This cute dog with the body of a terrier, the muzzle of a bulldog and the character of a poodle was bred in America. The Boston Terrier is a great choice for beginner breeders. Caring for it will not create problems in the leisurely everyday life of senior citizens and will bring a lot of joy to young children.
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Origin history
Boston Terriers were bred in the 70s of the XIX century. The first representative of the breed, which mixed the blood of an English bulldog and a terrier, lived with R. Hooper in Boston, Massachusetts USA. According to legend, the owner bought a puppy from a sailor of a ship arriving from England.
The AKC recognized the Boston Terriers in 1893, and since then their popularity has begun to grow rapidly. In America, this breed is so fond that since 1979 it has been a symbol of the state of Massachusetts.
In the last century, the demand for Boston terriers was so great that dog lovers were allowed to breed sick producers for the sake of money. Several underground nurseries in America were closed, and half-blind animals were given to those who wanted it. Some Boston terriers were lucky, they underwent surgery to restore vision. Nowadays, sick animals are not allowed for breeding, breeders are required to do a cataract test for DNA producers.
Description of the breed Boston Terrier
Externally, the differences between the Boston Terrier and the French Bulldog are minor. Bostons are much more mobile and playful, weigh less, their height is about 40 cm, the length is the same. Smart, expressive eyes, as if asking others about something. Bulldogs are much more massive and squat, calmer and more judicious.
The appearance of Boston Terriers is attractive and cute, but they owe their popularity to a greater degree to their character.
Dogs are incredibly friendly, always striving to be in the spotlight. Bostons are very fond of spending time in the hands of the owner, playing with children. They can forgive even the pain accidentally inflicted by the child, they will never bite and adore all members of the family with adoration, not singling out anyone.
Life span
The life expectancy of the breed is 14 to 15 years. Attention requires eyes that are easily injured. A shortened muzzle prevents breathing normally in a dream.
The purpose and nature of the dog
This friendly dog is convenient to keep in a city apartment due to its small size and unpretentiousness. The breed is decorative, but differs in intelligence and is well trained, even learns circus tricks.
The soft and balanced disposition of the Boston Terrier makes him a universal favorite.
He willingly lets himself stroke strangers and can safely leave the owner. The dog has a strong nervous system, there is no bad mood, it is always fun and optimistic.
Representatives of the breed are wonderful companions, they do not show aggression to people and other animals. Dogs are intended as a pet for families with children, single people, senior citizens.
Breed standard and puppy selection
The Boston Terrier has a strong body of small size. The height of the dog at the withers is equal to the length of its body. By weight, Boston Terriers are divided into three types - small (up to 6.8 kg), medium (up to 9 kg) and large (up to 11.5 kg).
General description and requirements of the standard:
- the skull is square;
- wide forehead;
- wide-set dark eyes, slightly convex, large;
- ears set high;
- muzzle without folds, short;
- black nose;
- slender neck;
- the back is strong, short;
- the chest is wide;
- tail is short, does not stop;
- front and hind limbs straight, strong;
- the coat is short.
The animals are characterized by tiger color, it is also dark brown or black with white spots. A disqualifying sign is blue eyes and a light nose.
When buying a puppy in a kennel, the breeder needs to ask for a cataract DNA test done by the parents of the litter. This is a hereditary disease characteristic of the breed.
The breeder is obligated to give the buyers a deed of sale and a puppy card, which they will then exchange for the pedigree in the cynological organization.
We need to ask about puppy vaccinations - the first vaccination is carried out in about two months, then revaccination, and after it must pass 10 days of quarantine. A good breeder will give advice on feeding the dog for the first time - how to feed, how many times. Dramatically change the diet and diet is dangerous for the puppy's health.
Maintenance, care and feeding
The breed Boston Terrier does not require difficult care. The dog behaves perfectly, staying home alone. But without long communication with the owner, she begins to get bored, loses her appetite.
General recommendations for care:
- Attention should be paid to the eyes, during the walk dust gets into them. It is advisable to wipe them after each walk with a cotton pad dipped in clean boiled water or a chamomile broth.
- In the morning, the terrier's face is wiped with a damp cloth or a cotton pad.
- Claws are cut with a clipper 1 time per month.
- Ears are wiped 1 time per week with a cotton pad dipped in a special liquid.
- Bathe once a month.
- Comb 1 - 2 times a week.
- From spring to autumn frosts, wool is treated monthly with tick and flea preparations. It can be drops at the withers - Front Line, Vectra, Rolf Club, Harts, a special collar or pills. For puppies, there are restrictions, you need to read the instructions for a means of protection against parasites.
The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the dog. A puppy at 3 months old needs to be eaten 5-6 times a day, an adult dog needs 2 meals. It is better to feed a super premium class dry dog food.Dogs eat natural and dry food well, therefore, in this matter it all depends on the preferences of the owners.
Bostons do not need long walks, it will be enough two times - in the morning and in the evening for 30 minutes. Dogs do not tolerate heat and cold. In the cold season, dog clothes - overalls, sweaters, jackets - will help warm the pet. In the summer, you can’t walk in the sun for a long time, overheating is more dangerous for a dog’s health than cold.
In addition to the main points of care required by all dogs, you need to pay attention to the correct placement of the ears in puppyhood.
If the puppy’s ears are hanging, they begin to be glued in 3-4 months:
- For this, a frame is cut out of plastic in the shape of ears, a medical breathing patch is glued to it.
- The ears of the puppy are wiped with “Chlorhexidine”, dried with a paper towel.
- On the inside, with the help of a plaster, glued plastic molds are glued.
- The puppy wears this design for 5 days, then take a break for 2 days. Usually a week is enough for the ears to take the correct upright position.
Veterinarians recommend including special vitamins (Polidex Gelabon Plus, Canvit Hondro, etc.) in the puppy's diet, giving scalded cartilage, edible gelatin and collagen. All this will help strengthen the cartilage of the ears.
Boston Terrier Training
Dogs are smart and well trained. Difficulty can bring them injustice. Monotonous training quickly bothers the energetic pet, and he tries to switch to the game.
It is best to start training the Boston Terrier as soon as the puppy gets into the house.
From three months you can learn the basic commands with him: “Come to me!”, “Lie!”, “Sit!”, “Place!”, “Fu!”. For encouragement during training use a delicacy or a toy. Rude shouts and punishments are unacceptable, the best result can be achieved by praise.
Advantages and disadvantages of the breed
Boston Terriers are good companion dogs. The disadvantages of the breed include night snoring, which is caused by the special structure of the dog's face.
Advantages of Boston Terriers:
- long lives, almost not sick;
- friendly to the people and pets that live with him;
- unlimited trust in a person, easily gets used to a new owner;
- It does not require complicated maintenance and a lot of space for maintenance.
The disadvantages of the breed:
- does not have protective qualities;
- too emotional;
- cannot live on the street;
- poorly tolerates heat and cold.
If you like a dog, all its flaws become virtues. In winter, you can put on funny dog clothes on the Boston Terrier, sleep quietly under the dog’s snoring, and emotions that slip on the dog’s face give the owner great pleasure.