Russian nature is known for its beauty and magnificent healing plants, each of which was collected at the right time and harvested in certain ways. Some plants can be called a miracle of nature, as they are a real storehouse of useful substances that can heal and maintain human health. The list of such plants includes hawthorn. Valuable medicinal properties of the plant have been used by herbalists since ancient times. Let's reveal the secrets of hawthorn.
Material Content:
Description of hawthorn
Hawthorn is a plant from the Rosaceae family. This is a small tree or bush. In the people, this plant is called a boyar or a lady-tree. Hawthorn fruits can be eaten. You can meet hawthorn throughout Russia. This plant has more than 50 species. Leaves are pointed bright green. The plant blooms in the period May-June. Small white flowers form lush inflorescences and produce a pleasant aroma.
Berries ripen in August. They are distinguished by a bright scarlet color and a sour-sweet slightly tart taste. Collecting berries is not easy: there are many sharp thorns on the branches.
Hawthorn: useful properties
The value of hawthorn is determined by its composition, rich in various useful elements:
- organic acids
- pectins
- tannins,
- vitamins
- flavonoids.
It is important that valuable substances are contained in the entire plant, including fruits, leaves, flowers, and even the bark of the plant. In ancient times, when people did not know anything about the chemical composition, they actively used hawthorn in a quackery, healing with it a number of diseases.
A handful of plant fruits (100g) are able to provide the body:
- beta-karate (14g);
- vitamins A, C, E (230 mg, 90 mg., 2 mg).
At the same time, the calorie content of the product is only 52 kcal.
The unique healing properties of hawthorn were especially valuable during the years of World War II, when the lack of some drugs was compensated by decoctions of hawthorn.
For amazing healing properties, ancient people often endowed hawthorn with magical signs. Modern man believes in science, which recommends hawthorn for healing and treatment.
What diseases are hawthorn used for?
The beneficial substances of hawthorn quite strongly affect most organs and systems.
- Flavonoids can heal the liver.
- Ursolic acid maintains muscle health and helps burn fat.
- Pectin is an excellent antioxidant.
- The complex of beneficial substances contained in hawthorn has a beneficial effect on the heart rhythm, restoring it and is able to treat a number of cardiovascular diseases.
- Hawthorn is prescribed for the treatment of atherosclerosis, arrhythmias and hypertension.
- Hawthorn lowers sugar and cholesterol.
- Hawthorn preparations are prescribed for menopause, as they are able to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
- Effective for migraines.
- In the treatment of nervous system problems, decoctions of hawthorn are also recommended.
- With stress and depression, a collection of hawthorn, motherwort, and valerian (in equal proportions) is prescribed.
- The fruits are useful for the prevention and relief of pain in peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines.
- Hawthorn is prescribed for metabolic disorders and successfully normalizes metabolic processes.
- Flowers and leaves of hawthorn cleanse the blood well and treat allergies and dermatitis.
- In urology, hawthorn is prescribed for prostatitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system.
- Hawthorn is useful for thyroid dysfunction.
- Drinks from hawthorn have a strong fortifying property.
In various forms, hawthorn is prescribed for the treatment of a number of diseases:
- heart and vascular diseases: tachycardia, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, coronary insufficiency;
- rheumatism;
- atherosclerosis;
- glaucoma;
- diarrhea;
- allergies and dermatitis;
- nervous exhaustion and insomnia;
- migraine;
- epilepsy;
- hormonal disruptions in women;
- diseases of the genitourinary system;
- liver disease
- biliary tract problems.
How to brew hawthorn at home?
Infrequently there are a variety of ways to use medicinal plants. Hawthorn fruits can be eaten fresh or juice can be made from them. But most often they make blanks. You can make tea from a dried plant. This drink is low calorie and very tasty.
You can brew hawthorn separately, but you can make fees by adding other medicinal plants to it.
We offer several recipes for making drinks from hawthorn:
- Tea from hawthorn. It will take one tablespoon of chopped plants or dried berries. Hawthorn is poured with boiling water (200 g). You need to take tea 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach.
- Healing infusion. Mix a teaspoon of hawthorn with chamomile flowers. Pour 250 mg of boiling water. You need to use the infusion three times a day for 1-2 tablespoon between meals.
- A decoction of berries. Berries of hawthorn (in any form) need to pour warm water. Boil for 10-15 minutes. The broth should be filtered, add warm water and consumed 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day. If diluted to 1 liter, you can drink it as a drink.
- Tincture of hawthorn. Leaves, flowers and fruits of hawthorn are poured with vodka, covered with a cloth and left in a dark place for 1-2 months. Periodically you need to shake the bottle. Tincture should be consumed one teaspoon 2 times a day.
- In the treatment of prostatitis, you can use a dried plant mixed with peppermint, Veronica officinalis, Ivan tea and bird highlander in the proportions: 1: 1: 2: 3: 3.
It is important to know that treatment with hawthorn should be long: at least 1-2 months.
The benefits of fruits, flowers, leaves of hawthorn
Hawthorn flowers
For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, mainly decoctions of hawthorn flowers are used.
To increase immunity, hawthorn flowers are mixed with oregano, and motherwort in equal proportions.
With atherosclerosis, an infusion is made by pouring a tablespoon of the crushed plant with a glass of boiling water.
To normalize the pressure, use a collection of flowers of hawthorn and the initial letter of the medicinal.
Hawthorn leaves
Hawthorn leaves can be used along with flowers. A decoction of leaves perfectly relieves heartburn. Drugs normalize metabolic processes, increase immunity.
Hawthorn leaves are very effective for the treatment of the nervous, digestive, endocrine systems.
Hawthorn fruit
Fresh hawthorn fruits can be consumed as fruits, but not more than 100 grams per day. From the fruits of hawthorn, you can make jam, jelly, marmalade and candy. You can simply grind with sugar and store in the refrigerator. Fruit juice and infusion are also useful.
Hawthorn has strong healing properties. Its use must be necessarily agreed with the doctor.
Haphazard use of hawthorn can harm the body, causing:
- worsening heart rate;
- mild poisoning;
- vomiting
- intestinal cramps;
- pressure reduction.
For this reason, hawthorn preparations and drinks are contraindicated:
- after a stroke;
- hypotension;
- children under the age of 12;
- with renal failure;
- with peptic ulcer;
- during pregnancy and lactation.
Hawthorn can not be used with the use of heart preparations and in cases where concentration is required.
Hawthorn has unique properties. But even ancient doctors strongly recommended not to self-medicate. Remember this.