Bonn soup is a very popular way to lose weight today. It will help to return the harmonious shape of the figure and at the same time it does not require special skills - the recipe is very simple, like the cooking method itself.
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The principles and rules of the diet on the "Bonn soup" for weight loss
The diet on Bonn soup is oriented more likely not to burning fat, but to fighting puffiness. This happens if after several holidays you got on the scales and were surprised to notice a couple of extra pounds. The body is not able to accumulate so much fat in a short period of time - folds with fluid rather than fatty deposits are more formed on the sides and abdomen.
Of course, the calorie content of the main course of the diet is much lower than that of ordinary first courses. Therefore, it contributes not only to the removal of fluid, but also to the processing of some of the body fat.
Attention! Bonn soup can lose weight no more than 7 days.
This diet is suitable as an unload after a holiday feast. These days we overload the body with additional products: sauces, pickles, alcohol, fatty meat dishes, etc. It is not only filled with harmful fats, but also has the ability to retain water in the body. Thanks to its light vegetable composition, Bonn soup will help the body relax from heavy foods. Of course, it is better to cook the dish in the season of fresh vegetables - so it will turn out tastier and bring great benefit.
Calorie content
The calorie content of vegetable soup is approximately 30 kcal in 100 ml of the finished product. In combination with acceptable foods, daily calorie intake is approximately 600 kcal.This is much lower than the daily allowance for a normal healthy person, so you can’t eat this way for a long time.
Nutritionists recommend unloading Bonn soup no more than four times a year. It is justified simply: the diet promotes the elimination of fluid and the breakdown of a certain amount of fat, but at the same time, the fluid washes out useful microelements, which negatively affects the general condition of the body. A short diet will not bring visible harm in the form of deterioration of the skin, hair or nails. But long weight loss can cause serious malfunctions in the work of the whole body due to a lack of vital elements.
Advantages and disadvantages of a diet
The advantages are worth noting:
- High efficiency - with an average amount of excess weight in just seven days you can get rid of 4-8 kg of weight.
- Products for diet are quite accessible to everyone.
- The duration of the diet is short, it can be called unloading.
- The components of nutrition are vegetables and fruits, rich in fiber and vitamins. Therefore, the described method of nutrition also contributes to the normalization of the intestines.
- Any diet is stress for the body due to some severe restrictions in the diet, unusual food. Often, this framework is based on a specific serving size, as well as a clear rule on the number of meals. The Bonn diet does not restrict either the first or the second.
- Soup for weight loss does not lose its taste and nutrients when changing the type of serving (cold or hot) - this makes the diet universal in terms of seasonality, it can be adhered to both in summer and in winter.
Any kind of diet has at least a couple of negative points, and Bonn is no exception:
- Diuretic effect - a way to remove excess fluid from the body. That is why it contributes to frequent visits to the toilet - for some people this moment becomes a cause of great discomfort.
- Mature people are not recommended to follow a long diet - removing water from the body can cause a loss of skin tone, and as a result - lead to sagging skin, wrinkles.
Important! The presence of a chronic disease of any kind is the reason for visiting a doctor before starting a diet.
How to cook Bonn soup at home
Before you start, try boiling one small portion. Celery is not to everyone's taste. If you have not consumed this product before, try a small amount as part of the soup. If the smell of celery is disgusting - remove it from the list and try replacing it with a lot of parsley.
For a diet soup you will need a set of vegetables:
- 6 medium sized onions;
- 6 large fresh tomatoes;
- 1 forks of cabbage (you can choose any type);
- 2 large sweet peppers;
- a bunch of celery;
- a bunch of parsley.
How to make Bonn soup:
- Wash all vegetables. Peel onions, remove seeds from pepper, and remove a few top leaves from cabbage.
- Finely chop all the ingredients, put them in a saucepan and fill with water so that the vegetables are completely immersed in it.
- Turn on a strong fire, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. After the fire power is reduced, leave to cook until the vegetables are completely cooked.
- Ready soup to taste season with curry, tabasco, any ground pepper.
The ingredients must be present in the recipe - celery and parsley. It is they who have the main effect. The remaining ingredients can be changed in quantity at your discretion.
On a note. In any case, do not add flavor enhancers and thickeners in the form of starch, flour.
Weekly menu by day
If you have a good figure by nature, and you want to get rid of 1-3 kg, it will be enough to adhere to a 3-day diet. If you wanted to lose more weight, you can extend the maximum for a week.
We offer a sample menu for the week:
- Bonn soup and fresh fruits, with the exception of bananas, watermelon and melon.
- Green soup and vegetables in any form. Fruit is not allowed. It is allowed to eat 1 medium-sized potato baked in the oven with olive oil.
- Soup, vegetables are all but potatoes. You can treat yourself to fruit, with the exception of bananas.
- Still soup, 3 fruits of banana, milk less than 1.5% fat.
- All the same soup, 500 g of lean meat, cooked by baking or cooking. 6 medium tomatoes are allowed.
- Green soup, meat and vegetables in any quantity.
- Soup, brown rice (or a mixture of ordinary white and brown), fresh vegetables, fruits - you can make salads from the last two, of course, without fat dressings.
Thus, we get a strict diet with small assumptions in the form of fruits (sweet substitute), dairy products and a small amount of meat, evenly distributed throughout the day. Despite the monotony of the diet, you can still arrange a little variety with the help of other products, except for soup.
From drinks during the diet, sweet and sodas are prohibited. You can drink tea, coffee in any quantity, but without additives in the form of cream or sugar. In an extreme case, you can allow yourself to eat a strip of the darkest chocolate a couple of times up to 12 hours - this way the body will receive a share of sweet, but the low sugar content in the chocolate will not allow you to want to eat more. Be sure to drink water - 1.5-2 liters per day, it removes accumulated salt and toxins from unprocessed substances from the body.
Way out of diet
Express diets are dangerous in that you can very quickly collect lost kilograms. Many losing weight have encountered this, and the main reason is the incorrect exit from a limited diet.
To maintain weight, you first need to think about lifestyle changes: think through your diet, enrich with healthy products; add more physical activity.
Otherwise, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
- The first couple of weeks after the diet, adhere to a restrained diet, gradually returning the usual composition of products. Fatty fried and smoked foods, sauces, and bad snacks remain banned. Be sure to eat once a day a plate of the first - not rich light soup or broth.
- Once a week, arrange an unloading program for 1 day using the menu of one of the days of the Bonn schedule.
- Drink enough fluid in between meals - 1.5 liters of drinking water, and in addition - natural juices, unsweetened teas.
To whom this method of weight loss is contraindicated
Despite the effectiveness and apparent benefits of such nutrition, there are several contraindications for weight loss:
- not recommended for flatulence and diarrhea - vegetables and so stimulate the intestines;
- chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract may worsen;
- kidney disease is also a contraindication - the body is responsible for removing fluid, and diseases can disrupt the process, thereby causing even greater swelling;
- it is forbidden to adhere to a diet for adolescents - such express weight loss can provoke a hormonal imbalance, because the diet is quite limited on the set of vitamins and minerals necessary for adolescent development;
- banned diet for pregnant and lactating mothers.
If you have any diseases, especially aggravated at the moment, and getting rid of a few kilograms is very necessary - discuss the issue with a nutritionist. The specialist will help you choose a diet based on personal data - available contraindications, age, weight, lifestyle, and also give some practical recommendations on how to maintain the effect for a long time.