Beauty injections have been one of the most effective procedures for improving appearance for several decades now. With the introduction of botulinum toxin, wrinkles can be eliminated in different parts of the face. And what is remarkable for the so-called “Botox lips”?
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What is lip botox?
Lip augmentation with Botox is a procedure that is gaining popularity and is widely used in modern cosmetology.
Essentially, botox on the lips is the injection of a special substance (botulinum toxin) into the lips through injections. With the help of such a manipulation, you can correct the line of the lips and give them a symmetrical shape, eliminating minor defects (scars and scars) and adding volume.
Indications for the Botox lip procedure are:
- deformation of the shape of the lips (as a result of an injury or congenital);
- noticeable asymmetry of the upper and lower lips;
- excessively thin lips;
- deep creases in the area of nasolabial folds, mouth;
- lowered corners of the lips.
Botox helps to solve these problems without resorting to the services of a plastic surgeon. A small fraction of the active substance relaxes the facial muscles in the problem area, helping the lips to grow and acquire a neat outline. Most often, the procedure helps people prone to frequent pursing lips. After the introduction of Botox, the patient involuntarily ceases to strain muscles. The latter relax, and the skin condition is restored.
How to do the procedure, photos before and after
Botulinum toxin injections on the lips usually do not take much time (30-40 minutes).The procedure involves the following steps:
- The doctor fixes the problem areas with a marker and determines the number of units of substance for each injection.
- The area of intended exposure is treated with an antiseptic. If the patient is very sensitive to injections, the specialist applies a cooling gel with anesthetic effect to the lips.
- The specialist performs accurate and quick injections in problem areas. For the introduction, the sharpest and thinnest needle is used, penetrating shallowly into the skin.
- After the injections, the master performs a light massage in the treated area, helping to distribute the drug as evenly as possible.
- The next half hour after the procedure, the patient is under the supervision of a specialist, receiving recommendations for further care.
After the final stage, the patient is allowed to return to his usual life. For lip line correction, repeated injections are best done after 2 weeks. The dosage of the drug is reduced, and its effectiveness is fixed. The maximum effect will be achieved 2 weeks after the last injection.
After the injections, the patient's lips acquire the correct shape, becoming voluminous and moisturized.
Note! Many patients experience anxiety about possible pain during injection. However, the Botox lip procedure is almost painless. The main recommendation is the selection of a qualified specialist who has a document on the completion of training courses. This point is very important, because in case of improper injection, the patient may encounter multiple complications.
The necessary number of injections for lip augmentation
The required number of injections largely depends on the indications for the procedure and the initial data of the patient. As a rule, botulinum toxin is injected into muscle tissue along lines parallel to the lip border 2 mm from it. The distance between each injection is 2-3 mm.
So, to lift the corners of the lips with Botox, you need about 6 injections, and the same amount - to eliminate wrinkles around the mouth and increase the volume of the lips.
The cost of lip rejuvenation with Botox depends on many factors:
- the amount of drug administered;
- use or lack of anesthesia;
- level of visited clinic;
- purpose of the procedure.
Botox injections, administered exclusively to raise the corners of the lips, will cost less than injections around the entire mouth. The cost of 1 unit. botulinum toxin is 300-500 p. The exact number of injections needed is determined by a specialist.
How long does the effect last?
Botox injections on the lips tend to give quick results. The effect of the drug is noticeable in the next few days. Of course, all this is relevant only if the patient correctly approached the choice of a doctor.
Do not wait for instant results. Immediately after the injection, a special effect is not monitored: the skin cannot smooth out quickly. About a day after the manipulation on the lips, swelling and bruising can occur, passing on their own no later than after 7 days. During the same time, deep wrinkles in the mouth area are reduced and smoothed out.
Regarding stamina, Botox lasts on the lips for about 5-8 months. Compliance with all medical recommendations also plays an equally important role. A systematic lip correction enhances the action of the base substance and prolongs the effect of the procedure.
What contraindications exist
Like other cosmetic medical procedures, the introduction of Botox has contraindications, including:
- pregnancy and lactation;
- herpes and other viral diseases that provoke damage to muscle tissue in the mouth;
- clotting problems;
- tumors (malignant or benign);
- chronic diseases in the acute stage;
- fever;
- inflammatory processes of the body.
Problems with the endocrine system are also contraindications to beauty injections.
The consequences of failed procedures
If the technology of the anti-aging procedure is not followed, the consequences of Botox injections may not be the most favorable. Here are some examples of possible complications:
- muscle numbness in the affected area;
- allergic reactions;
- painful hematomas;
- increased salivation;
- speech impairment;
- lack of effect;
- the development of inflammation and infection;
- rejection of the entered material;
- the appearance of tubercles and irregularities on the lips.
It should be noted that botulinum toxin, as a rule, is well tolerated by the human body, and side effects occur in relatively rare cases.
What to do with lip asymmetry after injections
In some cases, the patient is faced with a problem when the result obtained from injections does not suit him. Among other inconveniences, lip asymmetry is distinguished. What can be done in such cases? Firstly, you should certainly make sure that “different” lips really have a place to be. After all, temporary asymmetry often manifests itself as a provoked reaction to the injected botulinum toxin. Typically, such changes occur within a few days.
If the asymmetry is persistent, and it becomes clear that it will not pass on its own, you should consider eliminating unpleasant consequences. Unfortunately, Botox is very different from the same hyaluronic acid. The latter can be broken down by certain substances, while Botox is more persistent. The prognosis, alas, is not encouraging: it is impossible to eliminate Botox as easily as it was introduced into the lips. Most likely, the patient will have to wait for the complete absorption of the substance, it will take several months. In any case, to eliminate unsuccessful results, you should contact the master who performed the procedure.
Botulinum toxin injections make lips more beautiful, voluminous and symmetrical. This procedure is ideal for owners of too thin lips. In addition, beauty injections help eliminate obvious facial wrinkles around the mouth and raise the lowered corners of the lips.