When you want to make a delicious, satisfying breakfast, and at the same time do not spend a lot of time preparing it, sandwiches with avocados will come to the rescue. This fruit is not exotic for Slavic cuisine for a long time, and canapes with it are much more useful than usual sandwiches with butter and sausage.

Sandwiches with avocado and red fish

Such a dish is good for ordinary snack, and for a festive feast. Its guests will eat first of all with great pleasure: the avocado is wonderfully in harmony with red fish, for example, with salmon.

What ingredients are needed?

  • Bread - 600 grams. Best suited for this purpose. baguette, loaf or light airy bread. This also applies to many other recipes; 4
  • slightly salted salmon - take also 600 grams;
  • avocado - the same amount;
  • processed cream cheese - enough for 200 grams;
  • butter - enough 100 grams;
  • lemon.

Long loaf (or baguette) cut diagonally. You should get a thick oval chunks.

With soft butter, grease each oval on one side. Do not make the oil layer thick.

Now you can put everything on a dish and hold it in the microwave for half a minute at full power. Or briefly dry in a hot oven. However, to do without "heat treatment" is also a good option.

Squeeze citrus juice in a blender bowl, put cream cheese and avocado pulp in the same place. We turn on the device to get a kind of paste.

Spread each slice with a paste, covering it with oil. Spread the salmon on top, cutting it neatly in thin slices ahead of time.

We decorate sandwiches with red fish and avocado with olives or lemon slices. Breakfast is ready!

Such canapes will wonderfully complement an elegant buffet table. It is very pleasant to savor white wine or champagne with them.

Cooking with Garlic

If you don’t need to run to work or study right after breakfast, enjoy sandwiches with avocado and garlic.

They need products:

  • toaster bread - take 10 slices;
  • avocado - not less than 400 grams;
  • lemon juice - about 20 grams is enough;
  • garlic - three cloves;
  • salt - a pinch is enough;
  • olive oil - we will limit ourselves to 60 ml.

Lightly fry the bread in oil in a pan. You can dry the chunks in the oven, but then you must first properly sprinkle them with oil.

Place ready-made servings on napkins - let the excess fat go away and let the bread cool.

We are doing avocados at this time. We clean, free from the bone. The resulting pulp can be processed at will in two ways - knead with a fork, or chop with a blender.

In the pulp, add garlic (passed through garlic press), citrus juice and salt. And mix again. Now the composition can be smeared with toasts.

Such sandwiches are able to act not only as the main dish, but also as the "foundation" for other bases. If, for example, you put pieces of bacon, herring or sprat on top, you get a new taste.

With cheese

Sandwiches with cheese are not out of the ordinary for us. They become unusual if you combine cheese with avocado.

We will prepare a snack from:

  • cheese (take "Ricotta") - 200 grams;
  • pulp of ripe avocado - the same volume;
  • mayonnaise - enough of 100 grams;
  • garlic - at least a pair of cloves;
  • wine vinegar - enough 20 grams;
  • kernels of nuts (which you like and find in the kitchen) or seeds, or sesame seeds - 50 grams;
  • bread (this time we need rye) - at least 300 grams;
  • spice - which ones do you prefer;
  • vegetable oil (refined sunflower, and even better olive);
  • greens, lemon slices - for decoration.

Let's get some bread first. We divide it into slices, each season with spices and sprinkle with vegetable oil. Toasts need to be dried. Everything is suitable for this - a frying pan, an oven, a toaster.

We send all the ingredients to the blender - cheese, avocado pulp, garlic, seeds (or nuts). We turn on the device and achieve a state of a kind of cream, season with mayonnaise, add salt, seasonings. Do not forget about vinegar.

The resulting mass with avocado and cheese cover each rye toast. The pieces of lemon and greens will serve as decoration.

Chicken and Avocado Sandwiches

Tartinki with avocado in combination with smoked chicken will make a delicious snack and cheer up.

What will be needed for their preparation?

  • smoked chicken meat - take 200 grams;
  • arugula - a handful;
  • tomatoes - half of the fruit is enough;
  • mayonnaise;
  • mustard (French is generally perfect);
  • bread - four slices.

First, take up the bread. We cover two toasts with mayonnaise, the remaining grease with mustard.

Wash and dry the arugula so that the water does not drain.

Put the “pillow” of arugula on mayonnaise. There is chicken upstairs (we previously divided the meat into thin plates). The same thin tomato slices fall on the meat. On them are pieces of avocado.

It remains to “build” sandwiches, covering this splendor with bread and mustard. Naturally, a mustard layer inside.

Recipe for poached egg

For a similar canapé, eggs are prepared in a special way: they are carefully broken so as not to damage the yolk in boiling water, getting in a couple of minutes something like a flower with a yellow center and lace of protein petals. Let's try and we make such tartinki with avocado and egg.

You will need the following set of products:

  • bread - take six slices;
  • lettuce leaves - the same amount;
  • avocado pulp - not less than 300 grams;
  • lemon juice - at least a couple of teaspoons;
  • yogurt (but only unsweetened) - enough for 20 grams;
  • salt and ground black pepper - calculate as you wish.

We process avocado pulp in a blender. Then add citrus juice and yogurt to it. It remains to turn all this into a magnificent mass - with the help of the same blender.

Dry the bread in a toaster (although you can not do this).We wash and dry the salad - excess moisture is not needed in this recipe.

We cover the mixture with toasts. Then we “hide” it under lettuce leaves. The eggs will show off from above. How to make them is written above.

Now the tartki are ready.

Sandwiches with Avocado Pasta

There is one recipe for making sandwiches for a very savory lean avocado paste.

The following ingredients are required:

  • avocado, ripe and juicy - one thing;
  • the onion head is also one;
  • olive oil - at least one tablespoon;
  • lemon juice - enough teaspoon;
  • salt and black pepper - focus on your taste;
  • greens - do as with salt.

This amount of food is designed for six bread slices. You will need white bread.

Avocados, as always, free from the skin and bone. We chop the onion as finely as possible. We use a blender: in its bowl we put fruit pulp and onion slices. Pour citrus juice and oil there. Flavor with salt and pepper. Do not forget to put greens in a blender bowl.

It remains to turn all the components into a beautiful puree and spread them bread. Dry it beforehand, or not - the choice is yours.