Not every decorative plant can boast such abundant and long flowering. For a whole month, huge hats of snow-white flowers have been eye-catching. So the decorative shrub viburnum Buldenezh blooms. Translated from French, its name sounds like “snow globe”. It is quite justified - huge inflorescences up to 15 cm are spherical in shape and at the time of complete dissolution are very similar to snowballs.

Features of growing viburnum Buldenezh

It belongs to the adox family and has many relatives growing in different climatic zones. All viburnum love moist enough fertile soil. They grow well and bear fruit in the sun or in a small shade. Most of them have edible berries, which are formed from central flowers, since the marginal flowers are sterile. They have neither pistils nor stamens, their purpose is to attract pollinating insects. In viburnum Buldenezh, which is a decorative form of viburnum vulgaris, all flowers are sterile, so they have a larger size, determining the decorativeness of the plant and lush flowering. But she doesn’t have any fruits; viburnum Buldenezh propagates only vegetatively.

Kalina Buldenezh: reproduction

Rooted cuttings and cuttings, both green and lignified, are used for it. Buldenezh is easily propagated by division. For this, the dug bush is divided into parts so that each has roots and shoots. The resulting plants are planted.

Propagation by layering

So you can propagate only those plants that are cultivated in a bush form. In spring, dig a shallow groove under the developed lower branch and bend the shoot, pinning it to the ground. For better rooting, longitudinal scratches are made on the cortex. Sprinkle the shoot with humus, leaving the top open. Keep the soil moist. Over the summer layering rooted. The following spring, it can be separated from the uterine plant and transplanted.

Propagation by cuttings

Both shoots of this year and last year are suitable for him. Green cuttings are cut during the period of their active growth - from the beginning of June to the end of July. It is better to cut lignified cuttings in April-May. Each of them should have 2-3 internodes and a length of about 10 cm. The lower cut is made at an angle of 45 degrees, and the upper one is a straight line. The lower pair of leaves is removed completely, and the upper one is shortened by half. The bottom cut of the cuttings is processed in a growth stimulator according to the instructions and planted in a mini greenhouse, immersed in the ground by 2 cm. When creating artificial fog, almost all cuttings can be rooted. They are planted in the ground in the spring after 2 years.

Planting ornamental shrubs

Kalina Buldenezh is durable. She can live for more than 50 years, so you need to choose a place to land thoroughly. The dimensions of the plant depend on how it will be grown. Shrub forms grow up to 2.5 m in height and have a crown of the same diameter. If you form a plant in a standard form, it will grow into a slender tree up to 4 m high with the same crown diameter.

How and when to plant

Best of all, the ornamental shrub viburnum Buldenezh takes root during spring planting. It is carried out while the plants are at rest and the leaves have not yet been released. In the fall, it is permissible to plant divided bushes, provided that they have a well-developed root system.

Site and soil preparation

This ornamental shrub is hygrophilous. If there is a pond on the site, the bush Buldenezh will perfectly decorate it. In this case, the plant will not feel a lack of moisture.

Good lighting is important for him, but in the hottest hours a slight shadow is desirable from tall plants growing nearby.

This type of common viburnum has average requirements for soil fertility. It grows well on not too rich sandy and podzolic soils. But in this case, needs regular feeding. The acidity of the soil should be in the range of 5.5 to 6.5. If it is higher, the soil is lime. It is advisable to do this in the fall.

Landing rules

It is better to prepare a landing pit in the fall, so that the earth is well compacted, and there are no voids in it.

  • The diameter and depth of the planting pit is 60 cm. On dry soil, it is completely filled with water and the planted plant when it is absorbed. If the soil is too wet or heavy clay, drainage from crushed stone, pebbles and sand is laid on the bottom of the pit.
  • The top layer of the excavated soil is mixed with three buckets of compost, a glass of nitrophoska and two glasses of ash.
  • The straightened roots of the plant are placed on an earthen mound and sprinkled with a prepared soil mixture so as to deepen the root neck by 4 cm into it.
  • They trample the near-trunk circle, water it well and mulch it with a layer of compost or humus.
  • Shorten the bush by 1/3 to maintain balance between the aerial part and the root system.

In the future, the survival of the plant and its successful vegetation will depend on care.

Kalina Buldenezh: care

This ornamental shrub is not too demanding to care for, but it has its own preferences.

Watering and feeding

For the season it is enough to do only 3 top dressings. In early spring, 1-2 buckets of well-rotted manure or compost are poured under each bush. After leveling, it will serve as a mulching layer, while nourishing the plants.

Inorganic fertilizers are applied in 2 terms. In the spring for each square. m of the trunk circle add 50 g of nitrogen, 40 g of phosphorus and 30 g of potash fertilizers.They can be applied in a dry form, slightly embedded into the soil. After that, watering should follow. In autumn, plants are fed before the beginning of leaf fall, introducing half of the spring norm of phosphate and potassium fertilizers. Nitrogen is not added to the autumn dressing in order not to provoke extracurricular growth of young shoots, which weakens the bushes and prevents them from preparing for winter.

Viburnum Buldenezh does not like drying out soils, therefore it needs regular watering, especially in dry weather. Watering is necessary so as to completely moisten the root layer of the soil.

This is especially important for newly planted plants.

Pruning and pinching

After frosty winters, the plant needs sanitary pruning - all frozen and dried shoots are cut. This should be done carefully so as not to weaken the flowering, as viburnum blooms on last year's shoots.

Forming pruning is done for the first time immediately after planting - each twig is shortened by a third of the length. If an inflorescence appeared on the bush in the first year after planting, it must be cut off, not allowing it to bloom. This technique will provide more magnificent flowering for the next year. In the future, forming pruning depends on the method of growing viburnum. In the bush form, every year new shoots are cut except for one - the strongest. The maximum number of shoots in an adult bush is 8-10. Pruning is carried out in the summer after flowering, but no later than mid-August. In summer, side branches are shortened, achieving the desired shape of the bush. Pinching of young growing shoots is carried out at the end of August.

If the viburnum is formed on a stem to create a beautiful tree with weeping branches, only one of the most powerful shoots is left. Cut all other shoots and basal shoots. About the third year they begin to form a crown. The height of the stem by this time should be about 1.2 m. The old bush of viburnum can be rejuvenated by cutting all branches at a level of 30 cm from the ground.

Winter preparations

Kalina Buldenezh is a rather frost-resistant plant and freezes only in very severe winters. To help her transfer them, you need to prepare the plant for winter.

  • Do not feed with nitrogen fertilizers in the second half of summer.
  • Do not let young shoots grow from the end of August. Pinch them if necessary. Reduce watering from the last decade of August to the end of leaf fall.
  • After leaf fall, carry out water-charging irrigation.
  • Mulch the trunk circle with a layer of mulch at least 10 cm.
  • To cover additionally young plants in a mini greenhouse.

Proper preparation mobilizes all the forces of the plant, and it will successfully survive the winter, showing all the frost resistance given to it by nature.

Pests and diseases

Kalina Buldenezh is loved not only by gardeners. Insect pests do not disregard it. Viburnum leaf beetle and black viburnum aphid are especially rampant. Insects begin their harmful activity in early spring, therefore it is impossible to be late with plant protection. An effective method is the treatment of such drugs as Spark and Intavir. Both malathion and chlorophos are suitable. Three times treatment with an interval of 12 days will be required. For those who do not let “chemistry” into their garden, there is a safe preparation, Healthy Garden. The multiplicity of the processing of viburnum is the same. You can use folk remedies: infusions of garlic, hot pepper, yarrow, wormwood. They will help with the defeat of viburnum with spotting or powdery mildew. It is very useful to attract entomophagous insects that fight pests into the garden. To do this, aromatic herbs are sown near the bushes.

Landscape design


Kalina Buldenezh looks great on the lawn. A good bordering on it will be flower beds of low annual or perennial flowers. During flowering, it revives conifers, can serve as the lower tier in the plantings of large-sized plants - birches, mountain ash, maples, lindens. Planted along the fence, viburnum Buldenezh forms a beautiful hedge. Decorative viburnum planted near the water will become a real decoration of the reservoir.It goes well with lilac, mock orange, hydrangea, barberry.


One or several bush of viburnum Buldenezh will become a decoration of the site, help to realize interesting design decisions, emphasize the individuality of the garden.