Spitzs are cute dogs with an elongated muzzle and long hair. The breed is divided into 5 varieties, two of which are large. Their height is about 50 cm - this is a Wolf Spitz, or Big Spitz, and Keeshond. It is about them that the article will be discussed.
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Description of varieties of breed German Spitz
Once large species of Spitz belonged to the group of dogs or sports dogs, and small ones - to decorative. According to modern classification, all varieties were combined into one group.
German Wolfspitz is often mistaken for a miniature variety of Caucasians or Chow Chow with a rare color. Keeshond comes from Holland, he is cheerful and energetic. This is a dog with a lively temperament and a smart, attentive look. The breed representatives are in good health, among them there are canine “centenarians” who live for 16 to 17 years.
Keeshond is a medium-sized, square-shaped dog with a height at the withers of about 45 cm. They are smaller than Wolf Spitz, whose height reaches 55 cm.
- Dogs have a thick coat, especially on the neck, shoulders and legs.
- A fluffy tail is thrown back.
- Color gray with white, various shades, brown eyes.
- Mandatory is the black color of the ears and the tip of the tail, as well as a black mask.
History of breed origin
The ancestor of European Spitz is considered a wolf. Dogs are somewhat similar to their wild relative. They have a well-developed flocking instinct - a group of Spitz of any age, gender and size, coming together, always forms a flock, choosing one leader.
Images of dogs similar to Wolfspitz are found on Greek vases made several centuries BC. e., and Pompeii mosaics. In Holland, the dog is called keeshond, and they doubt its German origin.
Her real homeland is really the Netherlands. Grosspitz was used to guard ships sailing the Rhine.
The name of the breed has historical roots. Once its development went in two ways - in Germany and Holland. The Germans called the Wolfspitz breed from the word "wolf" (wolf), and the Dutch called Keeshond (the dog of cheese makers). In Holland, Keeskhond used shepherds in the pasture. This breed has good security qualities.
The purpose and nature of the dog
Grossshpits have a well-developed sense of smell, so they are used during rescue operations and in detective work. Keeskhondov kept in American clinics for the rehabilitation of sick children with disabilities.
These dogs are very friendly and affectionate, always cheerful, love people. They get along well with all pets.
- Large German Spitz does not show aggression to other dogs and is fearless himself. The dog is playful, temperamental, she constantly needs to run, play. However, each dog has its own character, some representatives of the breed are calm and poised.
- A dog can be trained, but a special approach is needed. She is independent and smart.
- The German Spitz has good health, no hereditary diseases.
- Representatives of the breed are convenient in maintenance and are attached to their owner. They are considered great companions.
- The large Wolfspitz brings up the ability to guard. They are more calm and restrained than their small brothers Keeskhond, who are bred for the sake of participation in exhibitions. Grosspitz has become a fairly rare breed in Russia, there is little information about it.
Criteria for choosing a large German Spitz puppy
When choosing a puppy in a kennel, you need to look at his parents and find out the pedigree. You should pay attention to how the baby looks.
A healthy puppy has a clean, thick coat of the appropriate color, shiny eyes. The tail is adjacent to the back, ears are erect, pointed muzzle and scissor bite.
The puppy must be active and energetic. He is keenly interested in what is happening around him, being friendly and affectionate.
Keeping and caring for a dog
The first thing that catches your eye when looking at Keeshond or Wolfspitz is his luxurious coat. Many people think that it requires a lot of care, but this is not so - you can’t wash your dog often. Bathe her with special shampoos once every 3 months. A healthy pet is completely odorless, it dries quickly after water procedures.
Combing Keeshond is enough 1 time per week. Bitches molt 2 times - in spring and autumn, and males - 1 time per year.
So that during molting there is less hair on furniture and carpet, the dog needs to be washed and combed properly. In addition to bathing, they cut their nails and wipe their ears and eyes.
Grosspitz needs to be well fed. A good breeder will definitely advise how to do this at home. It is better to opt for balanced dry feed that contains the full range of essential nutrients. You can add to them, as a treat, natural products - vegetables, meat, cheese in small quantities. Thanks to a complete diet, the dog will have a beautiful coat and good health.
Before participating in exhibitions, you can give additional vitamins for beautiful wool. When the puppy grows, he may not have enough calcium, he will need natural dairy products, cheese and a complex of microelements. Usually, high-quality feed contains all the necessary vitamins and mineral salts.
Parenting and training
Raising a dog, you can eliminate the negative aspects in its behavior and better understand the behavior. You need to teach your puppy to endure from an early age, wait for a walk to empty his intestines and bladder. Adult Lynxes are very clean.
The dog should be trained from an early age, showing perseverance and patience. It is necessary to monitor the tone of the voice, not to show negative emotions.
Use goodies and socializing as encouragement. In gratitude for obedience, you can play with the dog. Repeat each command to consolidate at least 10 times.
Grossshpitsy are well suited for families with children. They are not suitable for people who lead an inactive lifestyle and senior citizens. With a dog you need to often walk and give her physical activity. She is temperamental and very sociable, which for many people is tiring. It is worth considering this when choosing a future pet.