A traditional Russian drink has a special healing power, which helps protect against diseases and improve human health. Since time immemorial, it has been revered by folk healers, and the vast list of diseases that juice can cure is impressive. How birch sap is useful, how and when to collect it, in what cases to drink, and whether there are contraindications for its use - interesting information about the drink in our article.
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Composition and calorie content of birch sap
The “tears” of the Russian tree are composed mainly of water. Their taste is the same, only with characteristic delicate, sweet-tart notes of wood. It seems to be nothing special, but in fact the whole secret is in a unique chemical composition.
After all, birch sap includes:
- various tannins;
- fruit saccharides;
- a set of healthy vitamins;
- organic acids;
- saposides;
- essential oils.
Separately, it should be pointed out that there is a huge variety of trace elements that positively affect a person and support vitality.
With all this, the calorie content of the drink is minimal, only 25 kcal per 100 ml. After all, there are no fats in it, and carbohydrates and proteins - in small quantities.
That is why nutritionists recommend that their patients use “birch tears” instead of water in order to replenish the body with the necessary useful substances, without fear of deposits of additional fatty layers on the waist and abdomen.
Birch sap: benefits for the human body
There are not many natural products in nature, especially drinks, which boast such a range of healing properties combined with unique health safety. After all, juice is recommended for consumption to everyone, without exception, including children, pregnant women and mothers who are breast-feeding a baby.
How do “birch tears” affect the body:
- improve digestion;
- accelerate metabolic processes;
- normalize the microflora of the throat and respiratory tract;
- possess antiseptic properties;
- increase the general tone of the body;
- regulate metabolism;
- prevent caries;
- have a diuretic effect;
- increase kidney function;
- remove toxins, toxins;
- strengthen immunity;
- eliminate symptoms of depression;
- prevent the appearance of neoplasms of various origins;
- improve blood formation processes.
People's advice:burdock juice medicinal properties and contraindications
Especially excellent juice copes with such a seasonal spring phenomenon as vitamin deficiency.
What is the use of natural birch juice for women
Like any medicinal products, a drink for each person affects in its own way, individually.
What is the benefit of birch sap for women?
It should be noted its special effect on the hormonal background of the fair sex:
- The introduction of a drink into the diet during menopause helps women eliminate unpleasant symptoms: irritability, nervousness, pressure surges.
- Nectar during pregnancy reduces the edema that often accompanies this difficult period, improves mood and vitality, and provides a useful vitamin complex to the body of the expectant mother for the development of the child.
- The cosmetic properties of “birch tears” help to improve the condition of the skin, strengthen hair and eliminate dandruff.
Therefore, young ladies of any age should not rush to abandon this healing elixir. If, of course, we are talking about a natural product, and not about a sweet store surrogate.
Useful properties of the drink for men
A strong half of humanity will find in nectar the necessary and missing components to improve sexual health.
After all, the drink:
- reduces irritability;
- promotes psychological balance;
- normalizes testosterone production;
- increases the activity of the testes;
- improves reproductive function;
- restores potency.
In addition, men do not need any prescriptions from a doctor to start such a “treatment”. There is also no need to worry about the negative consequences of this natural therapy.
Benefits for the baby's body
Due to its biostimulating properties, juice has a positive effect on the immune system. For the child’s body, this aspect is very important, which is why pediatricians recommend including the drink in the diet of children from 1 year old.
It prevents anemia in children, fights against fast fatigue and vitamin deficiency.
Juice is a hypoallergenic product, but it should be introduced into the diet of babies gradually, because individual allergic reactions are still possible. It is better to start with a dosage from an incomplete dessert spoon, gradually increasing it every day. The maximum daily dose is 100 ml of juice.
It should be noted that fresh juice benefits. Purchased packaged option is not recommended for children.
What diseases use birch sap
The healing properties of the drink help to eliminate a variety of pathologies and ailments. Juice is also used to prevent certain diseases.
Among the indications:
- respiratory diseases - pneumonia, bronchitis of various origins, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tuberculosis;
- decreased gallbladder functionality;
- edema due to malfunctioning of the kidneys;
- teenage acne, rash (for external use);
- period of seasonal infections;
- urolithiasis and kidney stones;
- vitamin deficiency, general weakness;
- anemia, blood diseases;
- pathologies of the skeletal system - gout, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthritis of various types;
- increased acidity of the digestive tract;
- fever;
- exacerbation of a depressive state;
- phlebeurysm;
- digestive disorders - constipation, diarrhea, heartburn;
- headache, migraine attacks;
- runny nose, cough, the first symptoms of a cold;
- low or high blood pressure;
- pancreatitis, gastritis
- oncological neoplasms;
- dizziness;
- insomnia;
- scurvy;
- wounds, skin ulcers (local use);
- obesity.
Application in traditional medicine
Healers know that such a product can not be ignored in their recipes.
The therapy uses pure, undiluted wood juice. There are also drugs with the addition of apple, beet or carrot nectar.
Effective healer recipes are based on the beneficial properties of birch sap:
- To eliminate the symptoms of hypertension, you need to drink a glass of drink per day, divided into two doses, every day (a week or two).
- A cocktail of apple, birch and carrot nectars, diluted in equal proportions, will help cure anemia. The daily dose is 2 glasses, consume 3 to 4 times before eating.
- A sore throat will be treated with rinsing with warm juice. They need to be done after meals until the pain is relieved.
- Lotions with a birch drink will help reduce heat. A cotton pad or bandage soaked in it should be applied to the bends of the elbows, on the forehead, armpits and under the knees. Also, such compresses give a positive effect if you put them on the site of irritation, rash.
- A 3-month course of “birch tears” therapy can expel salt deposits (stones and sand) from the kidneys. To do this, in the morning and before going to bed, you need to drink 1 glass of fresh nectar.
- A medicinal product for immunocompromised patients is prepared from juice, cow's milk (1: 1), with the addition of 5 g of starch. You need to drink the drug in 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.
- Problems with the digestive process will help to eliminate a glass of oat grains, infused with 1.5 liters of juice. First, it must be placed in the cold overnight, and then cook in a water bath until the amount of liquid is halved. It is necessary to accept means three times a day on 1 glass of 28 - 30 days.
- The unpleasant symptoms of bone and joint diseases will be relieved by the use of fresh birch sap. It is necessary to drink it 3 times a day, 1 glass each, in the morning and evening with the addition of 200 ml of warm milk.
Use in cosmetology
In addition to internal use, the drink is used externally. The antiseptic properties of juice have found their application in cosmetics.
After all, “birch tears”:
- eliminate inflammation of the skin;
- tone the dermis;
- reduce the number of eels, boils;
- reduce the number of sebaceous gland secretions;
- eliminate dandruff;
- strengthens hair;
- normalize the water balance of the skin.
Cosmetic masks and tonics significantly improve skin health.
- The mask for acne consists of 1 egg white, 30 ml of honey and 100 ml of birch sap. The mixture should be wiped the problem areas of the skin several times a day.
- The composition of the anti-aging cream includes 2 tablespoons of juice, sprouted wheat (50 g) and grated sea-buckthorn berries (200 g). Regular use of such a product will help women eliminate small wrinkles, smooth the skin and restore its radiant appearance. Keep cream better in the refrigerator.
- A mask for dry skin of honey and nectar (1: 1) will improve the water balance of the dermis. It must be applied for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
- Frozen cubes of birch sap perfectly tone the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.
Hair becomes much stronger after using a special mask. For it you will need juice, alcohol or alcohol-containing drinks and a decoction of burdock (1: 1: 1).After application to the head, wait 15 minutes and rinse.
Rinse hair will help normalize the water balance of the skin on the head, eliminate dandruff. You can add a few drops of lemon to the nectar for a better effect. Hair will become stronger and more attractive.
Contraindications and possible harm
It will be fair to note the fact that the benefits and harms of birch sap are not at all equivalent. The drink has very few contraindications, which indicates its safety and healing power.
Do not drink “birch tears”:
- with allergies to pollen;
- in the presence of stones in the kidneys or bladder;
- with ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum.
In this short list, the absolute contraindication is only the possibility of allergic reactions after taking the drink. In two other cases, you need to be careful, for greater safety, consult with a specialist regarding the possibility of drinking juice.
It is important to remember that everything is good in moderation, so you should not drink more than 600 ml of a refreshing drink per day.
And remember that only fresh, freshly picked juice has beneficial properties. In the products that can be found on the shelves of hypermarkets, there is almost nothing but water and food additives, there is minimal nectar there. If at all present.
Useful tips for collecting birch sap
As soon as the snow begins to melt, and the earth gradually warms up, you can confidently go to the birch grove. March - early April - a favorable period that continues until the first catkins on the trees. By time - from noon to 18 p.m.
It is better to collect healing nectar far from highways, industrial facilities and settlements. You need to choose a birch tree, which receives more sunlight, grows away from its sisters - then the juice will be especially sweet.
A young tree is not suitable for harvesting, but too old has a thick bark that will be difficult to drill. Therefore, the best option is a tree with a trunk about 25 cm in diameter.
To get to the juice that flows between the bark and the trunk, you must:
- Make a small hole at a distance of 15 - 20 cm from the ground. Its depth is no more than 3 cm. It is not necessary to make more than three holes on one tree.
- A groove should be placed in the slot, along which juice can go: a hose, an aluminum or wooden tube.
- The second end of the device should be sent to a clean bowl.
A tree spills 2–3 liters of its “tears” per day, but you should not use the vulnerability and kindness of birches and collect them more than a liter.
It is necessary to protect nature and not leave the “wound” open. The hole must be covered with wax, covered with moss or hammered with a wooden peg.
Fresh juice is not stored for a long time, up to 3 days in the refrigerator. To preserve nectar longer, it can be frozen or canned.
Everything in nature is thought out, we only need to listen to her advice and use the healing properties to enhance health. And birch sap is a bright and incredibly tasty confirmation of this.