The bronchi are the most important component of the human respiratory system. If an infection gets into the body, the active production of mucus begins in it. This leads to the discussed ailment. Symptoms and treatment of bronchitis in adults are described below.
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Bronchitis: causes
Modern doctors single out several reasons that turn out to be an impulse for the development of the disease:
- Most often, inflammation in the bronchi is the result of the ingestion of viruses, bacteria, intracellular parasites. For example, flu, pneumococcus, staphylococcus, chlamydia, etc. The bronchi become inflamed, including with a common cold.
- Less commonly, the cause of the disease is inhalation of irritating or toxic gases. But this option is more relevant for those patients who work in harmful conditions.
- Allergy sufferers often develop a special type of bronchitis - allergic. It is often associated with asthma.
- Chronic bronchitis in some cases is the result of prolonged smoking. Especially if a person smokes a large number of cigarettes per day and is often found in a smoky room.
The correct established cause of the disease will help to choose a competent comprehensive treatment for the patient. Therefore, an experienced specialist should deal with this issue.
Symptoms of the disease and diagnosis
The main symptom of the disease under discussion is a cough. It is strong, protracted and deep, interferes with the normal life of a person.At first, the cough is dry, but over time, sputum begins to sputter. If at the first stage of the disease try to get rid of the unpleasant perspiration with cold water, then this will only exacerbate the problem and accelerate the development of bronchitis. Cough usually worsens in the evening. And over time, it becomes so strong that it does not sleep at night.
At the first manifestations of cough, you need to immediately go to the doctor and begin to fight the disease. It is advisable to do this on the first or second day, when tickling and coughing appears.
If no measures are taken, then about 4 days white or yellow sputum from the lungs begins to sputter. After another day, the body temperature rises. It is maximal with adenovirus damage (above 39 degrees).
If the patient has not started treatment for more than a week, then headaches (especially in the evening), lethargy, weakness, fatigue, and distracted attention will be added to the listed symptoms. Vigor is not felt even after a prolonged sleep.
Soon the appetite disappears, and with it the voice. Even with minimal physical exertion, increased sweating is observed.
When diagnosing, the doctor will first ask the patient about existing complaints, listen to his cough, as well as breathing noises using a phonendoscope. Tapping the chest will exclude, for example, pleurisy and pneumonia. Also, the patient is prescribed bronchoscopy, sputum analysis and general blood analysis, fluorography.
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Forms and classifications of bronchitis
Two main forms of the disease are known - chronic and acute, as well as several types of problems.
All of these factors will determine which medications the doctor will prescribe to the patient, as well as how long the treatment will be. Do not try to independently determine the type and form of the disease. This important “mission” can only be entrusted to a doctor.
Chronic bronchitis is usually exacerbated by cooling. Dealing with it is more difficult than with the second form. A chronic ailment becomes with a prolonged lack of proper treatment for the disease. As a result, even after a full course of therapy, the patient may be disturbed by residual symptoms.
For this form, all the main symptoms of the disease are characteristic. The hue of sputum may even turn brown (depending on the neglect of the problem).
The form of acute bronchitis in many cases develops against the background of a sore throat, cold or flu. The patient rarely manages to independently feel the transition of one ailment to another.
The patient's voice becomes hoarse. He is concerned about paroxysmal cough, weakness, shortness of breath and other general symptoms of bronchitis.
The process of treatment and recovery after a disease in an adult usually takes 2-3 weeks. It should be noted the main feature of the acute form of the disease - it is contagious.
Obstructive bronchitis is usually manifested by a wet, strong cough. With this form of the disease, a whistle is heard when the patient is breathing. It is difficult for him to inhale and exhale air.
Such a disease occurs with developing airway obstruction. For example, with emphysema. Most often, it manifests itself in crumbs up to 3 years, but it also occurs in adults.
The duration of the acute period of the disease is 8-10 days. But it can stretch up to 3 weeks.
Smoker's bronchitis
Only those men and women who have a common bad habit are confronted with smoker's bronchitis. The impetus for the development of the disease is the penetration of combustion products into the respiratory system.
With this form of the disease, a persistent cough with mucus secretion is observed. The first attacks occur immediately after waking up and are repeated throughout the day. If you do not deal with the problem, it can lead to dangerous consequences, for example, to pneumonia.
Such bronchitis is not associated with viruses. It manifests itself as a consequence of the patient’s sensitivity to any substance.
During an exacerbation of an ailment, a person encounters continuous coughing in the daytime, fever, hears whistles or wheezing when exhaling. A rash may also appear on the body.
Bronchitis treatment
Therapy for bronchial inflammation should be comprehensive. In addition to medications, folk remedies are also successfully used to combat the disease.
Various natural remedies should only be in addition to the main treatment. It is impossible to cure bronchitis with herbs alone.
Drug treatment
The patient should always begin therapy with quitting smoking. As for drugs for bronchitis, the patient should combine bronchodilators, mucolytic and antibiotics.
The first relieve bronchospasm. According to the principle of action, they are divided into:
- Adrenomimetics (relaxing muscles in the bronchi). For example, salbutamol.
- Anticholinergics (with bronchodilator). For example, Erespal.
- Combined drugs (combining the action of the first two). For example, Berodual. Such funds begin to act within 10-12 minutes after administration.
Mucolytics remove phlegm, a large amount of which the body cannot get rid of on its own. This leads to the active reproduction of pathogenic organisms in stagnant mucus. The most popular such funds are: ACC, Thermopsol, Mukaltin.
Antibiotics are prescribed only for bacterial bronchitis. They are selected by sputum analysis. These data will allow the doctor to determine which bacteria provoked the development of the disease. Most often, with bronchitis, the following drugs are prescribed: Amoxiclav, Sumamed, Ofloxacin, Suprax, Flemoxin Solutab.
Folk remedies for the fight against the disease
Folk remedies will complement the medical treatment. Potato inhalations are often used. To do this, the vegetable is boiled in its uniform, the pan is removed from the stove and the patient breathes out the released steam for 10-12 minutes. So that the liquid does not cool quickly, the container with the head is covered with a towel. The procedure is repeated daily before bedtime.
More materials:treatment of bronchitis at home in adults
You can add ready-made alcohol tincture of propolis to tea. You can buy it at a pharmacy or make it yourself. Such a tool is added to hot tea for 12-14 drops. It effectively fights viruses in the body.
Another effective remedy is alcoholic cranberry syrup. For its preparation, 120 g of fresh berries are ground and mixed with 60 g of granulated sugar. The syrup is brought to a boil, cooled and poured with a glass of vodka. It is taken 1 teaspoon 2 times a day before meals. Such medications will speed up the process of eliminating sputum.
Features of treatment during pregnancy
Since many medications are forbidden for expectant mothers, then most often experts advise them to dispense with folk recipes and physiotherapy.
Comprehensive treatment in this case includes:
- special healing massage and gymnastics;
- herbal decoctions that relieve inflammation and relieve sore throats;
- generous heated drink (for example, linden tea, cream or milk with natural bee honey);
- inhalation with medications prescribed by a doctor.
If the ailment is started, then antibiotics can be prescribed to a pregnant woman. The doctor will select the most safe for the health of mothers and babies.
Possible complications
If the patient tries to cure bronchitis on his own, using exclusively folk remedies, this can lead to the development of dangerous complications. For example, purulent infection, pneumonia, bronchotracheitis, and other serious ailments. A cough that does not go away for 3-4 weeks is a clear sign that you need to urgently see a doctor.
If the patient exactly follows the treatment regimen drawn up by a specialist, but no improvement is observed, most likely he will have to go to hospital. Doctors will conduct additional tests and change the treatment plan. Physiotherapy, a dropper can be added to it, and antibiotics will be replaced with more effective drugs.
Bronchitis prophylaxis
In order not to encounter a problem again, you need to try all possible ways to protect yourself from bronchitis.
Prevention of the disease under discussion includes the following measures:
- Quitting smoking and other bad habits.
- Hardening and other measures to strengthen the immune system.
- Proper nutrition and daily routine.
- Observe precautions during periods of epidemic.
- Regular moderate physical activity.