One of the most important tasks of a nursing mother is to maintain the production of the required amount of breast milk for as long as possible. To achieve this goal, breastfeeding experts recommend paying attention to lactation tea. A correctly selected lactogonous drink not only enhances lactation, but also improves the composition of breast milk. How to choose the optimal composition of tea, read in our article.
Material Content:
- 1 Which tea is better to choose to increase lactation
- 2 The main components of lactogon drinks
- 3 Popular teas for nursing mothers: description, composition and characteristics
- 4 Milk tea for lactation: myths and reality
- 5 How to make tea for lactation yourself: recipes
- 6 Terms of use
- 7 To whom it is contraindicated
Which tea is better to choose to increase lactation
Lactation is the natural physiological process of the production of mother’s milk for feeding a baby from the moment of its birth.
In order for the child to be healthy and develop well, good nutrition is necessary. For newborns, the main product that supplies valuable trace elements is breast milk.
If the mother’s body produces insufficient volume, the diet is adjusted and lactogonics are used - teas that stimulate lactation.
To determine which tea is better, you need to pay attention to its composition. First of all, it should contain natural components, the use of which will not harm the health of the mother and baby.
In addition, it is important that the substances in the tea have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, blood-purifying properties and at the same time do not cause allergic reactions in the mother.
The main components of lactogon drinks
Most often, preference is given to those teas, which include herbs.
However, before using them, one should take into account the properties of each plant species and their possible effect on the body:
- Fennel. Helps strengthen immunity, stimulates the secretion of glands, removes toxins. With prolonged use, it can cause allergies in the child.
- Dill. Increases lactation, relieves spasms, has a carminative effect, soothes, has an analgesic effect. It does not cause adverse reactions.
- Caraway. It contains a large amount of phosphorus, calcium and iron. Provides lactogon effect. Reduces the likelihood of intestinal colic in the baby. Increases hemoglobin.
- Ginger. It has lactogonous properties. It strengthens the immune system, lowers blood glucose, increases blood pressure, improves digestion and metabolism, and has disinfecting properties. Not recommended for use with gastrointestinal ulcer. May increase the irritability of the infant or cause allergies.
- Galega. It contains galegin alkaloid, which contributes to an increase in the secretion of breast milk. It has diaphoretic and diuretic properties.
- Horse chestnut. Reduces blood viscosity, improves blood circulation. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves swelling. Removes excess cholesterol. Kills bacteria, relieves cramps, helps digestion.
In addition, to increase lactation, experts recommend paying attention to rosemary, basil, kelp, lemon balm, nettle and anise.
The use of lactogonics is beneficial only if the rules of breastfeeding are observed.
Popular teas for nursing mothers: description, composition and characteristics
The problem of insufficient milk production has always existed. But if in former times nursing mothers were forced to independently choose the basis for the preparation of lactogonous drinks, nowadays manufacturers of baby food have taken care of this.
The assortment of modern lactogonics is rich and diverse.
Hipp tea for lactation is a tasty and effective remedy for nursing mothers. Available in the form of light instant granules. Country of origin Germany.
The main components of the mixture for the preparation of lactogonous drink are medicinal herbs:
- fennel;
- nettle extract;
- galega grass;
- lemon balm grass;
- caraway;
- anise;
- as well as sweeteners: dextrose and maltodextrin.
Thanks to the natural flavor of lemon grass, Hipp has a pleasant lemon flavor. The use of tea helps not only to establish feeding, but also to provide the baby with valuable biologically active substances.
Preparation of Hipp tea: pour two teaspoons of granules into a half glass of warm boiled water.
Humana (Humana)
A popular and effective drink from Germany is Humana tea to improve lactation.
Available in the form of granules created on the basis of plant extracts:
- fenugreek;
- fennel;
- hibiscus
- gallegs;
- verbena;
- blackberries;
- shepherd’s bag;
- raspberry leaves.
Sugar and lactose free. One can of tea weighing 200 g is enough to prepare 40 servings of the drink.
The use of "Humana" tea provides normalization of sleep, improved digestion and even increased mood.
Method of preparation: pour a teaspoon of granules with hot drinking water.
Quickly and effectively solve the problem of lactation crisis will help tea "Nestic". This instant drink, created on the basis of plant extracts of chamomile, galega, dogrose and nettle. Also contains lactose and glucose. Provides a soothing effect. It has a relatively affordable price.
Grandma’s basket
One of the most popular means for increasing lactation is “Grandma’s basket”. The manufacturer is the Russian company Sivma, which is familiar to many mothers from other types of products for infants (infant formula, juices, mashed potatoes).
Tea "Grandmother's basket" is produced in the form of filter bags with rosehip or anise in the composition.Nettle leaves, fennel, lemon balm and caraway seeds are used as additional components of the drink.
For one serving of tea, it is enough to brew one filter bag. The recommended daily dose is two to three servings.
In the list of the most effective means to increase lactation, Lactavit tea, created by the Russian company of the same name, is listed. The basis for the production of the drink was the development of scientists from the Angarsk Institute of Biomedical Problems.
Herbal drinks based on anise fruits, nettle leaves, fennel and caraway seeds are produced in the form of disposable filter bags. The recommended dosage of Lactovit tea is two servings per day.
Lactogon tea “Lactafitol” produced by the Russian company Krasnogorsklexredstva is also one of the most popular drugs for increasing milk production in nursing mothers.
In the composition of the extractor from:
- fennel;
- nettles;
- anise;
- dill;
- caraway seeds.
One package of “Lactafitol” contains 20 disposable filter bags, which corresponds to the recommended course of administration - one bag per day for three weeks.
Method of preparation: a tea bag is brewed with a glass of boiling water and taken in half a glass twice a day.
Leros (Leros)
Lactogon tea “Leros” is classified as a medium-efficiency drink. As part of the collection of medicinal herbs: lemon balm, galega, fennel, plantain, caraway seeds, gold rod. Available in disposable filter bags without labeling and tags.
Tea “Bebivita" is intended to increase lactation in nursing mothers. Available in the form of granules and in the form of disposable filter bags.
The contents of tea bags include fruits and leaves:
- rose hips;
- hawthorn;
- coriander;
- chokeberry;
- nettles;
- lemon balm;
- rose petals.
Bebivita granules contain extracts of natural herbs: anise, caraway seeds, lemon balm and fennel. The natural flavor is lemon grass. Additional ingredients are grape sugar and maltodextrin.
Method of preparation: take four teaspoons of granules or one filter bag for one glass of boiling water. The daily norm is from three to six cups of tea.
Daily use of the Bebivita drink is recommended from the last months of pregnancy.
Ivan tea for lactation
Due to the powerful healing potential, Ivan-tea (narrow-leaved fireweed) is quite often used in folk medicine. The ability to enhance lactation is just one of the many healing properties of the plant.
Using ivan tea for lactation, you can help the baby get rid of stomach pains and colic. In addition, the use of the drink can improve metabolic processes, stabilize the mother's nervous system and remove toxins from the body.
Method of preparation: dried leaves of a plant are passed through a meat grinder. To brew a teaspoon of plant material, pour boiling water and insist for 20 minutes.
To enhance the lactogon effect, it is recommended to add fennel to the drink.
Milk tea for lactation: myths and reality
One of the most famous and popular drinks among nursing mothers is milk tea. Despite the fact that the use of milk milk is an ancient method that was used by our great-grandmothers, doctors are not inclined to consider the drink particularly useful.
Giving preference to tea with milk, its shortcomings should be taken into account:
- Caffeine in the composition of the drink has an exciting effect and is able to increase the load on the nervous system of the baby.
- Cow's milk often causes allergies and colic in infants.
- Euphorbia has a diuretic effect, increasing the need for urination not only in the mother, but also in the baby. In addition, the withdrawal of fluid from the mother's body helps to reduce the volume of milk produced.
However, moderate drink consumption can be beneficial.
Milk tea alone does not apply to lactogonics.But drinking a hot drink before feeding stimulates a rush of breast milk, improving the quality of feeding.
Milk eater also replenishes the supplies of vitamins and minerals necessary for mother and baby, quenches thirst and gives strength.
How to make tea for lactation yourself: recipes
If desired, a nursing mother can prepare a lactogon drink on her own. To do this, you need to know which plants to give preference to, then purchase them at the pharmacy and observe the correct proportions when brewing.
The best recipes:
- Tea made from fennel or dill. For one serving of water for a drink, take a tablespoon of seeds. Accepted without sugar during the day, in small sips.
- Tea from a camomile chemist's. A glass of boiling water and a spoonful of flowers are heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. The first serving of the drink is taken with caution, since chamomile can cause allergies.
- Ginger Tea A pinch of crushed root is brewed with boiling water and insisted for a couple of minutes. To improve the taste, you can add honey and lemon, provided that the child is not allergic to these products.
- Kalmyk jomba tea. Good quality green tea (30 g per half liter of water) is boiled for 20 minutes, the cream is poured (100 g) and brought to a boil. Then add a pinch of black pepper and salt, bay leaf, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves.
Read also: Chamomile pharmacy: medicinal properties
Each serving of any kind of lactopod tea is prepared immediately before use and is drunk fresh and warm.
Terms of use
In order for the use of lactogonous teas to bring the expected benefits, certain rules must be observed not only in their preparation, but also in use.
The main recommendations of doctors:
- Increasing the dosage of tea can cause side effects.
- Reception of any new drink begins with a few sips. If the baby has a rash, tea should be discontinued.
- The best time for taking lactogon tea is morning and night. In the evening, it is better to refuse to take any such drinks.
- To enhance the effect, tea should be drunk in a warm form to relax the ducts of the mammary glands.
- Taking one type of drink for more than seven days is undesirable. For optimal results, it is better to alternate different types of tea.
Reception of lactogonous drinks is justified only if breast milk is produced in insufficient quantities. An excess of milk in the breast can cause the development of lacostasis.
To whom it is contraindicated
In some cases, the use of tea for lactation is not only undesirable, but also contraindicated.
- First of all, it should be remembered that many herbs have the ability to cause allergic reactions not only in the baby, but also in the mother.
- Women with diabetes are advised to avoid drinks that contain sugar.
- It is also possible individual intolerance to the body of certain substances in the composition of lactogonous teas.
Therefore, before using the discussed drinks, it is necessary to obtain the approval of a pediatrician.