Bordeaux liquid is a fungicide whose use in gardening has been popular for a very long time. It can be purchased at the store ready-made or prepared independently by mixing certain components. It is the most effective chemical sprayer for plants.

Bordeaux fluid - gardening benefits

In gardening, this fluid is often used to combat pathogens and simply as a preventive measure. Spraying of artisanal plants begins with the onset of early spring, before the formation of green buds on them.

For each cultivated tree, it is necessary to observe the proportions of the agent when spraying:

  1. Cherry, plum and peaches are sprayed from spotting, curly leaves and molino. When processing, it is necessary to observe the exact proportion, since the fruits of the trees can crack when in contact with copper.
  2. A pear and an apple tree are irrigated with a chemical agent in the fight against rot, phylosticosis, spotting and scab.
  3. Gooseberries, currants are treated to prevent leaf spotting and rust.
  4. Grapes are sprayed with a solution to avoid fungal diseases. The procedure should be done with caution so as not to degrade the quality of the berry and not slow down the growth of the bushes.
  5. Potatoes and tomato bushes are treated to prevent late blight and spotting.
  6. Cucumbers and gourds are sprayed against bacteriosis and spotting.

Ornamental shrubs and flowering plants are also irrigated in pest control and with various growing problems.

Greens of onions, dill or parsley can not be processed with this tool.

In especially difficult situations, it is allowed to spray them with a weak liquid solution.

Indications for use

In composition, Bordeaux liquid is nothing but a mixture of vitriol and quicklime. It is used for preventive purposes, as well as instead of a medicinal product against various plant diseases.

The main indications for its use:

  • mildew;
  • scab;
  • wireworm;
  • potato fungus;
  • gray rot;
  • monoliosis;
  • mold;
  • spotting, "rust".

The drug for various purposes is bred in certain proportions. Before treating a plant for disease, it is necessary to observe the exact concentration in the preparation of the liquid so as not to burn on the leaves and stems of the “patients”.

How to prepare the solution: proportions and nuances

To prepare Bordeaux liquid on your own, you only need to purchase the main components - lime and copper sulfate. They are sold in many stores. You can buy immediately ready-made composition, mixed in equal proportions.

Consider the method of preparing a 1% solution:

  1. In an enamel or glass container, mix 100 grams of vitriol with 1 liter of boiled water.
  2. Add to the resulting liquid 4 liters of cold defended water.
  3. In a separate container, mix lime with a liter of water. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in a plastic container.
  4. To the resulting mass add 4 liters of water.
  5. Strain both mixtures obtained through cheesecloth.
  6. Slowly pour the copper solution into the lime fluid, stirring constantly.

To prepare a 3% solution, it is necessary to do the same steps, only increase the proportions. Copper sulfate will require 300 grams, 450 grams of lime and 10 liters of water.

Important! To get a high-quality liquid, the amount of lime always needs to be increased.

During the independent preparation of the solution, it is necessary to take into account certain nuances:

  1. It is better to prepare the solution in a glass, galvanized or clay container.
  2. The resulting preparation must be used immediately after its preparation.
  3. When mixing the two components, it is important that both of them are cold, in order to avoid the appearance of crystals.
  4. The acidity of the finished liquid is checked on paper to avoid burns to the leaves of plants and shrubs.

The main thing is to observe safety measures and take into account all the nuances in order to protect plants from troubles.

By the way, it should be remembered that you can not mix the liquid with other insecticides.

Bordeaux fluid application

The use of Bordeaux fluid should occur on the day of its preparation. Therefore, it is important to calculate how much ready-made solution is needed to spray problematic shrubs. The remains of the drug must be buried in a separate place in the soil.

Spray and flow recommendations

Before self-preparation of the liquid, it is important to consider the rules for the consumption of the solution:

  1. An adult tree will require 15 liters of the finished product.
  2. Vegetable crops will require 5 to 10 liters.
  3. For flowers and ornamental plants, 5 liters per 100 meters are needed.

Bushes, ornamental plants, vegetables are treated with a 0.5% solution of Bordeaux fluid. To improve bushes and fruit trees, you need a 1% solution of the drug. A 3% solution is also used, but only in the early spring, before the buds open in the trees. The same composition can be used for winter wheat varieties for preventive purposes (from the appearance of rot or root mold).

Spraying should be done at the first sign of a disease of vegetables or other crops. The second procedure must be carried out after 2-3 weeks.

Fruit plants stop spraying 1 month before harvesting.

The nuances of using spring and autumn

The use of Bordeaux fluid began both in early spring and autumn for tillage.

  • With the arrival of heat, it is necessary to carry out liquid treatment for trees and fruit bushes until the buds swell and the first leaves appear.This will help increase yield, protect trees from curls, scab, rust and leaf spotting.
  • Repeated treatments can be carried out in summer and autumn. For this, it is important to choose the right weather conditions. The best time will be morning or evening, when there is no bright sun.
  • It is not recommended to spray crops in rainy weather.
  • A 3% solution is used only with the onset of spring, before the appearance of buds on the trees. In the summer, a 1% solution is used.
  • It is possible to treat the soil with liquid in the fall, after harvesting and removing weeds and plant debris from the soil, taking into account the dosage of copper. An overabundance of the component in the soil can adversely affect plant growth and yield in the next season. Mainly produce treatments for disinfection of soil in greenhouses.

What plants and flowers benefit from Bordeaux fluid?

Bordeaux liquid treatment is beneficial for the following plants:

  • tomatoes and potatoes - for the prevention and treatment of late blight;
  • cucumbers - to avoid peronosporosis;
  • apple trees, pears, peaches - from spotting, rust and curly leaves;
  • peaches, cherries - from bacterial cancer and spotting;
  • pome crops - scab prophylaxis;
  • stone fruits - protects against coccomycosis;
  • medicinal herbs - from fungal diseases and root rot.

With timely treatment with a quality solution, all herbaceous and cultivated plants will be less susceptible to diseases and pests.

Security measures

Bordeaux fluid is low toxic to the human body and animals. But in order not to harm yourself, you should not neglect safety measures during spraying.

  1. For protection you need to use special clothes made of thick fabric, glasses, a respirator and rubber gloves.
  2. The container in which the liquid was prepared must be disposed of.
  3. The remains of the finished solution must be buried in the ground away from planting.
  4. At the end of spraying, wash hands with soap and water.
  5. Vegetables and fruits that have been processed must be thoroughly rinsed with water before eating.
  6. It is forbidden to smoke or hold a burning cigarette in your hands while working with the liquid.
  7. Animals should not be near the solution and eat treated grass.

At the slightest contact with the skin or mucous membranes of a person, it is necessary to provide first aid. Eyes and body parts should be thoroughly washed with clean water and soap.

With the right safety precautions, as well as the timely use of fluids, it will protect vegetables, fruits and other plants from diseases that will please their owner with a high yield.