The search for opportunities to combat age-related changes is one of the most significant tasks of modern cosmetology. Sometimes decisions are where they were least expected. Such a discovery at one time was Botox for the face - a tool originally used to eliminate muscle cramps.

Today Botox injections are a popular cosmetology procedure that has received worldwide recognition for the effective smoothing of facial wrinkles.

What is Botox for face?

The discovery of the component is the merit of American scientists. The search for the cause of the development of botulism led to the study of the vital activity of microorganisms Clostridium botulinum. In the course of research, it was found that the protein neurotoxin botox produced by these bacteria has the property of blocking muscles.

After clinical trials, preparations with such a component were used to treat strabismus and spasms of the circular eye muscles. However, very soon, doctors noticed that Botox injections help smooth out wrinkles in patients.

The effect of rejuvenation was so pronounced that cosmetologists immediately became interested in the product.

How it affects the skin

As a rule, wrinkles on the face appear as a result of stretching the skin under the influence of excessive activity of the facial muscles.In the majority, such changes are the result of a person’s emotional expression of his feelings.

The stronger the habit of frowning, squinting, wondering, wrinkling his forehead and raising eyebrows, the more actively facial wrinkles appear on the face.

The therapeutic or cosmetic effect of Botox is manifested when the patient has the following skin problems:

  • age-related changes in the facial contour;
  • facial wrinkles;
  • folds on the neck or in the decollete;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • dropping of the eyebrow line or the need for their correction;
  • strabismus;
  • predisposition to sweating.

The introduction of botulinum toxin preparations allows you to relieve tension from the facial muscles. Thanks to Botox, the brain signals responsible for the muscle response are blocked. The muscles relax, and the wrinkles formed by them are smoothed out.

Types of drugs with Botox

To date, three main types of drugs are used for botulinum toxin injections:

  • Botox American-made. The main component is botulinum toxin of a standard concentration previously purified from protein compounds. Available in bottles of 100 units of action of botulinum toxin type A;
  • Dysport is the French equivalent of Botox, but with a lower concentration of the active substance. One bottle contains 500 units. the effects of botulinum toxin;
  • Xeomin is a botulinum toxin purified from complexing proteins. In one bottle - 100 units. action of the active substance. Available in Germany.

Botulinum toxin preparations differ in the level of concentration of the active substance and types of excipients.

The choice of the component and the place for injection is made by the doctor depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to the degree of ease of use, botulinum toxin in cosmetology takes priority among popular means for rejuvenating the skin of the face. If you compare the pros and cons of the drug, then outweigh the positive factors associated with the use of Botox.

Among the main advantages:

  • the procedure is simple and short;
  • there is no rehabilitation period;
  • a gradual increase in the anti-aging effect occurs within two weeks after the manipulations;
  • the absence of an upper bar of age restrictions starting from 18 years old;
  • the opportunity to get rid of habits that contribute to the appearance of facial wrinkles.

The severity of the anti-aging effect in patients after 40 years is not always quite high.

There are practically no disadvantages to the Botox input procedure. A slight discomfort can only cause the need for a periodic repeat of injections - every four months.

Is the procedure harmful? Possible consequences

Before deciding to rejuvenate with Botox, most patients are interested in whether the composition is harmful to the face and what the consequences of such a procedure may be.

According to cosmetologists, botulinum toxin injections are absolutely harmless, but require high professional skill from the specialists who perform them. Effective Botox rejuvenation is possible only if the doctor has the necessary knowledge on facial anatomy and accumulated practical experience.

In addition, undesirable consequences of Botox on the face can occur with the development of individual intolerance to the drug.

Possible side effects and consequences of unprofessional doctors include:

  • headache;
  • pain or double vision;
  • respiratory tract infections;
  • hematoma formation;
  • a feeling of soreness and itching at the injection site;
  • decreased lip mobility;
  • drooping eyelids or eyebrows;
  • development of facial imbalance;
  • speech impairment;
  • complete absence of facial expressions;
  • nausea.

In some cases, weight loss is possible.

The procedure performed by a qualified specialist, as a rule, does not affect the general well-being of the patient and provides an instant rejuvenation effect.Nevertheless, there is a theory according to which Botox injections reduce brain activity and contribute to the deterioration of those thinking processes that are stimulated by facial expressions.

How is rejuvenation

During the patient’s first visit, the beautician evaluates the condition of the skin and facial muscles, finds out the presence of contraindications to the injection effect of Botox. And also the specialist must take into account specific indicators of the patient’s health.

With a positive decision on the procedure, the doctor determines the areas that need correction, selects the type of drug and indicates the required amount of Botox - this indicator is measured in units of action.

To rejuvenate different areas of the face, you may need a different amount of the drug:

  • Botox for the skin around the eyes - from 8 to 16 units;
  • creases between the eyebrows - from 8 to 25 units;
  • folds of the forehead - from 4 to 15 units;
  • lip correction - from 2 to 6 units.

After agreeing on the nuances of the upcoming session, the date and time of its conduct are specified, and the patient is introduced to the features of the preparatory period.

Facial Botox Preparation

For the procedure to be successful, it is necessary to minimize the possible risks in the form of the development of side effects and complications. To do this, patients are advised to limit sports and physical activity, stop drinking alcohol, stop using drugs or coordinate their list with a doctor.

People who are afraid of injections should eat before the procedure to prevent a drop in blood sugar.

Stages of the procedure

The safety of cosmetic procedures is ensured by the maximum sterility of the environment and skin cleansing using a special antibacterial solution.

According to doctors, the use of anesthetics is not particularly necessary, since injections are performed with special needles with a very thin tip, which are not only less traumatic, but also practically imperceptible during use. Many patients compare sensations at the time of the injection with a mosquito bite.

Manipulations associated with the introduction of Botox include a number of the following actions:

  • makeup removal and skin cleansing;
  • preliminary marking of the skin with a marker with the designation of the injection sites and their exposure areas;
  • determination of needle insertion depth by electromyography;
  • Botox input
  • massage of each site, taking into account the area of ​​the drug.

The average duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. After Botox injections, the patient needs rest with full rest for half an hour.

Despite the fact that the cosmetological effect of the procedure is observed almost immediately after its completion, the maximum result will be noticeable later. Muscle relaxation occurs gradually and takes about a week. More pronounced changes become apparent after two weeks. The result of the injections is stored for no more than six months.

People who have undergone botulism or have previously been treated with Botox may experience a lack of sensitivity to the drug.

What can and cannot be done after the procedure

Since the procedure for exposure to Botox is simple and less traumatic, as a rule, the need for a rehabilitation period does not arise. Nevertheless, cosmetologists argue that some restrictions after the procedure are necessary to enhance the anti-aging effect.

First of all, you need:

  • keep upright for four hours after cosmetic procedures. At the same time, it is forbidden to bend your head or lower it down;
  • refuse decorative cosmetics;
  • refrain from drinking alcohol for a day after the procedure;
  • avoid visiting baths and saunas, exposure to the sun or hot air from a hair dryer;
  • temporarily exclude classes in any sports, including fitness.

In addition, do not touch the skin with the hands at the injection site. And even when washing, try to protect the muscles of the face from any exposure.

For the rest, the patient is allowed to return to his normal lifestyle and do everyday activities.


In the minimum doses chosen for injection, botulinum toxin is absolutely harmless, but only in the absence of contraindications.

Using the drug against a background of negative factors can provoke the development of side effects or change the result of the procedure.

Botox injections are prohibited:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • after recent surgery;
  • patients younger than 25 years old;
  • during menstruation or immediately a few days before it begins;
  • in the presence of adipose tissue in areas under the eyelids;
  • patients with infectious diseases or high fever;
  • people with weakened eye muscles;
  • with the development of inflammatory processes of the skin.

An important aspect of the successful outcome of the procedure is the patient’s lack of allergy to additional components of the drug. Therefore, before starting the manipulation, doctors must make sure that there are no prohibitions on such actions.

How to replace Botox at home

To ensure the effect of Botox at home is quite possible. The use of herbal masks allows you to achieve relaxation of the facial muscles and smooth wrinkles without the use of injections.

Sour cream mask

It is believed that a mask of sour cream and starch is a powerful remedy for facial wrinkles. To prepare it, it is enough to mix a spoonful of starch with the same volume of high-quality fat sour cream, then dilute the mixture with four tablespoons of carrot juice.

If the resulting mass is slightly warmed up, the degree of its effect will increase.

The mask is arranged in stages, in layers. The second application of the composition can only be done when the first is completely dry. After the third layer, you need to take a relaxed pose. The composition is washed off after 20 minutes.

Gelatin mask

To prepare the mass, you need 1 tsp. gelatin, 1 tbsp. l honey, the same amount of olive oil, as well as half a glass of cream. Gelatin is placed in a fermented milk product and after swelling it is slightly warmed up so that the substance is well dissolved.

Then the mixture is cooled and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. The mask is applied for 20 minutes every other day for a month.

Honey mask

The composition includes 2 tbsp. l honey, cream, cocoa and 1 tbsp. l oat flour. The mixture is slightly warmed and applied to the face in a warm form. After 15 minutes, wash.

Anti-aging masks - a great alternative to procedures with Botox injections - simple, affordable, and, most importantly, without contraindications and therefore absolutely safe.

What method of rejuvenation to give preference to - everyone decides for himself. It is important that this choice meets expectations and brings only positive emotions.

  • Katyushka

    My girlfriend makes Botox for herself, it looks good, of course, but I’m beware of this. For natural beauty, so to speak :) I follow proper nutrition, take Evalar's alpha lipoic acid and try to get enough sleep. The result suits me, even recently I stopped using decorative cosmetics.