Many diseases affecting the mucous membranes cause a lot of unpleasant, and sometimes life-threatening symptoms. One of these pathologies is stomatitis in various forms. How to treat stomatitis, and is it possible to protect yourself from this disease?
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Symptoms and signs of the disease
Signs of stomatitis are typical, regardless of the cause of the disease. Usually, symptoms are easily monitored during an oral examination.
Consulting a doctor to prescribe optimal therapy is necessary if you have the following signs of the disease:
- Redness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, accompanied by pain and swelling. It is with such symptoms that the manifestation of the disease begins.
- Tongues of small size accumulate in the affected areas. Thus, infectious stomatitis is manifested.
- Redness is formed directly around the wound, and the inflamed area itself is attracted by a white thin film. If you touch them, burning and pain is noted. Sometimes painful sensations can interfere with the pronunciation of words and eating.
- The location of the ulcers - the inside of the cheeks, tonsils, palate. Relatively rarely, stomatitis in adults manifests itself in the tongue and under it.
- Often at the very beginning of the development of the disease there is increased salivation and bad breath and taste in the mouth, bleeding gums.
Complicated cases of stomatitis can be accompanied by hyperthermia up to 39 ° C and an increase in lymph nodes.
How to treat stomatitis in children and adults
Features of the treatment of stomatitis differ depending on the variety of the disease, which are several.
Catarrhal stomatitis
It involves local treatment, the purpose of which is to remove inflammation and the main signs of the disease.
In the acute form of catarrhal stomatitis, it is permissible to use decoctions of medicinal herbs and antiseptic solutions, for example:
- hydrogen peroxide (1 tbsp. l. peroxide in a glass of water);
- drinking soda (1 tsp. soda per 0.5 l of water).
Gargle with these solutions should be 2 to 3 times a day.
Additionally, antibacterial agents can be used: Hexoral, Tantum Verde. The latter can actually cure stomatitis in adults when taking tablets 3-4 times a day. For children under 12 years old, the Tantum Verde spray is more suitable. It is used in 3 divided doses per day, divided into 4-8 doses.
To date, the exact nature of the aphthous variety of stomatitis has not been elucidated.
A distinctive feature of this type of stomatitis is the occurrence of aphthae on the surface of the mucous membranes. Aphthae are small papules with a white center and redness at the edges. Sometimes aphthae do not heal for weeks, in such cases, the disease can develop into a necrotic form. With a high degree of probability, such a disease is the result of serious violations of human health - heavy metal poisoning, immunodeficiency, etc.
Treatment of aphthous stomatitis is carried out by the following measures:
- Mouth rinse. It can be made with a solution prepared from 4 g of boric acid and 1 cup of chamomile broth (previously cooled).
- Cleansing the body of toxins. It is carried out by ingestion (or by injection) of an aqueous solution of sodium thiosulfate.
- The intake of vitamins. Replenishment of vitamin B deficiency is considered especially important.
- The use of antihistamines that help relieve swelling of the mucosa.
Compliance with diet is also considered equally important. It is necessary to exclude from the menu too sweet and salty foods, spices, acids.
In adults prone to herpetic stomatitis, intoxication syndrome usually does not occur. Depending on the age of the patient, the vesicles that form on the palate, tongue and cheeks burst, leaving painful areas.
Therapy of this type of stomatitis includes the following stages:
- Elimination of pain (Lidochlor, Anestezin).
- Application of wound healing and anti-inflammatory ointments and gels (Solcoseryl, Holisal, sea buckthorn oil).
- The use of antihistamines.
The final measure to eliminate herpetic stomatitis is the restoration of immunity. It is produced by taking the multivitamins Immunal, Polyoxidonium, etc.).
Traumatic inflammation of the mouth
Traumatic inflammation manifests itself as a result of biting the cheeks or tongue, burning the mouth with hot food, and damaging the mouth with hard foods (candy, chips, etc.). In babies, such inflammation can occur as a result of using an excessively long, rough nipple.
Minor damage is enough to handle a solution of peroxide or "Furacilina." Complex inflammatory processes require the use of a healing composition after rinsing. Effectively apply vitamin A in the form of oil solutions, as well as Shostakovsky balm.
Small children in this period should not be fed with spoons made of metal, it is better to give preference to silicone.
Allergic reaction
In some cases, allergic reactions can occur in the oral mucosa. Usually, this condition is preceded by the installation of dentures or the use of certain medications.
Since a stomatitis ulcer in this case is one of the manifestations of an allergy, first of all, it is necessary to identify and then cure the allergy. For this purpose, the use of antihistamines is relevant.The latter can be taken in the form of an application or oral use of tablets (Suprastin, Loratadin, etc.).
Fungal stomatitis
It is provoked by the activity of a yeast fungus. The disease is also called thrush. Often, weakened children or premature infants suffer from its manifestations. In older children, this type of stomatitis occurs after severe illnesses or long-term use of antibiotics - a plaque resembling cottage cheese is formed on the oral mucosa.
If a small child is affected, rinse the affected area with soda solution (1 dessert spoon in a glass of water). Between meals, the oral cavity is lubricated with a solution of borax and glycerin. A similar solution is acceptable for older children and adults. After rinsing, the oral cavity is moistened with vitamin A in the form of an oil solution or sea buckthorn oil.
Viral form
As a rule, it is accompanied by typical colds symptoms - hyperthermia, headache, weakness, irritability, loss of appetite. From the very beginning of the disease, there is swelling of the gums and their bleeding, increased salivation, pain during swallowing of food. Additionally, vesicles, vesicles, rashes form on the mucous surface of the oral cavity, and in especially severe cases, necrotic ulcers.
The primary action for the full treatment of the disease is a visit to the dentist. When confirming the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity, if necessary, the use of pain medication.
- In order to accelerate recovery, drugs based on interferon (Anaferon) can be used.
- Treatment of viral stomatitis in children and adults should include the elimination of rashes with ointments and gels of antiviral action ("Zovirax", "Acyclovir").
- Vitamins and modulating agents based on echinacea are suitable for strengthening immunity.
- Ulcers heal faster when rinsed with a decoction of herbs. Applications with sea buckthorn oil and vitamin A will be no less effective.
The viral form of stomatitis involves a diet. The patient should not eat products that have an irritating effect (acids, sugars, spices, salt). It is recommended to eat shredded dishes: cereals, mashed potatoes, etc.
The main symptom of such a disease is damage to different parts of the mouth by erosion, as well as painful gums, symptoms of intoxication and hyperthermia.
Therapy of bacterial stomatitis is carried out using the following drugs:
- Painkillers: “Anestezin”, “Lidocaine” (necessary for pronounced pain syndrome).
- Antiseptic: oral treatment with Miramistin.
- Glucocorticosteroids and antihistamines (necessary if an allergy joins the disease): Prednisolone, Suprastin, Tsetrin, Loratadin.
In severe forms of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed: Kanamycin, Linkomycin, Penicillin, etc.
Stomatitis with chickenpox
Often, stomatitis is a "complement" to some diseases, such as chickenpox. In this case, lesions are localized in the oral cavity and should be treated with an antibiotic with novocaine or methylene blue. In the absence of a secondary infection, sores heal very quickly, leaving no traces on the mucosa.
Folk remedies for stomatitis
In addition to medications, the manifestations of stomatitis can be successfully treated with alternative recipes.
The most effective home remedies for stomatitis therapy include:
- Therapeutic ointments. The first version of a folk remedy is prepared using garlic (3 teeth) and a dessert spoon of yogurt. Garlic is ground on a grater, and then mixed with a dairy product. The resulting mixture is applied to problem areas three times a day. To prepare 2 versions of the ointment, you need sunflower oil (1 h.l.), egg yolk and novocaine ampoule (5%). Mix all elements and treat the affected areas with the mixture.
- Soda. 1 tbsp. l Dissolve soda in a glass of water. A gauze swab is wetted in the resulting liquid, after which it treats the oral cavity of the baby. Older children are able to rinse their mouth with the product.
- The use of plant components. It is permissible to wipe the problem areas with sea buckthorn and rosehip, flax and peach oil. You can also use aloe juice and Kalanchoe to wipe. Older children and adults are able to independently chew the leaves of these plants.
Important! Alternative therapy can not exclude conservative treatment and is prescribed only after consultation with the attending physician.
Prevention of stomatitis is as follows:
- daily brushing
- thorough washing of hands with soap before eating;
- rinsing the mouth after eating;
- good nutrition, lack of bad habits;
- prevent contact with a person with stomatitis;
- the exclusion of ingress of foreign objects or fingers into the oral cavity (in children);
- timely treatment of primary teeth.
Not a single person is immune from damage to the oral mucosa and covering this area with painful sores, regardless of gender or age. And if the symptoms of the disease are relatively typical, then the methods for treating stomatitis in adults and children may differ. The treatment of this pathology is successfully carried out both with medical and folk remedies.
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