Each of us at least once in his life, but met with such an interesting product as Kombucha. For the Japanese, it is called sea kale, outwardly resembling a jellyfish with a smooth top and loose bottom, where the yeast bacteria that are the basis for making tea are located. About how to grow Kombucha from scratch and tell you today.
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Growing Kombucha at home
The identity of the person who first raised this unique product has not yet been established. But this became known many thousands of years ago, successfully using it for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to the present day.
How to grow Kombucha at home? There are several recipes for this, but the main and simplest one is, of course, from tea leaves, which is logical, based on the name. It is also grown from rose hips, apple cider vinegar, beer, herbs and a piece of the layer, which will be discussed further.
Growing from scratch from tea
To create the optimal nutrient medium for the nucleation and cultivation of the fungus, certain components will be required:
- glass containers (3 liters), previously cleanly washed with baking soda;
- pure (without additives) loose black tea - 5 small spoons;
- granulated sugar - 7 tablespoons;
- piece of gauze or bandage.
Pour the prepared amount of tea into the teapot, insist and pour sugar. Pour the tea leaves into the prepared container, which before that strain and tie the top of the jar with gauze or a piece of bandage, putting it in a heat and place protected from direct sunlight.
After some time - from 1 to 2 weeks, you should smell the vinegar from the container.It will disappear in about 7 days, which will indicate the successful formation of the final product.
After a month and a half, you will see a pancake with a mucous base at the top. This is a young Kombucha, which must be carefully transferred to another similar container filled with tea leaves (weak).
Growing on Apple Cider Vinegar
Medusomycet (another product name) on apple cider vinegar is grown independently as follows:
- Clean and dry apples (sour) are rubbed completely together with the middle using a coarse grater. You should get about 400 grams.
- The apple mass is placed in a pre-washed three-liter jar and poured with boiled chilled water.
- Honey (150 g) and yeast (15 gram pack) are added to the composition.
- The container (open) is put in a dark place with daily stirring of the contents.
After 10 days, the mixture is squeezed out (several layers of gauze), and the liquid is poured into another container of the same quality, covered with a clean natural fabric (thin) and left alone for 2 months.
The completion of the preparation is marked by clarification of the composition in the jar and the appearance of a jellyfish at the top, which has several layers. Ready mushroom should be transferred to a clean bowl where sweet tea is poured and then proceed as in the previous method.
How to grow from scratch from a piece of a layer
For this method of diluting the product, you will need a small piece of the already prepared mushroom.
For its growth, you need to prepare a special solution:
- ordinary tea is brewed in a proportion of 1 liter of water for 2 tsp. tea leaves. It doesn’t matter which composition you choose - black and green will do, most importantly without additives;
- put sugar in the tea leaves, not more than 50 g, stir until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved;
- cool to room temperature and pour into a jar.
Important: the dishes must be perfectly clean, otherwise mold will appear and spoil the drink.
Place the existing piece of mushroom in a container and cover with gauze (put several layers), put in a warm and slightly darkened room.
After 10 days, or maybe 7, you can try a tasty and healthy liquid. The finished composition does not need to be covered, it must always breathe.
Rosehip infusion kombucha
Such a drink will be especially useful in the cold season, perfectly protecting the body from colds:
- Pour dry, crushed composition of rose hips into the prepared thermos (4 tbsp).
- Pour 0.5 l of boiling water and leave it alone for 4 days.
- Pour the finished rosehip infusion into the prepared glass container (3 liters), having previously filtered.
- Add 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar to the drink, and tying the neck with gauze, put in heat and darkness.
Further, the development of events is repeated, as during mushroom cultivation in all previous methods.
Grow mushroom on beer
Combine live beer (100 ml), wine vinegar (10 ml) and sugar (5 g), pouring the mixture into a container, covering the neck. This composition is infused similar to the previous recipes, until a kind of film appears on the surface. As soon as it gains a thickness of 2 mm, it will immediately need to be transferred to a container where sweet tea is already poured. After 7 days, the drink will be ready to drink.
Kombucha on herbs
The preparation of a medicinal composition on herbs is similar to the previous one. But the herbs you choose based on your health problem.
Proportions - for 200 g of herbal gathering, 3 liters of boiled water are taken, leaving the composition overnight. After that add a little honey and put the jellyfish there. After 7 days you will receive a healing herbal infusion.
Which of the following options you apply, you decide for yourself, but each of them will help not only enjoy the unique taste, but also fill the body with a mass of useful and necessary substances.
Proper care
Growing a mushroom is only half the battle, it is important after that to preserve it so that it can help all members of your family to stay healthy for a long time.
Medusomycet is not just mold, but also a living organism that requires a certain amount of care:
- the jar where the mushroom is located must be absolutely clean, otherwise it will become sick and cease to be useful;
- it is necessary to wash the body in layers, each individually 1 time per month in plain water. And when exfoliating it should be relocated to another similar container, pouring fresh tea. This happens when the fungus body becomes thicker than 4 cm. In this case, each layer needs to be relocated to a separate bowl;
- each time after pouring a drink to drink, add a solution of boiled water, leaf tea and sugar in the proportions of 2l / 4 tablespoons / 1 glass, respectively;
- when emptying the dishes, transfer the mushroom to the dishes, wash the container with soda and pour a fresh composition, placing the washed body there;
- in no case pour sugar onto the surface of the fungus;
- fill the jar with liquid to the top is not necessary, a sufficient amount - 2 liters;
- the temperature in the room where this organism lives should be in the range of 18-25 degrees;
- if you have to leave home for a long time, transfer the mushroom to dishes with plain water and refrigerate.
When you need to pour the brewed tea for the mushroom, determine for yourself - for lovers of an acidic drink, it is recommended to do this every 4 days, less acidic composition - every 2 days.
Important: if the mushroom is sick, then it sinks to the bottom of the container. In this case, it will need to be cured, and only after that drink kvass.
Putting all the recommendations into practice will allow you to enjoy the taste and benefits of a mushroom drink for a long time.
Storage rules
Many people drink kombucha only in the summer. For long winter storage, the body is placed in polyethylene and placed in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.
The body can be dried and stored in this condition in a kitchen cabinet or refrigerator. To do this, you need to remove it from the can, wash and lay in a deep plate, covered with gauze or a clean piece of natural fabric. Turn it over periodically until it has completely dried.
To revitalize the mushroom, just make a tea drink according to the classic recipe and place it there. After 7 days, the mushroom will come to life. But the first drink after this process will need to be poured, and the next is already suitable for consumption.
There are certain rules that will help keep the body in good shape for many years:
- Periodically sterilize the container where the mushroom lives.
- Filter the drink with a plastic strainer.
- The jar should be away from drafts and plenty of light.
- Body washing in the summer - 1 time in 7 days, winter - less often.
- When pouring a new tea compound, make sure that grains of sugar and tea leaves do not get on the body.
And be sure to carefully inspect the body for mold, damage and diseased areas. This will protect you from the undesirable consequences of drinking a low-quality drink.
About the benefits of Kombucha
The main beneficial properties of a living organism are considered antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. That is, the drink obtained on its basis is able to help with various inflammatory ailments.
This is especially true of the entire gastrointestinal tract, where it is able to get rid of Escherichia coli and pathogenic bacteria. And the drink normalizes the activity of the intestines and digestion processes, and also eliminates bad breath.
Kombucha is used for diseases of the liver and gall bladder. It is effective as an additional tool in the treatment of cholecystitis, enteritis, dysentery and enterocolitis.
Here is a list of ailments that are “within the power” of this drink:
- tonsillitis (in chronic and acute form), rhinitis (chronic) and colds;
- any sore throat and stomatitis;
- high blood pressure and atherosclerosis;
- scarlet fever and conjunctivitis.
With the regular use of mushroom kvass in a relatively short time, the cholesterol level will significantly decrease, headaches will disappear and sleep will normalize.
With its help, skin problems in the form of purulent wounds, frostbite and burns are also healed. There is evidence that the drink helps even with such a serious ailment as tuberculosis.
For older people, Kombucha is especially indicated, as it helps to improve well-being, get rid of constipation, and strengthen the nervous system. At the same time, the drink energizes and has a good mood, prevents the development of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and ENT diseases.
Settle an unusual living organism in your home, and it will help you solve many problems with health and appearance. Health to you and your loved ones!