The opinion that the bull terrier is an aggressive and dangerous animal is common among people who do not know the characteristics of this breed. Why such a myth arose, what is the history of the origin of dogs, the breed standard, the specifics of upbringing and grooming - useful information in our article.

Breed description

Powerful and at the same time graceful dogs cannot be confused with representatives of other breeds. Bull terriers have a specific appearance, a little frightening.

The official name of the breed came from a combination of two English words: bull - “bull” and terrier - “terrier”. Dog breeders call their pets affectionately - bulls or white gentlemen. The second definition appeared due to the special intelligence of the bull terriers.

The breed is represented in the international classification by three different species:

  • English (classic), which appeared after the crossing of a bulldog, a Dalmatian and a terrier, are white dogs, especially active and energetic;
  • Staffordshire, which was the result of a cross between a terrier and a bulldog, - dogs with black, red, tiger, brown and white colors are more similar in appearance to bulldogs (especially the muzzle);
  • dwarf, or miniature bull terrier - has external characteristics of the English appearance, but growth, according to the International Film Festival, is no more than 35.5 cm, and the color, except for white, can be three-color or yellow-brown.

Origin history

The breed appeared in the 19th century through the efforts of the English breeder James Hinks. In the UK, in the homeland of the bull terriers, the canine scientist conducted numerous crossbreeding experiments, trying to bring the dog strong, hardy and smart.

At that time, bullfighting was already banned, and dog fighting was gaining popularity. Used for such spectacles of bulldogs, which are distinguished by some imposingness and slowness. It was necessary to find dogs more active and agile, but powerful and courageous.

Hinks set a goal - to get the perfect fighting breed. He mated an English terrier, a bulldog, a Dalmatian. There are suggestions that impurities of greyhounds, greyhounds and hounds were also used.

In 1862, at an exhibition in the UK, a new breed was introduced to the public - more graceful than a bulldog, but muscular and powerful. It took a little more time to correct the breed.

The first bull terrier, whose descendants are widespread today around the world, appeared in 1917.

Initially, boules were only white. Thanks to the efforts of breeder Ted Lyon, colored dogs began to appear.

Characteristic of the breed: why is bull terrier dangerous

Many people who are not familiar with these dogs consider them almost monsters who are just waiting for an opportunity to attack and tear to pieces their prey.

In fact, boules are very cheerful and cheerful. They like to play with children, adore their masters and are able to stay with them for hours.

Animals are very attached to the owners, so they painfully endure separation from them. They need constant attention and care.

  • Bull terriers are owners, they do not really like to share their territory, things and owner's attention.Teasing dogs, picking up their toys or things is not worth it! The bull terrier has a strong grip, which will be used in case of threat.
  • The breed is famous for its intelligence, which allows you to quickly train dogs. But at the same time, boules have a wayward and stubborn character, the manifestations of which the owner must immediately gently nip with proper education.
  • Bull terriers have good physical data. A regular long and active walk improves athletic shape.
  • Dogs are brave, hardy and have a high will to win. These properties are inherent in genes, thanks to them the ancestors of the bull terriers won in dog fights. But these character traits make dogs uncontrollable if there is no proper upbringing. Bulls rush at cats, rodents, and other dogs. Especially violently they defend their territory, so you should not keep other pets in the apartment with the bull terrier.

Owners need to monitor dog discipline to prevent outbreaks of aggression. Soft, but persistent training will do its job.

Dogs purpose

Modern bull terriers are no longer fighting dogs, since proper education allows you to develop an agreeable character in animals.

Most often, boules are turned on as companions for children and adults. They are infinitely loyal to their masters. In addition, they are good bodyguards and watchmen who protect the borders of possessions and their households.

Breed standard, how to choose a puppy

The classic bull terrier dog is not too tall (up to 45 - 50 cm at the withers), with a strong powerful body and a weight of about 25 - 30 kg. There are no restrictions on height and weight in the standard.

A characteristic feature of the breed is grace. White cavaliers have an easy and laid back gait, they are flexible and graceful.

International Canine Federation (FCI) criteria for breed standard:

  • The head is low set, egg-shaped, with a massive jaw.
  • The teeth are large, white, with a scissor bite.
  • Nose - lowered, expressive nostrils.
  • Eyes - in the form of a triangle, narrow, obliquely located, away from the nose.

The eyes of purebred bull terriers have a dark brown shade. Dogs with bright eyes are not allowed to enter the exhibition.

  • The ears are small, thin, and close together.
  • The limbs are strong, of medium length, the front ones are better developed than the rear ones.
  • The trunk is almost round, wide chest, short back in cross section.
  • The tail is small, tapering at the end.
  • The coat is dense, short, thick, shiny.
  • Color - white (pigmentation of the skin under the coat is allowed) or color with a predominance of one shade.

White cavaliers live on average 10 to 13 years.

When choosing a thoroughbred puppy of a bull terrier, it is necessary, in addition to the breed standard, to take into account other criteria. It is better to go for purchase to specialized kennels that provide all the necessary documents for dogs.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the puppy’s pedigree in order to find out the character traits of his ancestors, which can go to him. It is worth paying attention to how many children were in the offspring of a bitch. The number of 5 - 7 puppies is optimal, if there are more, doubts arise about the good health of the babies.

A healthy puppy:

  • active temperament;
  • shiny coat;
  • creases on the tail;
  • straight limbs of the same length;
  • shiny and wet nose;
  • clean ears and eyes;
  • pink mucous membranes, without wounds;
  • no acne or skin rash.

To check if the puppy’s hearing is normal (bullets often have problems with this), you need to lightly click your fingers near the dog’s ear and look at her reaction.

It is better to buy a dog from the age of one and a half months. Be sure to require an animal passport and a vaccination card.

Keeping and caring for a dog

Bull terriers feel great in urban apartments. But you should not leave them on the street, especially in the cold season, because short hair does not protect dogs from the wind and bad weather at all.

  1. You need to walk the boule 2 times a day for at least an hour. Walking should be active, with games and running so that the dog can throw out its energy.
  2. It is necessary to look after wool twice a week with the help of a special rubber glove or a short soft brush.
  3. Claws need to be cut twice a month if the dog does not grind them off.
  4. You need to brush your ears once a week.
  5. Wipe your eyes with a cotton swab dipped in warm water should be every 7 to 10 days.
  6. In clean bathing neat-bull terriers do not need. Dirt can be wiped off with a damp cloth.

An important rule for those who are going to make a sweet bull's house - you can not leave him for a long time. Dogs are very attached to the owners and without their company yearn. Long periods of loneliness can cause diseases in dogs.

Two meals a day at bull terriers, at approximately 12 and 19 hours. Dogs can be fed ready-made store feeds only by choosing premium products. Having chosen the option of natural nutrition, you should carefully draw up the daily diet of the pet.

On the menu of the dog should be:

  • meat products (50%) - raw, boiled meat, offal;
  • vegetables (20%) - boiled;
  • cereals (20%) - with the exception of Hercules;
  • fermented milk products (10%) - kefir, cottage cheese.

Do not give animals:

  • spicy dishes;
  • fatty foods;
  • flour and confectionery;
  • smoked meats;
  • salty or pickled foods.

How to train and educate

In order to raise complaisant and well-bred dogs from puppies of the bull terrier, you need to start training as early as possible and make classes regular.

For greater efficiency, you should follow the rules of training:

  • gradually accustom the puppy to adequate communication with other animals, people;
  • surround the pet with love and affection;
  • learn to share their things;
  • conduct classes in a calm tone, but gently insist on the implementation of commands;
  • alternate loads to make the training varied and interesting for the dog;
  • Do not punish for an incomplete command, do not scream or use physical force;
  • achievements are encouraged by praise or “goodies”;
  • point to a bull on aggressive behavior, depicting chagrin;
  • do not continue training if the dog is tired and cannot concentrate.

Training should take place in a calm and friendly atmosphere. A balanced and loving owner will be able to raise an obedient pet.

Pros and cons of the breed

Dog breeders point to the advantages of bull terriers, thanks to which representatives of this breed are so fond of many families.


  • unusual appearance;
  • friendliness;
  • athletic exterior;
  • activity and cheerful character;
  • cleanliness;
  • unpretentiousness in the maintenance and care.

But there are disadvantages, which include:

  • propensity to dominate;
  • love for hunting small animals;
  • short coat, not protecting from the cold and bright sun.

Cons can be easily adjusted with regular training and proper pet care.

The notoriety that is entrenched in dogs is not at all deserved. With proper education, the aggressiveness of booleans is extremely rare, and then only with respect to animals. For a man, a bull terrier is an excellent friend and companion.