The answer to the question of how walnut is useful is very simple - it is a tree pharmacy. For almost all human systems and organs, such a “health box” is truly life-giving — fruits, leaves, walnut peel, tree bark, and even its roots.
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The content of nutrients in walnuts
Any nuts - nutmeg, hazel, cedar, cashew, almond and others - a real gift of nature, rich in substances necessary for the human body. But the walnut rightly earned the title of walnut king. Its composition is unique and inimitable; no other type of nuts has such a variety of micro and macro elements, vitamins.
The biological composition of the fetus varies depending on how ripe it is.
For example, in unripe nuts there are:
- vitamins B1 and B2, C and PP;
- carotenes;
- quinone.
Ripe fruits, in addition to the above, are filled with:
- vitamins A and K;
- tannins;
- fatty oil;
- sterols;
- a whole detachment of acids - linoleic, palmitic, oleic and others;
- cellulose;
- cobalt;
- iron salts.
They are a real treasure of mineral compounds: potassium and calcium, sulfur and magnesium, aluminum and manganese, zinc and iron.
But the core of nuts is not the only element that the human race has learned to use for its own health even in ancient civilizations.People quickly learned that tree leaves and hard shells were no less treasures. The first is a powerful force of antioxidants and regulators of the functioning of the nervous system - a huge amount of vitamins C and B1. The second hides phenolcarboxylic acids and tannins.
The beneficial properties of walnuts
The fact that everyone needs this precious gift of nature, regardless of gender and age, is hardly a secret for anyone. Walnuts are not only tasty, but, without exaggeration, help us live.
- With them, the liver, kidneys and heart feel much better and work impeccably.
- Vessels, small and large, become stronger and stronger.
- Walnut saturates the blood with iron.
- The body is able to resist ailments due to increased immunity.
- Nuts tidy up the hormonal balance.
- They neutralize toxins that have entered the body.
The most surprising thing is that the above list is only a small part of what can be said about the beneficial properties of walnuts. It is interesting that, depending on the sex and age of the lovers of these fruits, they can have a different, but always beneficial effect on a person.
Walnut for children
You should not even wonder if it is possible for children to eat walnuts. The answer is unequivocal: not only possible, but necessary. The only thing - do not try to treat the baby until he grows up to three years. Firstly, such a powerful vitamin-mineral blow to a small body is not easy to withstand. And, secondly, he is able to choke corny walnut kernels. But such a delicacy will bring a lot of pleasure to a matured child, and a lot of benefit. How much to give? As much as fits in children's hands, and every other day. Soon enough, changes for the better will become noticeable.
- If there were metabolic problems, they will disappear. As a result, the maximum benefit from any healthy meal. As well as a guarantee of normal and stable weight. What is very important for a growing person.
- The child will quickly develop both physically and mentally. Walnuts have everything to provide.
- Mom’s regime “week at work - three on sick leave” is canceled. A little lover of walnuts has a cold and ailments much less often than their peers, whose menu does not contain such an additive.
- Your first grader will find it easier to adapt to school mode. His attention will be concentrated, his memory will grow stronger, his quick wits will grow. So, with academic performance, everything will be in order.
Benefit for men
In addition to the already listed general life-giving qualities of nuts, there are specific ones. Walnut for men will not only allow you to forget about Viagra, but also make spermatozoa stronger and more numerous: several independent studies immediately led to such a comforting conclusion. One of the most popular ways to increase potency is to eat nuts with honey.
It turns out a delicious natural mix with a unique chemical composition:
- protein;
- sulfur;
- arginine;
- vitamins A and PP;
- folic acid.
All this enhances the production of sex hormones. True, taking such a “medicine” will have to completely abandon strong drinks. Otherwise, you will have to go back to Viagra.
And walnuts in conjunction with warm goat milk is an effective tool for the prevention of adenoma and inflammation of the prostate gland.
Why walnuts are good for women
Walnuts for women are no less healing than for the opposite sex. Although it is in gender differences that the effect on the body lies. Hippocrates and Avicenna knew the fact that walnuts are effective in treating purely female ailments.
In cases of hormonal imbalance, especially during menopause and menopause, funds prepared from unripe (they are also called milk) nuts will come to the rescue. Just in such, the content of vitamin C is at its peak. It is he who is able to prolong a woman's youth.
Drugs from nuts will help regulate the menstrual cycle, make life easier for the heart, because they have a diuretic effect.
With mastopathy, sometimes you can do without expensive medications, with the permission of a doctor, replacing them with a special alcohol tincture from partitions of ripe nuts.
Paradoxically, despite the high calorie content, walnuts drive off excess weight. During the so-called nut diet (a few nuts per day and water), bad cholesterol is excreted from the body, the vessels are cleaned, and extra pounds are melting. And high acidity calms the appetite. But do not stretch them longer than one day.
Partitions from walnuts: the benefits and harms
Not only the nucleoli of walnuts are rich in the most useful elements. But also the partitions that separate them. So do not rush to send them to the bin. Suddenly there will come a moment when they come in handy? However, it is not necessary to wait for such a moment: you can use them to prevent iodine deficiency in the body and protect the thyroid gland. But that is far from all.
- If it is realized that the character has hopelessly soured - irritability, even aggressiveness is instantly replaced by apathy, and tears are ready to burst out of the eyes for any reason - it is worth making a decoction from the partitions.
- They help relieve fatigue from the eyes and restore visual acuity. Especially for those who are busy with hard mental work, and even in front of a computer monitor.
- In partitions from walnuts, a record amount of potassium and magnesium. What is vital to maintaining a healthy heart.
- Suppurations, wounds, abrasions heal faster if you apply lotions from the partitions crushed to a state of dust.
- Alcohol tincture relieves muscle cramps and pain.
But, despite the indisputable usefulness, there are situations when it is forbidden to use funds from walnut partitions.
Partitions "taboo", if any:
- allergy;
- excess in the body of iodine;
- dermatitis or psoriasis;
- stomach ulcer.
It is better not to use the septum during pregnancy, as well as when breastfeeding, even if you feel great.
What is useful oil
Nuts, including walnuts, are rich in oils. Since today's conversation as a whole about walnuts, we can not say about the value of peanut butter. And to name at least five reasons why they should not be neglected.
- Firstly, this product increases the tone and immune status of the body. It is indispensable in the recovery period after severe ailments and operations.
- Secondly, those who often consume such oil receive youth as a present: the body is cleansed of carcinogens, radionuclides, and increases its resistance to radiation.
- Thirdly, this is a wonderful dietary product that removes excess fat. No wonder it is present among the components of many diets. It turns out that the loading dose of oleic acid in its composition turns excess fat into energy "fuel" for the body. This oil does not wash out beneficial substances. On the contrary, it allows them to accumulate to the joy of the body.
- Fourth, for lovers of a seductive tan, the use of walnut oil preserves the skin's darkness for longer.
- Fifth, such a salad dressing brain will be delighted. Our distant ancestors knew about the effect of oil on his work. For example, an ancient Persian medical treatise compares the kernel of a nut with the brain, the oil squeezed out of it with the mind. And the priests of the Babylonian temples forbade commoners to eat both walnuts and oil from them.
How to Eat Walnuts for Health
Like any other product, walnuts can not be overeating. If you need to enjoy and improve your health, it is worth following a few simple rules.
- Adults do not need to eat more than 100 grams per day. There was heartburn or other unpleasant sensations - so this is not your product. The dose is reduced, or walnuts are completely removed from the menu.
- Nuts are a completely independent food. They can have a snack between breakfast and lunch, or build a light salad with greens in the morning. In the afternoon or evening, they will lay heaviness on the stomach.
- The human body processes nuts rather slowly - this is heavy food. So for serious illnesses, they need to be abandoned.
- Prefer raw kernels to fried. In the latter, under the influence of temperature, almost no useful enzymes and minerals remain.
- If the nuts are bought at the market or in the store and seem to be overdried (sometimes they are processed for better preservation), it is good to soak them in room water. It can take from 3 to 18 hours until they get the right quality. It remains to spread them on paper, to dry, and after two hours you can eat.
Application in traditional medicine and cosmetology
We have already said that the walnut tree is a real living pharmacy. And that human benefits can be derived from everything from tree bark and leaves to nucleoli and shells. All elements of the tree are widely used traditional medicine and cosmetology.
Walnut leaves
The leaves of the tree are often used in folk healing. Medical decoctions and infusions made from them complement the complex of treatment for many diseases: problems with the stomach and intestines, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus (especially the second type), gout, internal bleeding and diarrhea. Perfectly proved to be a decoction of walnut leaves as an external anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent - like gargling with tonsillitis, mouth with lesions of the mucosa; for compresses and lotions for diathesis and hair loss.
It is necessary to regularly rinse the hair with a decoction of walnut leaves, and it will become healthy and radiant. True, fair-haired ladies need to consider that the color of your hair can darken.
Tincture of leaves will also save you from sweating your arms and legs: wipe them after a bath or shower.
It is in the walnut shell that the shock dose of antioxidants has accumulated, which helps to withstand the harmful effects of the environment. A huge supply of vitamins E and A avoids premature skin aging, preserves the beauty and health of hair and nails. Shell infusions are also recommended for hypertensive women, women with severe bleeding during menstruation, as a prophylaxis of vascular problems. Broths wash their shells, wash their wounds, apply to boils and skin rashes. And they drink them in order to quickly restore strength after serious illness.
Walnut juice
For many centuries, if not millennia, the beneficial qualities of walnuts have been known. Including its juice. Even Avicenna wrote that if squeezing nut juice into a festering ear, the patient will feel better. Traditional medicine respects this juice for its ability to effectively drive more than a hundred types of parasites from the body - from huge tapeworms to small giardia. And also for help in the rapid healing of wounds and cuts, a strong choleretic effect.
Walnut kernels
Much has been said above about the health benefits of walnut kernels. But there is another aspect of their application, no less effective and successful - cosmetology.For example, if you need to “revive” a dry face in a short time, the crushed core of a fresh nut mixed with honey, egg yolk and butter will help.
However, cosmetologists still prefer to use peanut butter, not nucleoli, which require some preparation, maintaining the beauty of the skin and hair with it.
Tinctures and decoctions
Before being treated with walnuts, you need to know which version of the potion is suitable for one or another ailment.
For example:
- Poor digestion, stomach pain. 30 ground young nuts are poured with a liter of vodka. The liquid is infused for two weeks, after which it is filtered. Take two tablespoons three times a day.
- Tortured acne. A collection of walnut leaves, St. John's wort, burdock root, elecampane root (each with a tablespoon) is poured with a glass of boiling water. Drink two to three glasses a day.
- Tuberculosis. Decoction from a mixture prepared from: green pericarp of walnut, Valerian root, sage and horsetail. A tablespoon of the composition is steamed with 200 grams of boiling water, insist for at least 15 and no more than 20 minutes. Dose - a glass per day. The course of treatment is three months.
- For wound healing. An ointment is made, consisting of 15 grams of finely chopped walnut leaves and 100 grams of sunflower oil. After two weeks exposure, it is cooked for half an hour in a water bath. Then it is filtered and mixed with 15 grams of yellow natural wax.
Even a healthy person should not get too carried away and lean on walnuts. But there are situations when it is better to forget about them.
To whom are walnuts contraindicated?
Those who suffer from food allergies. Moreover, it does not matter whether it is chocolate or tangerines. All the same, you will have to give up nuts in order not to tempt fate.
During sore throats, walnuts are not the best food. They are quite capable of aggravating inflammation of the glands.
If the blood coagulates too quickly, nuts are strictly prohibited: they contain too much tannin.
Any dermatological diseases automatically require the most minimal use of walnuts, and even better - their complete elimination. Not even an hour - a relapse occurs.
You can not eat nuts for those who have already been treated for pancreatitis. Even the "recovered" pancreas can not withstand such a load and again break down.