Expectant mothers often ask how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Unfortunately, a huge number of women awaiting the birth of a child suffer from this unpleasant problem. The uterus is constantly growing, becomes heavy and presses on the pelvic veins, which is why blood stagnates in them.
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How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy
The disease should be treated carefully during this period, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, being careful not to harm the unborn baby. Therapy, as a rule, is conservative and is divided into two directions: local and general.
The main goal of treatment in both cases is the elimination of discomfort, normalization of blood circulation in the veins of the rectum and colon and the establishment of the digestive process.
It is best to start treatment in a timely manner when the disease is still only in the first stage. The farther the disease is launched, the more difficult it is to get rid of it.
This form of medication is most often used to treat internal hemorrhoids. In this case, most of the hemorrhoidal nodes are located inside. Suppositories from hemorrhoids during pregnancy are most often used from natural ingredients: sea buckthorn, wheat germ oil, and Sophora.
The list of offered suppositories is quite limited:
- sea buckthorn candles;
- ichthyol;
- based on calendula;
- "Hepatrombin G";
- "Relief";
- Neo-Anuzol;
- Natalsid (based on seaweed);
- "Proctoglivenol."
The substances contained in these products have a strong anti-inflammatory and firming effect.They reduce swelling, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues, eliminate pain, inhibit the activity of pathological microorganisms.
Suppositories are preferably used at night after bowel movements and washing. The candle is introduced in the supine position, while you do not need to push it deep, just hold it for a minute or two in the anal canal. Due to the action of heat, it will dissolve a little and easily slip in.
If the hemorrhoids are external, it is much more convenient to use ointments. They anesthetize well and have a healing effect. With external hemorrhoids, the nodes are located, respectively, outside, near the anus. With this type of pathology, bloody discharge can be observed.
Most often prescribed such funds:
- Heparin ointment. It improves blood flow, contributing to the outflow of stagnant blood from nodes in the veins, dissolves cones, reduces blood clots, pain and burning.
- Vishnevsky ointment. It removes inflammation well. It is an inexpensive and safe drug.
- Miswengal. It increases the speed of venous blood flow, relieves swelling, pain, disinfects and heals sores and cracks. It contains only natural ingredients - yarrow, chamomile, gentian, calendula and others.
- "Relief." The drug is based on shark liver oil. It has anti-inflammatory and local cooling effect, heals cracks and damage, anesthetizes. It is often prescribed for bleeding from damaged cones.
- Troxevasin. It fights pathological expansion of the veins, removes swelling, itching and pain. The duration of treatment is 1.5 to 2 weeks.
- Fleming's ointment. The composition of this homeopathic remedy contains zinc, menthol, extracts of medicinal plants. Relieves discomfort and quickly heals damage.
- "Pasteurized." Improves vein tone, providing a normal outflow of blood. Positive effect on local immunity.
If you urgently need to remove pain, use the Luan or Emla ointments. The main constituent in them is lidocaine, which has a strong anesthetic effect.
Hemorrhoids ointment can be prepared independently. Most often, propolis is used for this. To this end, you need to grind it and mix with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1 to 10. Then boil in a water bath for 50 - 60 minutes, then cool and use as directed.
To increase venous tone and improve blood flow, special tablets or capsules are used. They are drunk in courses of 14 days, then taking a break of 8 weeks. Most often prescribed are veterotonics such as Detralex and Venarus, which correct blood microcirculation in the veins of the lower extremities, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce their fragility.
For the prevention of complications, it is recommended to drink Troxerutin, Curantil, and laxatives, Dufalac, Prelax, Forlax.
Folk remedies
To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, people often use a variety of compresses, candles and baths from medicinal herbs and other available products.
More materials:treatment of hemorrhoids folk remedies
Common recipes:
- Potatoes. Cut a piece of potato in the form of a candle. Before entering, dip it into sea buckthorn oil and insert it into the anus. For the treatment of external nodes, compresses from grated potatoes can be made.
- Garlic. Grind a little garlic and mix with sea buckthorn oil: a viscous mass should be obtained. Form candles out of it and freeze slightly to keep them in shape.
- Bark and berries of viburnum. Compresses from the decoction relieve pain, heal tissues and stop bleeding.
A good effect is given by warm sitz baths based on a weak solution of potassium permanganate, herbal decoctions of chamomile, sage, and St. John's wort.
Features of treatment in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester
In the first trimester, the disease rarely appears.Most often, pregnant women begin to complain of discomfort, burning and pain in the anus already in the 3rd trimester, when the abdomen is enlarged. You need to treat the disease immediately, you should not wait for the birth of the baby. Every day the disease will progress, delivering a lot of inconvenience. But there are cases when hemorrhoids appear after childbirth.
Ignoring the problem can lead to very unpleasant consequences:
- feeling sick, nervousness;
- the formation of inflammation through which the infection can penetrate the fetus and cause infection;
- anemia and oxygen starvation of the fetus.
Therefore, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.
Treatment must necessarily be comprehensive and include such measures:
- good rest;
- moderate physical activity;
- dieting;
- external exposure to inflamed nodes;
- taking medication inside;
- the use of safe and effective methods of traditional medicine;
- classes in therapeutic gymnastics;
- rejection of bad habits;
- massage treatments.
In especially severe cases, doctors may recommend surgery, but doing this during pregnancy is highly undesirable.
Therapeutic diet for hemorrhoids
If the expectant mother suffers from constipation, then she, first of all, needs to review the diet. The menu must include vegetables, cereals, fruits, dairy products.
It is advisable to limit the use of such products:
- pasta;
- muffin;
- legumes;
- spices and spices;
- sausages;
- coffee;
- spicy dishes.
It is better to lean on beets, watermelon, pumpkin, prunes, carrots, apples (in baked form). Fiber softens the structure of feces, and the act of defecation passes easily and without undue stress.
You need to eat fractionally 5-6 times a day. It is necessary to abandon overeating, spontaneous snacking with dry food. This is all - a direct path to constipation and the formation of hard feces.
One day you must drink 1.5 liters of pure water - without it, normal digestion is unthinkable. Drinks are best consumed half an hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal.
Pregnancy Disease Prevention
Preventive measures do not constitute something difficult to accomplish.
Everything is very simple, it is enough to follow only simple recommendations:
- Keep track of nutrition. Do not abuse products that “fix”. Drink plenty of clean water. This will help to avoid constipation.
- Kegel exercises daily, which improve blood circulation in the rectum, strengthen the muscles of the anus.
- Be sure to take breaks during sedentary work, get up, walk, move to disperse the blood.
- Regularly do special exercises that are safe for pregnant women.
- Rest several times a day for 15 minutes on the back, placing a small pillow under the pelvis to improve blood flow.
- In no case should weights be lifted.
- It is better not to use toilet paper, as it is very stiff. It is much better to replace it with wet wipes or washing with cool water.
Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is possible, only you need to carefully follow all the instructions of the doctor. The use of drugs, diet and moderate physical activity will help get rid of this trouble quickly.