots prevent the development of many pathologies. Ginger is a part of effective medicines.
White root is used to treat:
- poisoning;
- disorders of the stomach and intestines (diarrhea, belching);
- liver pathologies;
- renal, biliary colic;
- cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, hypertension);
- throat diseases (tonsillitis);
- colds (cough, inflammation);
- asthma, allergic bronchitis;
- joint diseases (arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism);
- prostatitis
- hemorrhoids;
- diabetes mellitus;
- neurological disorders;
- motion sickness;
- toxicosis in pregnant women;
- hormonal disorders;
- diseases of the oral cavity (scurvy, stomatitis).
People using horny root products respond positively to this course of treatment. Ginger promotes rapid recovery and improvement of the general condition of the body.
Effective recipes for traditional medicine
Various medicinal products are made from ginger:
- decoction;
- alcohol tincture;
- tea;
- paste;
- grinding oil;
- infusion.
All of them are used by traditional healers for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.
Proven recipes:
- Tea with ginger strengthens the immune system, helps cure coughs, colds, tones. Cut the root, add water, cook for 15 - 20 minutes on low heat. Cool, add honey and lemon juice. It is better not to drink tea before bedtime, as it invigorates.
- Remedy for motion sickness will help on the road. Dilute the ginger root (0.5 tsp) with clean water (200 g). Drink 30 minutes before the trip.
- Ginger oil relieves joint pain. Chopped root (50 g) pour sunflower oil (200 g), insist in a dark place for 14 - 21 days. Rub joints for the night.
- Horny root paste relieves headache. Grate fresh ginger (5 g), mix with water (2 tbsp. L.) Until a paste forms. Put the mixture on your forehead for 10 - 15 minutes.
- Tincture with ginger reduces asthma attacks and chronic bronchitis. Pour the crushed root (500 g) with alcohol (1 l), insist in heat for 3 to 4 weeks, periodically shaking. Strain. Take 1 tsp. tinctures diluted in a glass of water, 2 times a day after meals.
- A compress made from ginger powder (2 tsp), turmeric (1 tsp) and red pepper (0.5 tsp) relieves back pain. Mix the components with warm water, apply the mixture to the tissue and apply it to the sore spot for 1 hour.
- To normalize digestion, mix ginger powder (1 g), nutmeg (1 g) with yogurt (100 g) and water (100 g).
- Tincture from the root will cure prostatitis. Pour ginger (10 g) with vodka (100 g), insist in a dark place for 2 to 3 weeks. To use 10 - 15 drops of tincture in water 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
- Ginger bath will relieve muscle pain after exercise. Powder (2 - 3 tbsp. L.) Pour water (1 l), cook for 10 minutes. Strain the broth, pour into water.
You can use ginger-based products in the absence of contraindications.
During pregnancy and lactation
For women expecting a baby, doctors recommend drinking ginger tea, as well as adding spices to the food based on this healthy root.
Ginger has a special effect on a pregnant woman:
- Eliminates the signs of toxicosis: relieves nausea, has an antiemetic effect.
- Soothes the nervous system of the expectant mother.
- It supplies vitamins and minerals useful for the development of the fetus.
- Removes excess fluid, relieves swelling, often tormenting pregnant women.
- Struggles with dizziness, migraines.
- It increases the resistance of the future mother to viral infections without the use of drugs.
But ginger is not always useful during pregnancy. Do not use root:
- with gestosis in the last trimester, so as not to provoke a premature birth;
- if earlier the woman had miscarriages in the early stages.
Can I drink ginger tea after giving birth? Doctors advise a nursing mother to refrain from drinks and dishes with ginger.
Is it possible to lose weight with ginger
The horned root is actively used by people who want to lose extra pounds.
This is facilitated by the special properties of ginger, due to which it:
- accelerates metabolic processes;
- improves intestinal motility;
- removes toxins, toxins;
- accelerates the breakdown of fats;
- It supplies useful trace elements, being low-calorie.
For effective weight loss, you can regularly add spice to food.
Useful and diet tea with ginger. To prepare it, you need to take 2 lemons and squeeze their juice. Add boiling water (300 ml) to it, cool. Add the crushed root and honey to the resulting composition (2 tsp each). Tea is better to drink warm.
Beauty Application
Ginger has been used successfully for cosmetic purposes. Natural cosmetics based on horned roots help to give attractiveness.
Nutrients, which include the components of ginger:
- make the dermis elastic;
- improve complexion;
- narrow pores, eliminate the shine of oily skin;
- affect the cause of inflammatory processes, redness, acne, rash;
- nourish the hair follicles;
- normalize their structure;
- eliminate dandruff;
- stimulate hair growth;
- give natural shine to ringlets.
Ginger acts as an ingredient in many cosmetics: creams, masks, shampoos, balms and lotions. Useful skin and hair care products are easily purchased at cosmetics stores, or can be prepared at home.
Popular recipes for beauty:
- The classic ginger mask tones the skin, makes it supple. Add olive oil (1 tsp) to the crushed root (2 tsp). Apply the composition to the skin of the face and neck, bypassing the nasolabial triangle and the area around the eyes. After 10 minutes, rinse, grease with a moisturizer.
If there are wounds on the skin, a mask with ginger should be discarded. - Ginger lotion stimulates hair growth, nourishes the scalp. Mix the root juice (4 tbsp. L.) With its dry powder (2 tsp.). Apply the mixture to the hair, rinse after 10 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.
- Nourishing mask improves hair structure, removes split ends. Mix egg yolk (1 pc.) With lemon juice (1 tsp.). Add low-fat kefir (5 tbsp. L.), Ginger powder (1 tbsp. L.) And honey (1 tsp.). Apply the resulting composition to the hair and wrap with a film. After 45 minutes rinse with water. Use 2 to 3 times a month.
The beneficial substances contained in ginger rejuvenate, give beauty and attractiveness.
The benefits of pickled, dried ginger
The horned root can be used fresh, pickled, and also dried (in powder form).
Pickled ginger is a hot seasoning traditional for Asian cuisine. Lovers of rolls and sushi appreciated the ability of ginger to “clean” receptors before enjoying the taste of a new dish. In this form, the root has the same characteristics as raw, but additional contraindications to its use appear. Due to the acute taste, it should not be eaten by people who have an ulcer or gastritis, as well as pregnant women.
Dried ginger has all the beneficial properties of a fresh root. In addition, it can be stored much longer. The powder is used as a seasoning for dishes, as well as for weight loss.
Dried ginger in sugar has a special taste.To prepare it, the root should be soaked overnight in water, and then cut into slices. Then they need to be boiled, mixed with sugar and boiled again in syrup. Hot ginger can only be sprinkled with powdered sugar. Such candied fruits are tasty and healthy. Just do not abuse this dessert. 1 - 2 slices per day is enough to strengthen the immune system.
Contraindications and potential health hazards
It is important to know when you can not use a healthy root, so as not to harm health.
Ginger is contraindicated in the presence of:
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- ulcerative colitis;
- esophageal reflux;
- bleeding
- diverticulosis;
- coronary heart disease;
- arterial hypertension;
- gallstone disease;
- gestosis in late pregnancy;
- high fever;
- an allergic reaction.
Proper use of ginger in the absence of contraindications will give vigor, youth and longevity.