The Border Terrier is an amazing and rare dog. This is one of the oldest breeds, which has survived to our days unchanged. She has many virtues that become apparent after close acquaintance.
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Description and characteristics of the breed
The unpretentious appearance of the dog speaks of its excellent working abilities better than any words, and the wonderful qualities of character make it a good companion and friend of the family. Through hundreds of years, this breed carried the main thing - boundless devotion, an inquiring mind and unbridled courage.
The Border Terrier is the calmest and most controlled hunting dog. Her appearance is unpretentious, reminiscent of a mongrel, but this went to the breed only to the advantage. Borders have never been fashionable as decorative breeds, and they have not been spoiled by uncontrolled breeding. A stiff, short coat does not require careful maintenance. Small growth (up to 28 cm) makes the dog ideal for grooming - it does not need a lot of food and place to stay.
The border has its own attractiveness, you just need to be able to consider it - this dog is very convenient for keeping in the family. She loves communication with the owner, does not bother with causeless barking, gets along well with children. Ready to tirelessly play with them, running and frolic. The character of the dog is very affectionate at home and intolerant of the beast on the hunt. The animal is distrustful of strangers, and can easily bite at the first sign of aggression from a stranger.
Dog's purpose
The purpose of the Border Terrier is multifaceted. He can be a great hunter and a great watchman, but this is not the whole list of his advantages. When hunting, the dog is used to hunt foxes, badgers and other burrowing animals, it helps to raise a capercaillie on the wing, and to get waterfowl from the water. A well-trained Border is very helpful, clearly fulfills all the commands. This is a working breed with which it is pleasant to hunt in the forest.
The security instinct makes the Border Terrier a great watchman. He guards the owners and his territory from strangers, warning them of their approach with a loud bark. In addition to hunting and protective qualities, the dog is ready to show the shepherd’s abilities. In her native England, they trust her to graze sheep, and she copes with this "perfectly."
Breed standard and puppy selection
In the first place at the Border Terrier put working qualities. The dog is distinguished by energy and enthusiasm, it is ruthless in hunting and affectionate at home, appearance plays a secondary role.
Description of the breed and its standard:
- the head is small, like an otter;
- the skull is wide;
- black nose;
- the muzzle is strong and short;
- eyes are dark, perceptive;
- ears are small, close to cheeks;
- neck of medium length;
- strong lower back;
- tail moderately short;
- limbs are adapted for long run;
- the weight of males is up to 7 kg, bitches are slightly smaller.
The coat of the dog is hard and thick, with a dense undercoat. Acceptable colors: gray, wheat, red or blue with tan.
Border terrier puppies have been rare in Russia until recently. Now they can be bought at a nursery or from private breeders with a good reputation. When choosing a puppy, special attention is paid to the achievements of the parents. If the dog is selected for hunting, the breeder is asked to show the results of the working tests conducted at the exhibitions. Victories and rewards from parents are an added bonus to puppy ratings. Although in one litter there may be animals of different cost. To make the right choice, you can bring along a specialist who knows this breed.
Maintenance, care and feeding
The thick, hard coat of this dog protects it from cold, damp and dirt. The Border Terrier does not have to stay on the street around the clock. This is a strong hunting dog with excellent immunity and complaisant character.
In food, the Border Terrier is picky, eats everything that they give. It is not worth overfeeding it, because the dog has a tendency to obesity. To maintain the vigorous energy of a pet, it is best to give him a super dry premium professional dry and wet food. During heavy loads in hunting or sporting events, the diet should be increased.
The coat of smooth-haired Border Terriers does not require special care, the wire-haired variety requires trimming before the show. They bathe their pets once a month or even less, cut their nails, brush their teeth and ears.
For the dog’s health, daily walks are important, she needs to run a lot, increased activity is incorporated in the breed. In the city of a pet you need to walk on a leash, a hunting instinct can lead him in pursuit of a cat or dove far from the owner. Proper training will help develop hunting qualities and intelligence.
How to train and educate a dog
Since childhood, puppies need to be accustomed to loud noises so that they are not afraid of shots while hunting. They grow active and smart, so they easily master the commands of the owner. They are taken out daily for walks on the street, not just for walks, but also for classes, and from 5 months they begin to take to the forest.
A dog must see a leader in its owner - this is the main condition for success in education.
The Border Terrier is always trying to please, but sometimes impatience and seething temperament prevent him from correctly understanding and fulfilling what is required. In such cases, the pet should not be punished, screaming at him, he may “break”, lose confidence in the owner, refuse to make contact. The main incentive should be encouragement, reward, praise and mutual respect.
To educate and maintain good hunting skills, Border Terriers are regularly tested at training sites with underground tunnels imitating the burrow of the beast. The dog must find prey in the underground labyrinth, notify it with a loud bark.
Like most terriers, boarders are often kept in apartments as decorative companion dogs. They are valued not for their beautiful appearance, but for their affectionate and flexible character. If there are no active trainings and hunting for the beast, it is advisable to go for a run with your pet every morning and take hiking with you.