Little lumps of happiness - British kittens - are very cute and funny creatures. How to choose one, one and only kitten for yourself, how to raise it healthy and well-bred? It is useful to think over these questions before buying a pet.

History of origin, breed description

This breed became widely known about 150 years ago, in 1971, when the first cat show with her participation took place in England. Nobody knows the exact history of the origin of the breed. Some researchers believe that the ancestors of British cats were introduced to the British Isles by the Romans. Others attribute to them kinship with the Cartesian cats living in the monasteries of France.

British cats have a wide muzzle, stocky body and a proud character. They have a wonderful short coat, and the impression of plushness when looking at it is created due to the thick undercoat.

Color can be varied, there are about 60 options. Very popular are chocolate, purple and blue British kittens.

There are some misunderstandings in the perception of the breed associated with the length of the coat and the shape of the ears. British longhair cats are a separate breed, a purebred shorthair kitten should not have ancestors with long hair in 5 generations of ancestors. But British lop-eared kittens in nature do not exist at all, lop-eared kittens are characteristic only of the breed of Scottish cats.

By nature, British cats are affectionate and kind, do not release claws on offenders, but do not like to constantly sit in the arms of the owner. They prefer to be near a person, watching what he is doing. These cats are loyal and intelligent, and also very playful at a young age.

Criteria for choosing a kitten

Great popularity of British cats is a temptation for dishonest owners of half-breed kittens.

In order to be sure of the health and good character of the pet, it is desirable to acquire a purebred animal with documents through the club from breeders with a good reputation.

If the kitten is intended for breeding or for participation in exhibitions, you can bring along a veterinarian or an experienced cat-house man who will help you choose the best animal from the litter.

If a pet is bought "for the soul", and a starry future is not planned for him, when buying, you need to be guided by common sense and personal sympathy. The kitten is vaccinated at 2 months, and then again after 3 weeks. It is better to take the baby from the breeder at the age of 3 months and older - so he will already be accustomed to the toilet, socialized and physically strong.

What you need to buy for a british kitten

Before you bring a kitten home, you need to clean up. Remove small and fragile items that can be broken or swallowed during the game. It is advisable to select a special corner and put there a bed or a house. Here the kitten will be able to hide and relax, tired of communicating with people.

To transport the animal you will need to carry it. It will be plastic or cloth - it does not play a role, the main thing is that the pet is comfortable in it. The breeder needs to ask what kind of cat litter he uses, and buy the same for the first time. Then you can replace it with any other, for example, silica gel, which well neutralizes unpleasant odors.

What else do you need to buy:

  • nail clippers;
  • toilet tray;
  • bowls for food and water;
  • Toys
  • scratching posts.

To save furniture from cat's claws, claws are attached to the corner of the doorway or wall. There are different types of these devices: carpet, sezal, from corrugated cardboard. If the kitten refuses to sharpen its claws in the right place, you can treat the claw point with a special spray based on catnip.

How to feed a pet

Up to three months, kittens feed on mother's milk. In their diet there is a small amount of complementary foods. The grown-up pet is given natural food prepared without sugar and salt, or dry food and moist canned food. How to feed a British kitten, the owner decides, but you can listen to the advice of experienced cat owners.

Many of them believe that it is very difficult to balance natural nutrition, therefore it is better to feed kittens with professional premium and super premium class foods marked: "From 0 to 12 months."

To maintain a healthy digestive system, do not mix dry food with natural food. Also, the kitten should always have access to clean water.

The British breed is prone to fullness, so its diet should be balanced in macro-, microelements, vitamins and other nutrients. Good feed manufacturers have daily rulers and veterinary diets.

All kittens of the breed under discussion are very clean, they constantly lick themselves. Unfortunately, this cleanliness is not always beneficial. Coat accumulates in the stomach, disrupting digestion. There are special pastes that dissolve wool in the intestines and help its safe exit. It can be used from the age of 7 months of the kitten. Instead of pasta, they also buy sprouted green grass at a pet store.

Care and maintenance

Caring for a Briton is uncomplicated, the main thing is to purchase everything you need for his maintenance and choose the right food. This breed is notable for good health. In order for the pet to live happily up to 20 years, it is advisable not to overfeed it, and to devote time to outdoor games.

Once a year you need to undergo a medical examination - examination by a veterinarian and passing a minimum number of tests.

By inheritance, a kitten can get hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This disease is not treated and appears only in adult animals. Annual examinations will help in time to recognize the disease and facilitate its course.

  • For the prevention of viral diseases, it is necessary to vaccinate the animal, and two weeks before vaccinations should be given him drugs for worms. The first double vaccination is given at 2 months, then revaccination is carried out annually.
  • Shorthair kittens do not need combing. Britons rarely shed, wool is strewed more often in the heat.
  • Once a month, it is advisable to cut the nails and rub the ears.
  • Once a quarter, you need to treat the pet's hair with drops from fleas and ticks.

Features of education

The kitten needs contact with the owner, affection and unobtrusive attention. At first, he will miss the old house, but he will quickly get comfortable in a new place, feeling sincere love and care.

An important role in the upbringing is played by the character that the kitten already has from birth. He can be phlegmatic and calm or very agile, playful.

In relations with the animal, it is important to show consistency, you can not change your mind about the prohibitions. Cats are very intelligent animals, and can follow the rules set by the owner. They are dirty and harm most often due to improper conditions of detention or an incorrect attitude on the part of a person. The main thing in education is endurance and patience, as well as the ability to insist on one's own.

How to name a British kitten

Choosing a name for a British kitten is a pleasant experience. It is interesting to find a beautiful and sonorous nickname with a clear meaning. It is not customary to give Russian names to pets - acquaintances may be offended. It is good that there is a choice among rare foreign names.

How to name a cat:


Agap - “favorite” (Greek);

Alpheus - “changeable" (dr. Heb.).


Bako - “sovereign” (French);

Balaban - "large" (tur.);

Bouchard - "power" (Fr.).


Baruch - “blessing” (dr. Heb.);

Veselin - “fun” (Bulgarian).


Gaston - “foreign” (French);

Garuf - “forgiveness” (Arabic).


Jamil - “beauty” (Arabic);

Dobryan - “good-natured” (Bulgarian).


Elizar - “God's help” (dr. Heb.);

Epiphanes - “respected” (Greek).


Zhdan - “the one whom they expected” (other Russian);

Germont - “protector” (fr.);

Jerome - "reigning" (Fr.).


Marshmallows - “a light breeze from the west” (it.);

Gold - "gold" (bulg.).


Hilarion - “fun” (dr. Heb.);

Jonah is the “dove” (dr. Heb.).


Callisto - “the most beautiful” (lat.);

Karim - “generosity” (Arabic).


Lambert - “shining” (Eng.);

Louis - "glorious in battle" (Fr.).


Moor - “black” (lat.);

Mars - “courage” (Greek);

Modest - "modesty" (lat.).


Neon - “youth” (Greek);

Norman - "selfishness" (other Germanic);

Noel - "native" (fr.).


Olaf - “loyalty” (German);

Omar - "long-living" (Arabic).


Panfil - “beloved by all” (Russian);

Pronya - “providence” (Greek).


Romulus - “strong” (lat.);

Ruby - "gem" (bulg.);

Rufus - "red" (lat.).


Salim - “health” (Arabic);

Seva - “power” (glor.);

Sultan - “representing power” (Arabic).


Tristan - “sadness” (Celt.);

Tryphon - “luxury” (other Greek).


Ulysses - “angry” (lat.);

Ursus - “resembling a bear” (French).


Filon - “beloved” (Greek);

Frank - “free” (German).

How to name a cat:


Aurelius - the "golden sun" (lat.);

Agatha - “good-natured” (Greek);

Aglaya is “brilliant” (Greek).


Belyana - “snow-white” (Bulgarian);

Berta - “sparkling” (German);

Brita is “strong” (Swedish).


Barbara - “foreign” (other Greek)

Veda - “forest fairy” (old glory.);

Viva - “living” (glor.).


Gloria - “glorious” (lat.);

Gyula - “rose flower” (bulg.).


Dana - “donated” (Czech);

Joy - “Rejoicing”.


Indira - "divine" (ind.);

Irida is the "deity of the rainbow" (lat.).


Kalisa - “beautiful” (Greek);

Calista is the “most beautiful” (Greek).


Lada - "the deity of the hearth" (glor.);

Lucy - "light" (Fr.).


Marquise - "noble lady" (German);

Mira - “surprising” (it.).


Nelli - “sunlight” (Greek);

Nika - “the name of the deity of victory” (Greek).


Ode - “rich” (German);

Ophelia - "multiplying" (lat.).


Pollet - “small” (fr.);

Pulcheria - “beautiful” (glor.).


Rouge - “rose” (Polish);

Ruth is a “friend” (dr.Heb.).


Selina - “sky” (French);

Selma is “beautiful”.


Waist - “funny” (Greek);

Teresa is a “protector” (other Greek).


Una - “the only” (lat.);

Ursula - “similar to a bear” (lat.).


Phoebe - “radiant” (Greek);

Fleur - “flower” (fr.).


Hayat - “living” (Arabic);

Chloe - "green grass" (Greek).


Ella - "dawn" (Greek);

Amy is the “favorite”.

When the name reflects the character of the kitten, it shows that his fate was successful. A pet for the owner is not just a fluffy funny lump, but an animal with reason and emotions that deserves respect, love and care.