Despite the fact that traditional medicine is not very popular right now, rosehip tea still does not lose its relevance. Let's see what is so useful drink, and how to cook it.
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Useful properties for women
You can not underestimate the beneficial properties of rosehip tea for women, because it has an impact on various areas.
- First of all, it is its effect on the functioning of the stomach. Properly made broth helps to establish the processes that occur in the intestine. And this can lead to weight loss.
- The antioxidants located in it remove toxins and other harmful substances that pollute the body.
- Such components as: tannins, essential oils, pectins, organic acids have a particularly positive effect on women's health and are recommended for uterine bleeding.
- It also has a small choleretic and diuretic effect, removes excess fluid from the body and prevents the formation of edema.
- It is useful for women suffering from high blood pressure, as it slightly lowers it.
Pregnancy and lactation
Tea made from rose hips, unlike many medications, is not able to harm a woman at a time when she is carrying a baby, or breastfeeding.
The drink has a lot of vitamins that a weakened female body and, of course, a baby need so much. Vitamin C is especially beneficial, due to which the prevention of colds occurs, and the immunity of both the mother and the baby is strengthened.
If during drinking you often used such tea, then you should not be afraid that there will be some problems during feeding, since the child is already accustomed to the drink. Most importantly, do not abuse it too often.
What is the drink useful for men?
The benefits of rose hips for men are no less obvious than for women. Almost the entire stronger sex begins to suffer from heart disease after 40 years. To protect yourself, it is worthwhile to take preventive measures in advance. One of them may well be the regular use of rosehip tea.
The broth strengthens blood vessels, lowers the level of bad cholesterol and has a positive effect on pressure.
In addition, he has one more plus - a small calorie content and the ability to enhance sex drive.
How to brew rosehip tea
To make the drink not only tasty, but also fully reveal all its beneficial properties, it is important to know how to brew it correctly.
- Fruits can be purchased at the pharmacy or dried yourself. In order to get tea, you need to put berries in a container, for example two tablespoons. It is advisable to grind them a little. Then pour boiling water. About 200 milliliters of liquid will be needed for such an amount. Boil over low heat for about 8 minutes, remove, insist for the same amount of time and you can drink. You can add honey if you wish.
- Another option for welding is in a thermos. Cook it better in the evening. In a thermos, put a large spoonful of berries, pour a liter of boiling water, close the lid and in the morning the tea will be ready.
Interesting variations of the drink with additives
If you want a more healthy and rich composition, let's look at how to make tea with various additives.
- With raspberries. For cooking, you need a tablespoon of chopped rosehips, a small spoonful of raspberries in any form and a glass of boiling water. The components are poured with liquid, insisted for a couple of hours before use. If desired, raspberries can be replaced with a sheet plate.
- With viburnum. Two tablespoons of rosehip and viburnum pour 500 milliliters of boiling water. Put the drink in a thermos, let stand for about 7 hours and you're done.
- With lemon. About 50 grams of fresh rose hips, pour 500 milliliters of water and cook on low heat for about 15 minutes. Wait until it is infused and cooled, add a spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon.
In addition, rosehip berries go well with both black and green tea. You can add mint leaves, cinnamon, ginger, blackcurrant and even vanilla.
Read also: the benefits and harms of chamomile tea
How often and how much to drink
There is no specific dosage for the drink, but in any case you need to know the measure in everything. Despite all the harmlessness, he has contraindications and there are many of them.
For example, if you drink tea for preventive purposes, then a few cups a day will be enough, and it is best to drink it some time before eating.
With diseases, the amount of drink can be increased, but again no more than 1.5 liters per day. Of great importance is what you cooked it with. If only rosehip is brewed, then such a volume for the therapeutic effect will be advisable, but if with the addition of other herbs, then most likely its dosage will have to be reduced.
Contraindications and side effects
Before doing self-medication, carefully read the most important information so that you do not harm yourself instead of benefit.
- Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the berries contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which tends to adversely affect such diseases of the stomach as ulcers and gastritis.
- Also, the drink has a bad effect on the condition of the teeth and enamel, so it is recommended to rinse your mouth after each intake.
- If there is a predisposition to thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, then you should completely abandon it.
- It is not recommended to drink tea for those who have heart problems or do it with great care.
- Another drawback is that long-term treatment can lead to non-infectious jaundice.
- In the presence of any circulatory disorders, it is also better to avoid rosehip tea.
- In addition to all this, a rosehip drink affects the output of bile, slowing down this process, which means that it is definitely not suitable for constipation.
Read also:beneficial properties and contraindications of hibiscus tea
In any case, in order to avoid a negative reaction of the body, you should visit a doctor, consult, take tests and only after that drink a drink.