Some just heard about it, while others already managed to appreciate this magnificent, invigorating and good mood drink. Tea Mate - a legacy of the Indians of South America - has become a real gift for lovers of exotic drinks.

Tea Mate - what kind of tea?

This is a fragrant drink that has a pronounced tonic effect. It is made from the dry collection of leaves and young shoots of the Paraguayan holly. This tall (up to 15 meters) shrub grows in other countries of South America, but the Indians became the first to brew a drink from holly many hundreds of years ago.

Mate is a high caffeine tonic.

Even then, they noticed its beneficial properties. After drinking tea, a surge of strength came, and stomach ailments passed. The Indians gave the drink the name "Mate" ("Mate"), which means "a jug made of pumpkin" - it was in such vessels that tea was brewed and served before.

Travelers and conquerors who arrived on the continent took over the habit of drinking Mate. He rendered them invaluable assistance in combating the effects of scurvy that arose after long sea crossings.

The Spanish conquerors brought Mate to Europe. But the drink was "on the fan", and did not immediately take root in European countries. Initially, it was used as a medicine to strengthen the body and fight against anemia.

Today, Mate tea is popular. The holly grows both in natural conditions and on specially created plantations, where they take care of the bush, and then collect leaves and shoots for making tea.

The chemical composition and calorie content of the drink

Mate tea contains alkaloids, tannins, iron, potassium, sodium, manganese, copper and magnesium. Also, those who drink Mate receive beta-carotenes and vitamins C, B, P and E.

Tea to combat stress and colds.

100 g contains 151.8 kcal, as well as 13% protein, 11.3% fat and not more than 2.5% carbohydrates.

Thus, Paraguayan tea can provide a person with many necessary substances. And it’s just amazingly tasty.

Health Benefits of Mate Tea:

One of the most common drinks on the planet.

Such a drink is truly invaluable:

  1. The benefits of Mate tea are used in the treatment of a number of diseases. First of all, it should be drunk by those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system - gastritis with high acidity and heartburn, constipation.
  2. The drink is able to normalize blood pressure in hypertensive patients. It tones the walls of blood vessels, improves cerebral circulation.
  3. Tea cholesterol levels are reduced.
  4. A mild diuretic effect also refers to the beneficial properties of such tea.
  5. Mate is also used to strengthen immunity. It helps a person gain strength after suffering serious illnesses.

And also it is worth considering that the matein, which is part of tea, invigorates no worse than coffee.

What is useful for women

Drinking tea helps lose weight.

Women drink Mate to lose weight faster. It allows you to lose extra pounds, as it accelerates metabolic processes in the body. In addition, with regular use of this drink, diets are easier to tolerate, because it dulls the feeling of hunger.

Mate is also useful for heavy painful periods.

Useful properties for men

Paraguayan tea is invaluable for men who can not get rid of bad habits. It removes toxins from the body, reduces dependence on tobacco and alcohol. Thanks to tea, the body is renewed and cleansed.

Instructions for use

Mate tea is brewed in a slightly different way than regular black. We'll have to acquire calabash and bombilla - special dishes that are similar in properties to authentic.

How to brew and drink Mate tea

The best option would be to brew this type of tea in the calabash. It is a special vessel, which can be purchased in stores selling various types of tea. There you can ask the bombilla - an interesting tube with a filter.

  1. Mate tea is poured into calabash. It should fill approximately two-thirds of the volume of the dishes.
  2. Calabash is shaken and slightly tilted.
  3. Then, a bomb is installed on the vacant place, after which the vessel is placed on the table.
  4. According to the line of the tube, cold water is poured. It should also occupy two-thirds of the remaining space. The remaining third is filled with boiling water.
  5. After this, let the tea brew for 1-2 minutes.

In addition to this basic one, there are various other recipes for making Mate tea. You can serve it with milk or milk. In the latter case, up to 5 tablespoons of tea are poured into a liter of boiling milk, let it brew for a couple of minutes, and only then drink it.

Instead of cold water, you can use any sweet juices. Apple, peach, orange, pear or multifruit nectars are poured into calabash. It is also allowed to add cinnamon and ginger to the drink.

Having learned how to brew and drink Mate tea correctly, you understand that you have mastered this art, which is definitely worth mastering for all lovers of such a drink.

You also need to know how to drink Paraguayan tea. It is customary to slowly sip it from the dishes in which it was brewed, that is, from the calabash. It is strongly discouraged to leave the drink “for later” - it will start to be bitter, and the further, the more.

Those who did not spare time to learn the rules of brewing Mate tea, remain faithful to this magnificent drink for many years.

Tea Mate, as a means for weight loss

Mate tea is part of many diets.If you simultaneously adhere to moderation in food and give the body physical activity, you can achieve excellent results. Under all conditions, it turns out to lose up to 4-5 kg ​​per month.

Regular use has a beneficial effect on the body.

To Mate gave the maximum effect, you need to drink it for at least a month. But not more than 1 liter per day. Otherwise, you can earn pronounced tachycardia and insomnia, because caffeine is part of the drink.

Thanks to this tea, metabolic processes are accelerated, which contributes to the burning of calories, the breakdown and removal of fats. The diuretic effect of the drink helps the body get rid of excess fluid.

And Mate dulls the feeling of hunger. A cup of tea instead of dinner or afternoon tea - and you will feel great, imperceptibly losing kilograms.

To whom the drink is contraindicated, and what harm is caused from it

Unfortunately, there are categories of people to whom such tea is contraindicated.

Before use, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with contraindications.
  • These are small children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Do not drink the drink and those who suffer from colds with high fever.
  • It is undesirable to use Mate to people who have stones in the gallbladder or kidneys, allergies and those who have an individual intolerance to this drink.
  • Having a predisposition to cancer of the esophagus or lungs (inflammatory processes, heredity) it is also better to abandon the regular use of Paraguayan tea.

How to store

Mate tea - a tonic drink from the collection of herbs.

When choosing tea in a store, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. The packaging indicates the country of origin. It is best to buy tea made in Paraguay.
  2. Also look at the expiration date. The collection should not be old - over time, it loses flavor and loses its properties.
  3. The best mate tea is made from hand-picked leaves. It is completely not clear how this can be verified, but knowing this fact will not hurt anyone.
  4. The most fragrant and delicious will be a drink from dry raw materials, which includes a minimum number of shoots, and a maximum of leaves.
  5. The packaging must be intact.
  6. Tea may contain various additives. Which option to stop is a matter of taste.

To preserve tea for a long time, you should choose a suitable container for it. Tightly closed lid and sealed packaging will save a pleasant smell of Mate and avoid absorption of impurities. Keep tea recommended in a dry place.

You should not buy such a vegetable gathering in a hurry at the first retail outlet. It is better to take a walk to specialized stores - there is an opportunity to choose the tea you like most from several options, as well as purchase everything you need to make it. And may tea drinking become a holiday for you!