Few of us have ever experienced a disease like chickenpox at least once in our lives. The peculiarity of the disease in papules, which can be observed on the skin. In this article, we offer for consideration an interesting topic: how to smear chickenpox in order to alleviate the patient's condition.

The role of greenback in treatment

Chickenpox proceeds in several stages. The most active period is the rash. As a rule, this happens 2-3 days after the first signs of the disease appear.

Seeing a rash on themselves, many process acne with green. Doctors approve of this drug solution, and here's why:

  • Zelenka with chickenpox dries papules well, this speeds up the healing process;
  • brilliant green solution belongs to the group of antiseptics, fights bacteria and germs, has an anti-inflammatory effect. This feature is especially important when violating the integrity of papules. Zelenka prevents infections and suppuration of pimples;
  • Zelenka has a healing effect, quickly "tightens" the skin. This prevents the appearance of scars and scars at the site of papule formation;
  • the specialist sees the number of new rashes, can determine the stage and severity of the course of the disease.

But still, doctors are asking not to forget the following fact: chickenpox is a viral disease, and zelenka belongs to the class of antiseptics, so this remedy is not able to cope with the causative agent of the disease.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, even if you do not smear acne with chickenpox with green, they will pass on their own for 6-7 days.

What are the disadvantages of processing papules with brilliant green:

  • it contains alcohol, it dries the skin, while increasing itching;
  • the product can hardly be removed from the skin. Even after recovery, you have to walk with a “spotted pattern”;
  • the brilliant green does not wash off clothes and linen.

Despite these disadvantages, do not forget that the diamond green solution is the most affordable drug that is in every medicine cabinet.

How often do I need to process rashes with green stuff

Handle rashes with brilliant green as needed:

  • after water procedures;
  • when a new rash appears;
  • in case of violation of the integrity of the papule.

Every day you do not need to smear acne with brilliant green, this will lead to drying of the skin and severe itching.

Treatment of chickenpox in children and adults, except greenback

The pharmaceutical sector is actively developing, annually new drugs are delivered to the market that can cope with a particular disease. Is it possible to replace brilliant green with another, more modern and effective means? Experts say that such drugs have long existed.

Zinc preparations

Recently, doctors have recommended treating rashes with zinc-based drugs. This component reduces itching, relieves inflammation, swelling.

From the best side, the following tools have proven themselves:

  1. Calamine. A huge plus is that the lotion is colorless. Parents will not have the question of how to clean the skin of the crumbs after recovery. In addition, the drug is allowed even for babies up to a year. Lotion relieves itching, has a cooling effect, relieves inflammation. Its main function is the formation of a protective barrier film on the papule. It is she who prevents their infection and suppuration.
  2. Zinc ointment. Budget, but quite effective tool. Provides a disinfecting effect.
  3. Tsindol. Judging by the reviews, it is one of the best remedies for chickenpox. Papules after using the suspension quickly dry, crust over.

There are many zinc-based drugs. We have identified the most popular tools that are most popular.


Adults carry the chickenpox virus more difficult, many even require hospitalization. But still they have one significant advantage: it is much easier for an adult to cope with itching, to overcome the desire to comb papules.

Children in this regard are much more difficult. Especially hard for kids. That is why their papules need to be treated with drugs that relieve itching:

  1. Fenistil. This is an antihistamine that can be used for newborns. Available in the form of ointments and drops. It is better to apply comprehensively, in this case, the effectiveness of the drug increases.
  2. PoxClean. The gel contains aloe vera extract, it is he who quickly copes with itching.
  3. Baking soda. Used if the medicine cabinet does not have the necessary medicines. 5 g of soda should be diluted in a glass of water and treated with a papule solution.

I would also like to dwell on the drug Fukortsin. This solution has a bright pink tint. It dries papules well, relieves itching, so many people prefer to use it.

Which is better: brilliant green or Fukortsin? It all depends on the age of the patient. Fukortsin is approved for use in children over 3 years of age, it must be applied only pointwise, without touching healthy areas of the skin.

Doctors are convinced: if the age of the patient allows, it is better to use Fukortsin. Its action is more effective than that of greenbacks.

Antiviral drugs

Doctors also advise using antiviral medications in the treatment of chickenpox. They greatly facilitate the condition of the patient:

  • Acyclovir. Available in tablet form. It acts directly on the virus, reduces the number of rashes on the body.
  • Viferon.Available in the form of candles, which is very convenient in the treatment of children. It can be used for newborn babies.
  • Oxolinic ointment. Used externally. Prevents the process of reproduction of the virus in the blood.

As you can see, there are many tools with which you can smear chickenpox in children, except for greenery. But all the drugs should be prescribed by the doctor after examining the baby.

How many days do you need to apply chickenpox ointment

In each case, the pediatrician prescribes the use of ointments individually. How many days you need to lubricate papules depends on the condition of the patient.

As a rule, the process drags on for 5-7 days. The procedure should be performed 3 times a day and additionally after the adoption of water procedures.

If chickenpox goes away with complications, then the doctor can increase the period of use of ointments and gels.

Is it possible to not treat the skin with anything

Many leading pediatricians agree that papules during chickenpox can not be processed at all. In this case, they will pass on their own for 5-7 days.

You can do this in the following cases:

  • the number of rashes on the child’s body does not exceed 10-15 pimples;
  • the baby feels satisfactory, he does not have an increase in body temperature;
  • daily hygiene is observed;
  • the child does not bother with itching.

If all of the above items correspond to your situation, then papules can not be treated with ointments and solutions.

What is it worth to smear chickenpox in the mouth and on other mucous membranes

In some cases, chickenpox is severe, rashes appear on the mucous membranes. In these situations, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Experts recommend the use of the following drugs:

  1. Miramistin. The best antiseptic that not only relieves inflammation, but also contributes to the speedy healing of wounds.
  2. Holisal. A special gel that will have to treat pimples in your mouth several times a day.
  3. Chlorophyllipt. A natural remedy that is approved for use for babies. It has an oil base, quickly “tightens” the wounds, relieves itching and inflammation, removes puffiness. Minus - has a not too pleasant aftertaste.

And also rashes can appear on the genital mucosa. In this case, you can not do without consulting a doctor. Only a specialist can choose the right tool.

Chickenpox is a common disease. It would seem that many parents know everything about him, but faced with an ailment, they begin to panic and do not understand how to process the appeared papules. Our article will help you quickly make the right decision and use the necessary and effective anti-rash remedies.