Acne, be it full-fledged papular formations or comedones (black dots), is a problem of not only aesthetic, but also physiological nature. They worsen the condition of the skin, contribute to the formation of scars (post-acne), are multiple foci of infection. To treat acne, there are many drugs. Among the most effective of them is a talker - a home-made or pharmacy product for local use. The composition of acne talkers may vary, however, the general principles for its manufacture and use remain unchanged.
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What kind of medicine is a talker?
Chatterbox is a classic dosage form that came from alternative medicine. In fact, it is a suspension based on alcohol, boric or salicylic acid, tinctures of medicinal plants. The active substance may be sulfur, antibiotics, zinc and other agents suitable for topical application. Depending on the components used, the product may have white, gray, brown color and a different smell (alcohol, sulfur, drug).
The effect of the drug depends on the active ingredient used. Means, which include sulfur, are used to treat skin diseases; antibiotics and antimicrobials are suitable for the treatment of acne; zinc is a drying and healing agent.It should be remembered that the talkers have only a weak surface effect. Therefore, they can not be used as a monotherapy for serious skin diseases.
How does it work?
The pharmacological effect of the talker depends on which particular active ingredient was added to it. The effectiveness of the considered dosage form is limited by the area of its application. The medicine does not have a systemic effect. The work of the talker is based on its ability to penetrate the surface layers of the skin. If the drug is used as an acne remedy, chloramphenicol or other antimicrobial substance contained in it acts directly on the affected areas. In this case, pathogenic microflora dies, the skin is dried and regenerates.
Note: the use of talkers is ineffective for acne caused by hormonal disruptions. It is able to eliminate existing acne, but new ones will soon appear in their place. The dosage form can be used in combination with general therapy, however, as an independent means, its purpose is unreasonable.
What skin problems does acne talker solve?
Despite the “talking” name, acne talker is not only used to treat acne.
Treatment with this drug allows you to achieve effects such as:
- drying the skin;
- decreased secretion of sebum;
- reduction in inflammation;
- skin surface regeneration;
- general healing and strengthening effect.
Based on the foregoing, it is acceptable to conclude that the talker is successfully used for increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, chronic foci of inflammation (including weeping ones), excessive skin moisture and its general poor condition.
It is worth noting that drugs in the form of a suspension are sometimes used to treat boils. Such therapy is relevant for a single lesion. However, systemic furunculosis requires complex treatment. The talker, even created with the addition of powerful antibiotics, is not suitable for this. Single boils are treated by regular application of the drug to the foci of infection.
Pros and Cons of Chatters
Both home and pharmacy talker for acne has its positive and negative qualities.
The positive properties of the talkers include:
- Low cost - the drugs that make up homemade suspensions for the treatment of acne are inexpensive. Typically, the cost of the finished dosage form does not exceed 50-100 rubles.
- Easy to cook - most talkers are cooked in a few minutes and require no special knowledge.
- Ease of use - almost everyone knows how to use an acne talker. The tool is applied to the affected areas, after washing them with soap.
- Effectiveness with superficial foci of inflammation - suspensions are excellent for eliminating acne and superficial inflammatory diseases, if they are local in nature.
- Multicomponentity - several active substances can be included in the preparation at the same time, if these substances are compatible with each other.
Among the negative properties of the talker include:
- The impossibility of long-term storage - suspension type "talker" quickly become unusable. Classical compositions are stored no more than 1 day. Even in a pharmacy, they are made immediately before being given to the buyer.
- Shallow depth of action - talkers are unable to penetrate deep into the skin. Therefore, with deep lesions, they are useless. However, the situation is the same with most ointments. Volumetric infectious processes require systemic antibiotic therapy.
- The need for long-term use - the average course of treatment with a talker is 2 weeks with twice daily treatment of the affected areas. This is rather inconvenient. Many modern ointments can cure acne faster.
- The risk of a mutual reaction of drugs - if the components of the drug are improperly selected, their mutual neutralization or reaction with the synthesis of toxic compounds is possible.
- Dry skin - alcohol-based compounds quickly evaporate from the surface of the skin, which leads to its drying. With frequent treatments, dryness can become excessive, which will lead to peeling of the epidermis and a feeling of tightness of the face.
The "cons" of talkers are manifested mainly when they are improperly prepared and used. A correctly prepared drug, used strictly according to indications, is able to relieve a person from acne and other skin diseases relatively quickly and safely.
Acne talker recipes. Cooking at home
Both in folk and in official medicine, there are many recipes for mixing talkers. For this, various substances and preparations can be used, often incompatible with each other. Therefore, preparing a multicomponent medicine should be in strict accordance with the prescription of a dermatologist. Somewhat simpler things are with single-component compositions, the recipes of which are given below.
Acne Chatterbox Recipe with Chloramphenicol
Levomycetin (Chloramphenicol) is a bacteriostatic antimicrobial drug intended primarily for parenteral administration and oral administration. The antibacterial properties of the drug also appear with local use, which makes it possible to produce effective talkers on its basis.
To prepare this dosage form, you must:
- 50 ml of 96% alcohol;
- 5 grams of tableted chloramphenicol;
- 50 ml of boric and salicylic acid.
The tablets are thoroughly ground to a powder state, and then poured into a clean, dry container. There you should pour alcohol and acid. After this, the composition is mixed so that small particles of the drug are in suspension. Facial treatment is performed twice a day for two weeks. Interrupting the course before the allotted time is not recommended, since the surviving bacteria develop resistance to chloramphenicol. In the future, the talker ceases to act.
Note: it is most convenient to grind tablets with two spoons. Having placed the necessary amount of medicine in one spoon, it is covered with the outer side of another device, pressed and rubbed into powder in a circular motion.
Acne Chatterbox with Calendula
Calendula is a medicinal plant with many healing properties. In dermatology, the ability of a flower to disinfect, dry and degrease the skin is most in demand. For this purpose, a talker based on a decoction of the plant is used.
To prepare it, you need:
- a tablespoon of chopped and dried flowers;
- a glass of boiling water.
Flowers are poured with boiling water, insisted for an hour, and then filtered through cheesecloth. The tool can be used in this form, or make a talker out of it. In the latter case, the infusion is mixed with ethyl alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1. Facial treatment is performed 2-3 times a day. The course of therapy is 2 weeks. Longer use of alcohol compounds can cause dry skin.
Acne Chatterbox
Sulfur is a substance that takes part in the formation of the tertiary protein structure and has drying, antibacterial and cauterizing properties. As part of ointments and talkers, it is used to treat pathology of a dermatological profile.
To make a talker you will need:
- 7 grams of sulfur in powder;
- 50 ml of boric acid;
- 50 ml of salicylic acid.
The components of the suspension are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin 1 time per day. It is not recommended to use the product for more than 1 week in a row and more often 1-2 times a day. Too much sulfur on the skin can cause burns. Sulfur suspensions are not used during pregnancy and increased dryness of the skin.
Acne Chatterbox with Dimexidum
Dimexide is an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic for external use. Available in gel form and in liquid form. To prepare the talkers, liquid Dimexide is used, which is mixed with water and Chlorophyllipt in a ratio of 2: 5: 1, respectively. The resulting product should be applied to the skin of the face shortly before sleep, and when it dries, treat the skin with a moisturizer. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks, the frequency of application is 1 time per day.
To increase the effectiveness of the talker, 2 crushed tablets of chloramphenicol or 4 grams of erythromycin can be added to it. This should only be done if the original recipe does not work. Antibiotics should not be added unless absolutely necessary.
Acne Chatterbox with Zinc and Erythromycin
Combined formulations may also be used to treat acne. One of them is zinc-erythromycin talker. Zinc dries and smoothes the skin, reduces the production of sebum. Erythromycin is an antibiotic. Accordingly, its action is aimed at the destruction of microflora, causing suppuration.
To prepare the talkers take:
- 50 ml of boric and 50 ml of salicylic acid;
- 4 grams of zinc oxide;
- 4 grams of antibiotic.
The tablets are ground into powder, mixed and poured into a mixture of cosmetic acids. The composition is mixed and applied to the skin 2-3 times a day for at least 10 days. With this recipe, sometimes even subcutaneous acne can be cured.
Chatterbox with Trichopolis
Trichopolum is an antimicrobial and antiprotozoal agent that is present in injectable and tablet form. The drug has a wide spectrum of action, almost completely covering the list of bacteria that cause acne.
For the preparation of talkers use:
- Salicylic alcohol - 50 ml;
- Trichopolum (Metronidazole) - 4 tablets.
The drug is ground as described above, added to alcohol and mixed thoroughly. To enhance the effect, 3-4 crushed tablets of chloramphenicol or streptocide can be added to the obtained suspension. Apply the talker 2 times a day for 1-2 weeks. Significantly lengthen, or shorten the course without the need should not.
Objectively, talkers are not the best acne remedy to date. Many more effective and more convenient to use drugs have been developed. However, if necessary, classic home-made suspensions can be successfully used to treat acne and other skin diseases.