The presence of cockroaches in the house always carries a lot of trouble to the hostess. Red “guests” can make their way from neighbors or get into the house along with the things brought. They multiply rapidly, and also have the ability to adapt to many types of poison. But do not give up and despair. In this section, we will talk about the best methods of combating cockroaches in an apartment and list the most effective chemical and folk remedies.
Material Content:
- 1 Harm and danger from the presence of cockroaches in the apartment
- 2 How to get rid of the Prussians forever on their own
- 3 The most effective professional means of struggle
- 4 Traps, devices, gels and repellers from stores
- 5 Folk remedies for the elimination of cockroaches
- 6 Indoor plants as a method of combating parasites
- 7 Top 5 best parasite control products
- 8 Timely prevention of cockroaches
Harm and danger from the presence of cockroaches in the apartment
It is necessary to take measures to get rid of cockroaches immediately after their appearance, preventing pests from spreading throughout the apartment. In addition to the fact that for most people the sight of red barbel is terrifying, their presence in the house is unsafe for health.
The fact is that cockroaches are carriers of many dangerous infections, including tuberculosis, E. coli and cholera. And some varieties of these insects can even bite.
As well, a ginger pest can crawl to a sleeping person in the nose or ear and cause serious physical discomfort.
On a note. Insect parasites are able to "host" a house for a rather long time without showing their eyes to the residents.
But it is possible to recognize their presence by the presence of whitish eggs in secluded places, black marks in the form of dots on the walls, dishes or furniture, as well as by a specific unpleasant odor in places of the greatest concentration of pests.
How to get rid of the Prussians forever on their own
The destruction of cockroaches is a rather time-consuming process, consisting of several stages. First of all, it will be necessary to inspect the dwelling for cracks in the corners and near the ventilation openings, into which uninvited “guests” could “leak out” and seal them up. Otherwise, instead of poisoned parasites, others will quickly appear.
After this, you can begin to choose a remedy that will help get rid of cockroaches forever. The simplest and most affordable is boric acid, on the basis of which various poisonous compounds can be made.
Consider the most effective of them:
- Boron powder. This is the easiest way to scare off insects. It is enough to sprinkle granular acid in the places where parasites are likely to accumulate (near the bin, in the nooks of the kitchen, not far from the ventilation openings), and the red “guests” will disappear.
- Poisonous liquid. Cockroaches cannot exist without drinking, and the first thing to do when using this product is to block the insects from accessing any liquid. Then, a saucer with boric acid dissolved in water should be placed on the floor, and the insect will have no choice but to treat itself to a poisonous drink.
- Sweet balls with poison. To prepare this product, you will need to take boric acid, flour and sugar in equal proportions, and then mix them and dilute them with water so that you get a cool dough. Now it remains only to fashion small balls and place them in the right places.
- Scones with egg and flour. One yolk will require 50 g of boron powder and such an amount of flour so that the composition is dense. From the prepared dough, you need to roll the balls, then lightly press them down to form flat cakes, dry on a battery and distribute throughout the room.
- Poisonous lumps with mashed potatoes. To prepare the poison, you need to mashed 2 to 3 potato tubers, add flour and boric acid, and then form lumps and arrange them around the apartment.
The most effective professional means of struggle
The easiest way to entrust the fight against cockroaches to professionals who use modern means of high efficiency. However, not in every locality you can find skilled mariners. But in any region it is not difficult to buy poisonous compounds in household chemical stores.
The following are recognized as the best:
- Globol. This is a pasty German-made product based on the substance chlorpyrifos. From the effects of the poison, not only the cockroaches that ate the bait die, but also the insects with which they came into contact. Globol is completely safe for people and pets.
- "Regent". This is a contact poison based on insecticides, presented in the form of ampoules, capsules or powder. The product must be diluted in water and treated with a ready-made surface solution in places where pests accumulate.
- GET Contact insecticide to prevent insect infestation. The method of its application is the same as that of the previous tool.
- Dohlox. This composition contains strong poison, which has a detrimental effect on the nerve centers of pests, causing paralysis and death within 6 to 10 hours. Apply it with dashed lines in places of accumulation of insects.
- Dichlorvos. This spray contains a number of toxic substances and is able to neutralize both adult insects and larvae.
The listed funds are effective not only in the fight against cockroaches, but also with other insect pests.
Traps, devices, gels and repellers from stores
Means for fighting cockroaches are very diverse.
In today's market you can find:
- Gels. These formulations are packaged in syringes and ready for use. Complete disposal of insects will take about a week.
- Houses. These are small cardboard boxes, the walls of which are covered with a sticky composition that exudes a smell that attracts cockroaches. Crawling inside, the pests can no longer get out and soon die.
- Traps. These are boxes with several holes, inside of which there is a poisonous substance. Once inside, insects are not only poisoned by toxins themselves, but also carry them on the legs, infecting other individuals.
- Crayons. These means treat cracks, plinths and other surfaces. It will take 3 to 4 weeks to expect the effect.
- Aerosols. Such funds are sprayed on the surfaces where cockroaches have been seen, and prevent the re-emergence of parasites.
- Repeller devices. The device adversely affects the nervous system of insects due to ultrasound or waves. As a result of exposure, cockroaches are forced to leave the occupied territory and, for example, go to their neighbors.
Folk remedies for the elimination of cockroaches
The disadvantage of most in-store cockroach control products is their high cost. In order to save money, you can use folk methods of getting rid of parasites.
- Low temperatures. Red "guests" are heat-loving insects and can not stand the cold. If cockroaches started at home in the winter, when the thermometer has dropped to -15 or lower, you can open all the windows in the apartment and leave the room for several hours, or better, for the whole day. Upon return, you will only have to sweep the corpses of uninvited visitors and carry out a general cleaning.
- Vinegar. To get rid of insects, both table solution and essence are suitable. The tool will need to be poured into the sprayer and sprayed onto the baseboard, the floor near the walls, cracks and ventilation holes, as well as pour acid into the sink. To enhance the effect, powder red pepper can be added to the liquid.
- Ammonia. To prepare the solution, you will need only 30 drops of the product per 5 liters of water. With the resulting composition, you need to wash the floors throughout the house, process the bathroom, trash bin, sink and all kitchen surfaces.
- Essential oil. A solution of 10 drops of this product and 250 ml of water will help get rid of cockroaches. It can be applied to surfaces using a rag or using a spray gun. The most effective aromas for fighting uninvited “guests” are lemon, needles, lemon balm, eucalyptus, mint and geranium.
- Kerosene. This type of fuel can help in the fight against pests in cases where other means have been powerless. It is applied to the surface with a rag, cotton swab or brush. The smell of kerosene is disgusting to cockroaches and will force them to leave the room.
Using “odorous” methods of fighting with red-headed invaders, it is important to remember that these tools only scare away insects, but do not kill. Therefore, they should be combined with store or home-made poisonous compounds.
Indoor plants as a method of combating parasites
The well-known unpretentious geranium plant is an excellent tool for repelling cockroaches. Its smell, especially during the flowering period, is unbearable for them, and therefore insects quickly leave the room where this crop grows.
The Prussians also hate coniferous aroma, but keeping a Christmas tree or thuja in the apartment is quite problematic. An excellent way out will be dwarf variants of evergreen trees.
In addition, cockroaches do not like mint, but it is impossible to grow such grass indoors. But if the owners have the opportunity to pick it up in the nearest forest or near a reservoir, you can expand the branches in places where parasites are likely to enter.
Top 5 best parasite control products
Each manufacturing company guarantees that its products are the best means for combating insects, and sorting out a huge assortment can be difficult.
According to consumer reviews, the most effective are:
- Raptor gel;
- Raid trap
- aerosol "Baigon";
- crayon "Mashenka";
- repeller "Typhoon LS-500".
The listed funds are guaranteed to destroy the colony of parasites and do not pose a danger to people and pets.
Timely prevention of cockroaches
To prevent pests from invading your home, it’s important to know how they enter your apartment and what attracts them.
A cockroach can appear in housing as follows:
- penetrate through cracks in corners and walls;
- get through the vent;
- get into the apartment with things.
To exclude this possibility, you must do the following:
- close up cracks in the walls and near the baseboard;
- cover the ventilation holes with a fine mesh;
- look through things before bringing them into the apartment.
Unwashed dishes, crumbs on work surfaces and food waste also attract cockroaches. To exclude the appearance of insects, it is worthwhile to clean the kitchen in a timely manner and take out the bin every day.