Yunnan Province of China is famous for its tea traditions. After all, it is here that millennial trees grow, from the leaves and buds of which they make elite varieties of tea known around the world. Among them, Puer tea - the famous drink with an amazing taste and unique healing properties.
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Puer tea - what is it?
The vast majority of Chinese teas have gained fame and wide distribution due to their excellent taste and tonic properties. But not one of them is surrounded by so many secrets and mysteries as a drink from the urban district of Puer.
This tea stands out from others not only at an extremely high cost, but also with a truly magical power, the possibilities of which are legendary.
So what is Puer tea? This is the name of the large-leaf collection made according to an unusual technology called post-fermentation, which provides the impact of higher Aspergillus molds. The process takes place in a humid environment and can last several years.
Thanks to fermentation, the qualitative characteristics of the drink improve - the smell and color change, bitterness disappears and its basic taste properties are formed.
The whole process of making tea goes through several stages:
- picking leaves and buds from tea trees;
- withering and twisting;
- fermentation - fermentation at high temperatures;
- drying, stopping the fermentation process;
- pressing.
The last and perhaps the most significant step in the preparation of Puer tea is considered ripening. In ancient times, the transportation of tea took a huge amount of time, and it matures on the road. But nowadays, due to the fast delivery of products and high demand for Puer, Chinese technologists were forced to find a way to accelerate the process of ripening tea.
Thus, a method of artificial fermentation was developed, which occurs many times faster than with natural fermentation.
Over time, Puer’s taste only improves. Therefore, the maximum exposure time of tea is not limited and can be several tens of years. Such fees can only be found in collections of true tea connoisseurs.
What taste does the drink have?
Since the preparation of the collection takes place according to different technologies, its taste can vary markedly.
Tea made by natural aging is called Shen Puer. Whereas the composition obtained by artificial fermentation is called Shu Puer.
Young Shen is a light yellow or greenish drink with a delicate and light aroma of dried fruits and a slight astringency. As it is aged, its taste also changes. For five years of ripening, bitterness and astringency are lost, the drink acquires a velvety and richness. And to the notes of dried fruit are added shades of walnut, melon and pear.
Shu is distinguished by a deep dark color and some rude taste. Compared to Shen Puer, the taste of Shu Puer may seem not only heavy, but even earthy. However, as it ripens, Shu becomes soft and noble. The main flavoring shades of such tea are chocolate and smoke.
Tea oil and Puer earthen tea are also the names of Shu Puer.
Beneficial features
The beneficial properties of tea are expressed in beneficial effects on internal organs and body systems.
So, Puer manifests itself as follows:
- improves digestion and metabolic processes, promotes the breakdown of fats;
- cleanses the liver, removes toxins and harmful substances;
- splitting fatty tissue, fights excess weight, helps to lose weight;
- strengthens tooth enamel, destroys harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity, prevents the appearance of plaque on the teeth and halitosis;
- normalizes cholesterol and glucose levels, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
- restores the functionality of the genitourinary system, provides an easy diuretic effect;
- calms, relieves irritation and nervousness;
- promotes brain function and concentration;
- tones up, strengthens protective potential;
- has a powerful antioxidant effect;
- starts the process of regeneration of epithelial cells, rejuvenates.
In addition, Puer effectively fights against any type of poisoning and is often used to eliminate intoxication and a hangover syndrome.
What are the varieties of tea?
Received after ripening tea goes on sale in two types - loose or pressed.
Using the press, several varieties of Puer are obtained, which differ not only in shape, but also in weight:
- pancake, cake - a round washer weighing up to 5 kg;
- bowl, nest - weighing up to 3 kg;
- brick - rectangular bars weighing up to 1 kg;
- square - flat tiles weighing 100-200 g with hieroglyphs extruded on the surface;
- twisted - resembles in shape a mushroom weighing 250-300 g;
- golden pumpkin - round in shape with vertical indented stripes (was created for offerings to the emperor).
Raw materials collected from both old and young tea trees are used to make Puer. On average, from 10 kg of collected leaves, 7 kg of finished tea is obtained.
How to make tea?
To enjoy the finest bouquet of Puer, you need to know how to brew tea. Experts say that this is a whole art, without mastering which it is impossible to get the true taste of the drink.Everything is important - and the dishes in which the brewing will take place, and the temperature of the water, and the amount of time to get the infusion.
What is the temperature for brewing puer?
Rinse the teapot with hot water and pour tea at the rate of 4-6 g of dry raw materials per 100-150 ml of water. Some drink lovers recommend rinsing dry leaves before brewing to free them from accumulated tea dust and to disinfect them.
Rinsing is performed as quickly as possible with boiling water. Dry tea is scalded with boiling water and after a few seconds it is filtered. In some cases, repeated washing is allowed.
For brewing, the required amount of soft spring or bottled water is put on fire and heated to a possible maximum. Boil water, as well as boil Puer, is impossible, otherwise the properties valuable for revealing the taste of the drink will be lost.
How long does it take to brew tea?
To get the first portion of the infusion, it is enough to withstand the tea for about a minute and pour it equally into cups. Then hot water is poured into the kettle again, it is insisted for a little more than a minute and the spill is repeated.
The total number of infusions can be from five to ten times. Moreover, each subsequent infusion can withstand 15 seconds longer.
The next portion of Puer will always have a brighter and more intense taste. To maintain uniform taste and aroma in each cup, all portions of the drink are distributed equally in the cups.
How to brew puer tea pressed in tablets?
To make pressed tea, crush the required amount of raw materials by hand or using a special knife. This procedure requires caution - if you do not maintain the integrity of the leaves, tea may lose its taste.
A teapot in which the drink in question has been brewed at least once is not recommended for other types of tea. Its characteristic smell, absorbed into the walls of the dishes, can change the aroma of other drinks.
Puer Chinese tea fully reveals its taste only if it is brewed correctly. If the preparation of tea does not adhere to the established rules, the drink can be considered spoiled.
The effect of Chinese Puer earthen tea
One of the main differences between Puer and other teas, including Chinese ones, is its unique ability to provide the expected effect.
- If a person needs to relax, he will receive complete relaxation by drinking a cup of aromatic drink.
- If, on the contrary, there is a need for maximum concentration of attention, magical Puer will have an appropriate action.
Many tea aficionados noticed that each serving of Puerh brought to the body brings new opportunities - attention to detail is appearing, and the ability to meditate and immerse oneself in the subconscious mind is enhanced. It is believed that the impact of the drink allows you to change your attitude to life and the world around you, to tune in to positive.
One of the unique manifestations of the effects of the drink is the effect of intoxication from tea. This strange condition is caused by alkaloids, which are found in excess in the tea leaf. However, unlike intoxication, the condition caused by this drink does not carry narcotic effects and strengthens, but does not destroy the body.
Pu-erh eliminates muscle cramps, relieves tension and liberates, brings peace, joy and general healing of the body.
How to drink a slimming drink?
It is not in vain that nutritionists recommend everyone who wants to lose weight to introduce such tea into the diet - this drink really burns fat and helps to reduce weight. Moreover, Puer accelerates metabolic processes, improves digestion and helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
To quickly lose weight using Puer, you must adhere to the following rules:
- take a properly brewed drink at least twice a day for a month;
- limit the intake of tea before bedtime;
- switch to healthy foods, exclude fatty and sweet foods from the diet;
- increase physical activity.
The implementation of these recommendations allows you to "remove" up to 5 kg per month.
Despite the restorative effect of Puer on the body, some people should be careful when taking a drink.
First of all, contraindications to the use of Puer tea concern those who suffer:
- urolithiasis (diuretic properties of tea can cause the movement of stones and provoke an attack);
- peptic ulcer disease;
- glaucoma
- psychoasthenia and increased irritability;
- hypotension or unstable pressure.
In addition, the use of Puer is undesirable during pregnancy, a tendency to insomnia, with high temperature and the presence of individual intolerance to caffeine.
In the absence of contraindications, Puer is recommended for daily use as a means of carrying health, youth, strength and joy of life.