Matcha tea is considered a traditional Japanese drink, but in fact its homeland is China. Here he appeared in the sixth century BC, and in the Land of the Rising Sun came only at the dawn of the second millennium, where he was brought by Chinese monks. However, over time, this drink was almost forgotten in its historical homeland, and is still popular in Japan. There his name sounds like "matcha." Most plantations are located in the north of the country, in the areas of Kosyu, Uji and Shiduzok.
Material Content:
Matcha Tea - what is it?
Matcha is green tea grown and processed according to a certain technology.
From other varieties, it is distinguished by a powdery state, which is achieved by drying and grinding the leaves.
Other parts of the plant are not taken for processing.
During the cultivation process, tea is protected from sunlight, and collection begins 88–90 days after planting. Collected plants are treated in two ways.
- In the first case, the stems and veins are removed, and the leaves are twisted and dried.
- In the second, drying is carried out without deformation of the material.
So that the raw materials do not oxidize and all useful substances are preserved in the composition of the ready-to-drink tea, the leaves are first steamed and then ground to a powder state.
What taste does the drink have
Thanks to the special technology used in the processing of Japanese tea Matcha, it has a unique taste, and it is impossible to confuse it with another variety.
This drink is sweetish, with a light, barely noticeable bitterness. It turns out to be dense, saturated, opaque and is characterized by a grassy green color. Thanks to this shade, tea got its second name - “jade drink”.
Did you know? In the twentieth century, Matcha green tea began to be used not only for its intended purpose. This product is actively used in the manufacture of certain medicinal and homeopathic preparations, as well as in cosmetology and the food industry. It is added to the composition of confectionery, ice cream and tonic drinks.
Varieties of drink
Matcha Japanese tea has many varieties. Drinks vary in hue, density and taste.
The most common are:
- Morning tea. This is the most popular variety, which is used both for brewing in its pure form, and for creating various drinks.
- Dakota. This tea is considered the lightest of all varieties of the Match and has a characteristic astringent taste.
- Gotcha. The color of such a drink will be slightly darker than the previous one. They use it both in its pure form and combine it with other components when creating fruit and flower gatherings.
- Kama. High-quality tea with a bright taste. In color of all varieties of the Match, it is the darkest.
Important! Choosing a Match, you need to pay attention to its color and cost.
Quality tea will be bright green, and the minimum price of 100 g is 550-600 rubles.
Matcha Tea Composition
This Japanese tea can rightfully be called a vitamin cocktail. It contains a large number of useful trace elements, and is also a valuable source of protein, dietary fiber and antioxidants.
The drink is rich in such substances:
- thiamine;
- retinol;
- ascorbic acid;
- routine;
- pyridoxine;
- riboflavin;
- theophylline.
In addition, the drink allows you to normalize the balance of beneficial elements in the body.
There are plenty of them in it:
- calcium and potassium;
- iodine and fluorine;
- iron, zinc and magnesium.
Due to its rich chemical composition, the drink allows not only to quench thirst and enjoy its original taste, but also to bring tangible benefits to the body.
Useful properties and effect of the use of Japanese tea Matcha
The beneficial properties of Matcha tea are to stimulate the following processes in the body:
- Removal of toxins and metabolic products. The drink is a powerful antioxidant and with regular use it allows you to cleanse the body of harmful substances. For this reason, it is able to bring significant relief from poisoning, as well as relieve a hangover.
- Increased body resistance. In addition to the antioxidant, the drink has an antibacterial effect, and a high content of vitamins A and C allows you to strengthen the immune system.
- Cholesterol balance recovery. The active substances of tea can reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and normalize the indicators of "good".
- Strengthening the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of Matcha tea reduces capillary fragility and helps increase the elasticity and strength of blood vessels.
- Prevention of diseases of the digestive tract. Since tea has an antioxidant effect and helps to remove heavy metals, toxins and toxins from the body, the likelihood of digestive problems is reduced. As a result of its regular use, the liver, kidneys and intestines are cleaned of harmful "deposits" and deposits.
- Stimulation of the brain.In Japan, many students and people engaged in intellectual work have appreciated the benefits of Matcha tea. As a result of its use, the ability to perceive information increases, memory and concentration improve, and nervous tension also disappears.
- Reducing the risk of cancer. Matcha tea contains vitamin C and polyphenols, which contribute to the destruction of cancer cells.
- Acceleration of metabolic processes. The active ingredients of tea help cells better absorb beneficial trace elements, and are also excellent fat burners. In this case, the calorie content of the drink is close to zero.
- Tonic effect. Unlike coffee and other “energy drinks,” matcha tea contains virtually no caffeine. The person feels a surge of energy due to the L-theanine present in the drink. At the same time, blood pressure indicators remain normal and excitation is excluded, which coffee lovers often suffer.
Did you know? In China, Matcha tea was called the "elixir of youth" because drinking it helps to slow down the aging process.
The substances contained in it have the ability to neutralize free radicals and reduce the negative effects of harmful substances on the body, thereby increasing its protective ability.
How to brew tea
To get the most out of tea, you must be able to brew it correctly. It is not necessary to carefully observe all the subtleties of the ceremony, but some rules must be remembered.
Traditionally, this drink is prepared in a special bowl, which is a wide bowl. In our conditions, it is quite possible to replace it with a teapot. Tea is made thick (quoyta) or less concentrated (wilting).
In the first case, the procedure is as follows:
- Pour boiling water over the teapot, pour out water, and then wipe the dishes dry.
- Pour 8-10 g of tea leaves and pour 100 ml of hot water.
- Stir the tea slowly, then let it brew for a while.
To make the tea less thick, you need to prepare it as follows:
- Preheat the dishes as described above and remove any remaining moisture with a towel.
- Pour 3-5 g of powder and pour 100 ml of water.
- Beat the mass with a bamboo whisk until the lumps disappear and the foam appears.
In the resulting drink, you can add honey or lemon slices, depending on personal preferences.
At what temperature do you brew the match?
In order to get a tasty and healthy drink, in no case should you pour the powder with boiling water, this will kill the taste of tea.
The required water temperature for preparing the Match is 70-80 degrees.
How to determine this indicator? To do this, wait 5-7 minutes after boiling the kettle - during this time the water will cool to the desired temperature.
How long does it take to brew tea?
The Chinese say that fresh tea is like divine nectar, and standing is like a bite of a poisonous snake.
This statement fits the match perfectly. It must be consumed after the lumps dissolve and the drink acquires a uniform consistency. Therefore, tea is prepared in such a volume that it is immediately drunk.
How to brew Matcha tea pressed in tablets?
On the modern market, Matcha tea is presented not only in powder form, but also in tablets.
Brew them as follows:
- Separate from the total mass a piece weighing 4-5 g. At the same time, the fallen off crumbs must be discarded.
- Put the tea in a heated container with a lid and shake a little. This will awaken his taste.
- Pour some hot water into the dishes and drain immediately. This procedure is performed to rinse the tea.
- Add the required amount of water of the right temperature to the tank, wait 1-2 minutes and pour the drink into cups.
Some manufacturers produce Matcha pressed tea in small, "portioned" tablets, designed to brew 50 or 100 ml of the drink.
How to drink a slimming drink
Matcha tea has been used for a long time for weight loss. This product allows you to cleanse the intestines, accelerate metabolic and metabolic processes, neutralize excess fat obtained from food, and saturate the body with the necessary trace elements.
To prepare a drink for body shaping, you will need to do the following:
- Pour 3-5 g of powder into a heated container.
- Pour tea with 150 ml of water.
- Insist 1-2 minutes.
How to drink matcha tea? Like any pleasure, it should be "stretched", drinking in small sips, and not drink the entire volume at once. And since the drink has a tonic effect, it is better to limit yourself to 3-4 cups per day.
Contraindications and harm from use
Any product is not only beneficial, but also harmful if it is used incorrectly. Green Japanese tea is no exception. The fact is that the leaves of the plant contain lead, 90% of which falls into the prepared drink. Therefore, excessive passion for tea can lead to intoxication of the body.
In addition, you should not drink the Match 4-6 hours before bedtime. It has an exciting effect, and insomnia in this case is guaranteed.
Do not drink this drink under these conditions:
- with impaired liver function;
- after heart attacks and strokes;
- during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
In other cases, observing all the rules for the preparation and use of tea Matcha, you can extract from the drink only benefit, without fear of causing damage to your health.