Often, women begin to suffer from such a problem as the constant and painless urge to visit the toilet room “little by little”. This may indicate the presence of a disease, and a certain physiological state. In medicine, this phenomenon is called Pollakiuria. And not always with such symptoms, ladies go to see a doctor, not considering this a special problem. So today we learn in detail about the possible causes of frequent urination in women without pain.
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What are the causes of frequent painless urination in women?
This delicate problem is a common occurrence in our time, which is faced by the fair sex in their lives. If during the day going to the toilet happens from 10 to 13 times, then this is considered the norm. Anxiety should be caused by more frequent visits to this institution, especially with the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen.
But by and large, each organism is individual and the number of urinations depends on many factors.
And with the simultaneous presence of the following symptoms with frequent visits to the toilet, we can talk about the development of pathological processes:
- Bladder emptying is accompanied by pain and burning or itching in the urethra.
- A small amount of urine.
- Violation of the usual way of life, discomfort.
The absence of pathologies in the body will be indicated by the following factors with frequent urination:
- if you drank a large amount of liquid;
- if you take diuretics and other medicines that often make you use the toilet;
- if you drink herbal infusions or decoctions with a pronounced diuretic effect;
- if you have reached the period of menopause, or are in advanced age;
- if you are experiencing stress, or are very worried.
- during pregnancy and hypothermia.
The development of a disease can also cause frequent urge to use the toilet.
What diseases indicates
Such symptoms occur in diabetes mellitus, when high blood sugar is reached, and for a long time. This pathology is also accompanied by a feeling of thirst, forcing a woman to drink a lot, and, accordingly, often visit the toilet.
The acute form of cystitis also has similar symptoms, but with pain in the perineum and bladder, and also with particles of blood in the urine. The same manifestations of the disease occur in chronic form, the cause of which is E. coli.
With pyelonephritis, you will not only often visit the toilet, but also experience aching pain. Another ailment will lead to general weakness, chills, nausea and fever.
Changes in the regularity of going to the toilet “little by little” also occur with neurological disorders, such as pelvic muscle dysfunction. This is due to the appearance of problems with muscle innervation that regulates the emptying of the bladder.
The formation of urolithiasis also leads to frequent urination, as they increase.
Such manifestations often accompany diseases of the cardiovascular system, worsening at night. In the daytime, edema may appear.
A common gynecological pathology that forces you to frequent the toilet is considered uterine fibroids in women after 35 years, especially in neglected form. Young girls may suffer similar symptoms with vaginitis, STDs and other similar problems.
It is interesting:pain during urination
Important: the lack of timely proper treatment of the symptoms that may appear can lead to the development of a chronic disease, and in the future to severe consequences for the whole organism.
Because of chronic diseases of the urinary system, kidney failure can develop, resulting in frequent urge to go to the toilet.
With severe bruises of the spine, a similar problem may also appear.
Any genital infections can lead to frequent urination during the day and at night, even a banal thrush.
Diagnostic measures
The appearance of a woman's constant urge to urinate, more than usual, should give her a reason to visit a urologist, who, if necessary, will send an appointment with a gynecologist, endocrinologist, neurologist and oncologist.
All these specialists will interview the patient, examine and prescribe diagnostic methods:
- A general blood test is taken to identify inflammatory processes and blood sugar levels.
- Blood donation for biochemistry indicators - urea, creatine and uric acid. Such an analysis shows abnormalities in the kidney area.
- According to the analysis of urine, the presence or absence of inflammatory ailments in the urinary system is judged.
- Blood on tumor markers allows you to determine the development of malignant neoplasms.
- Women after 45 years are prescribed blood donation for hormones to determine their level.
A vaginal smear test is done by a gynecologist to determine the presence of urogenital infections. All these laboratory tests are necessary to make the correct diagnosis, which will allow you to choose the necessary drugs to get rid of the problem.
Pregnancy and frequent urination
During pregnancy, the urge to go to the toilet “a little” is considered one of the constant companions of this period of a woman’s life. But there are cases when this can talk about the development of an inflammatory process.
Here are the main factors that somehow affect the work and condition of the future urogenital system of the future mother:
- serious changes in the hormonal background;
- decreased tone of the muscles located in the genitourinary system;
- increased kidney activity due to increased needs of the body;
- an increase in the volume of blood and fluid in the body of a pregnant woman;
- uterine growth;
- the presence of amniotic fluid with their constant renewal;
- a problem in the form of fluid stagnation in tissues;
- in the third trimester, the baby's kidneys begin to work in the mother’s womb;
- lowering the fetus closer to the pelvis before childbirth, which puts additional pressure on the bladder.
An abundance in the diet of spicy, salty and meat dishes, as well as iron deficiency, making the mucous membranes vulnerable and quickly irritated, can also be the cause of frequent urges in pregnant women.
Causes of the disease at night
Rapid urination at night is mainly associated with inflammatory processes of the kidneys or bladder, as well as nephrosis, which appeared due to improper protein metabolism.
Infectious lesions can also cause uncomfortable symptoms at night:
- Sexually transmitted diseases.
- Tuberculosis of the kidneys.
- Malaria.
The development of a problem with heart failure of a chronic nature develops due to stagnation of blood and malfunctioning of the urinary system. When a person lies, there is an increase in the supply of blood to the kidneys, which contributes to greater excretion of urine.
Due to the fact that the organs can not cope with their function, due to more frequent urination, the load on the kidneys is reduced.
If the cause of the problem lies in heart failure, then additional symptoms will appear, such as swelling of the hands and feet, shortness of breath, wheezing in the lungs, heart cough, and increased sweating.
Treatment methods for rapid urination in women
The treatment regimen is prescribed depending on the diagnosis based on the tests performed. For example, cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis are treated approximately the same, prescribing a 10-day course of antibiotics, relieving inflammation, including drugs that increase immunity and restoring urogenital microflora.
Antibacterial drugs also relieve sexually transmitted ailments. It is important to choose them correctly. Frequent visits to the toilet in the menopause are corrected by HRT.
Drugs to lower blood sugar levels have a healing effect on the problem of sugar sickness. Stones in the bladder are removed by shock wave therapy, dissolving the small stones and removing them painlessly.
Traditional medicine
Well-proven and folk remedies to get rid of the problem. For example, in order to remove harmful microorganisms from the body as soon as possible, it is recommended to drink a lot during the day - up to 3 liters of water, and preferably drinks from herbs.
Rosehip root, cowberry leaves and yarrow with heather fight against cystitis with urethritis. The collection of chamomile, black poplar buds and peppermint with horsetail has healing powers. Preparing a medical decoction is simple - pour boiling water (1 cup) a couple of spoons of the collection, leaving for a couple of hours.
An effective product that removes toxins and sand from the body is a watermelon, which also has a pronounced diuretic effect.
Hormone levels during the onset of menopause help to normalize drops of the pine forest or red brush.
But with all the usefulness of the above recipes, it is not advisable to prescribe medications for yourself - contact a specialist who will correctly select the right prescription and prescribe the dosage for your particular case.
Preventative measures
To avoid the development of such a pathology as pollakiuria and possible other diseases, you just need to follow certain recommendations:
- basic hygiene of the external genitalia in the first place;
- timely examination, meaning regular, will detect the problem in its embryo;
- excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to dehydration, therefore, they should be abandoned;
- compliance with the drinking regime;
- with diagnosed diabetes mellitus, you will need to adjust your diet;
- Avoid hypothermia, always dressing in the weather.
And taking diuretics, and other medications to get rid of the excruciating problem, is possible only when prescribed by your doctor. Following these simple rules, you will always feel great and look good. Health to you and your loved ones!