Intimacy is not always and not everyone enjoys. After it, there may remain a feeling of dissatisfaction or discomfort. A common situation is when the lower abdomen hurts after sex. Tolerate such a problem is not worth it, you need to contact the hospital.
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Causes of abdominal pain after sex
Sometimes the reason is completely harmless, for example, the physiological characteristics of the structure of the female body, lack of mood for sexual intercourse, large sizes of male dignity or an uncomfortable posture.
Discomfort can be caused by excessive pressure on the cervix, which leads to damage to its mucous membrane. Basically, this happens with a large penis of a man.
Note. You can forget about the unpleasant sensations after sex if you choose a comfortable posture and mentally tune in to make love.
Other reasons:
- dry vagina, lack of natural lubrication. This occurs if there is no foreplay. Prelude improves the quality of intimate life;
- hard and long sex. This leads to excessive overstrain, and therefore soreness;
- sharp movements of the partner. Fast sex provokes irritation and inflammation;
- orgasm. Even it can cause pain, but they are weakly expressed;
- incompatibility of partners. The female and male body is unique, it can be difficult to adapt to a partner, sometimes you can not do without the help of a sexologist;
- prolonged abstinence. If you do not have sex for a long time, then this will lead to overstrain of the abdominal muscles, increase the tone of the uterus and, of course, painful sensations.
If, after intercourse, severe pain in the lower abdomen regularly occurs, then female diseases are most likely to blame. It is important to determine their intensity, where exactly they are localized.
If a woman has a lower abdominal pain after sex, you should not look for the cause yourself. Qualified consultation is required.
Sharp thread
Sharp pain after or during sex is a rather dangerous symptom. It indicates adhesions, an ovarian cyst, endometriosis or cervicitis.
Shooting pain can be caused by neuralgia. She is quite intense, focuses in the vaginal area.
Psychogenic pain
This is a common type of pain. Soreness is not caused by diseases or pathological processes, but rather far-fetched. The reason is in the head. This type of pain occurs due to the fact that the woman is not tuned to sex, she feels the fear of intimacy, tense, mentally or physically tired.
If the desire to make love is absent, and the man is forced to intimacy, accordingly, it will not bring pleasure. Complexes may arise, frigidity develop. Sometimes the help of specialists is required.
During pregnancy
Soreness after intercourse during pregnancy can occur for many reasons. More often the fault of the woman's experience for the fetus. Thoughts about whether an intimate relationship would harm a little man inside hinder concentration.
Another common cause is hormonal change. Soreness quickly passes, weakly expressed. Pain can be the result of excessive contraction of the uterus, circulatory disorders, emotional and physical exhaustion. Do not also exclude gynecological diseases.
If the pain is intense, it becomes cramping. Urgent need to go to the hospital. This may indicate a threat of abortion.
What diseases can indicate?
Often, soreness in the lower abdomen after intimacy indicates an ovarian cyst. The pain can give a little to the right or left, exactly to the place where the neoplasm is localized.
Sometimes pain occurs due to thrush. This fungal disease is accompanied by profuse whitish discharge and is easily treatable.
Note. Fungal diseases usually manifest not only soreness, but also itching or burning.
Pain after intercourse, which is felt directly in the vagina, may indicate sexual infections. This is an occasion to go to the hospital for an examination, since not only a woman needs treatment, but also a man. Such infections can provoke soreness - chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, gonococcus, trichomonads and others.
Pain can be a symptom of not only gynecological problems, but also diseases of the intestines and urinary organs.
The reason is the following diseases:
- infectious gynecological diseases - chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis;
- inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system - cervicitis, vaginitis, colpitis;
- varicose veins of the pelvis;
- erosion;
- polyps of the cervix;
- ovarian cyst, its rupture;
- tumor, malignant neoplasms;
- cystitis;
- colitis, enteritis;
- intestinal obstruction.
How to eliminate, get rid of abdominal pain?
So that sexual intercourse does not cause pain, it is worth determining the cause of their appearance. After that, it will be easy to get rid of them.
Most often, pain can be forgotten after a comfortable position is selected. If a girl is in an uncomfortable position during sex, there is tension in the abdominal muscles, a load is placed on the intestines and adjacent organs, after which she may feel heaviness in the abdomen or pulling pain. After intercourse, it is advisable to lie down in a horizontal position.
It is not advisable to succumb to pleasures after physical exhaustion, in a state of stress or resentment.To enjoy, you need to forget about the problems, positive emotions are important.
Note. An important component of good sex is the prelude.
With infections and inflammatory processes, medical treatment is needed. If the cause of the pain is a polyp, cyst or tumor, then you can not do without surgical intervention.