Only one of a dozen women at a gynecologist's appointment notes that she does not have breast pain before menstruation. There are those who are not particularly bothered by this condition. For others, the intensity of pain is so great that it literally interferes with a full life.
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Causes of chest discomfort before menstruation
To figure out whether a disturbing condition is pathological or normal, it is worthwhile to find out how many days before menstruation the chest begins to hurt. Usually this happens 10 to 12 days before the onset of “critical” days and is called mastodonia. This phenomenon is considered the norm. It is caused by swelling of the tissues that make up the bulk of the mammary glands. At the level of biochemistry, this is due to an increase in the concentration of estrogen, a physiological state that accompanies the release of an egg from the follicle.
The mammary glands are lobules consisting of adipose, connective and glandular tissues. Female sex hormones accumulate in a layer of fat, increasing it. The glandular layer also becomes larger, prudently preparing for possible lactation, which will be necessary if conception occurs. As a result of these processes, the breast swells and hurts, increases, its sensitivity increases sharply and is often accompanied by noticeable soreness.
When pain is considered normal
When the sensations do not cause uncomfortable states, do not affect the woman’s activity and mood, appear on a certain period of the menstrual cycle and disappear without a trace, this condition is considered the norm. There is no need to worry and do something.
Pathologies in which the chest hurts
If breast soreness persists during menstruation, consult a doctor.
It should not be so, the deviation is probably caused by:
- hormonal failure or gynecological problems;
- stress
- infections
- tumors.
Pay close attention to the condition of the mammary glands if there is a noticeable change in the cycle. If there has never been pain or, on the contrary, such symptoms have always been noted before menstruation, this is normal. If the cyclical nature of the arising pain changes over several months, you should not postpone the visit to a specialist.
In matters of breast health, timely diagnosis is crucial. To identify any pathology at the very beginning of its development, it is important to visit a gynecologist every 6 months, at least annually undergo a thorough examination by a mammologist and once a month examine the breast independently. You need to grab it with one hand, feel the gland in a spiral, with the pads of the fingers of the other hand, start with the edges and move to the areola.
If there are discharge from the nipples or separate denser areas inside the gland are felt, an appeal to a mammologist is required for consultation. If nothing like this is observed, go to the gynecologist.
When the chest hurts before menstruation, mastopathy usually becomes the main cause. This pathology is not malignant. The main sign of its development is engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands. In some cases, a greenish, whitish, or colorless substance is released. During self-examination, a hardening is felt, lymph nodes in the armpits increase. Treatment of mastopathy can be medication or surgical, depending on the course of the disease.
In the absence of a violation of the state of the breast tissue and severe pain, they are usually diagnosed with mastalgia.
The factors of its appearance are quite diverse:
- dishormonal disorders;
- pregnancy;
- radicular syndrome;
intercostal neuralgia;
- chondropathy;
- post-traumatic consequences;
- hormone intake;
- pathology of the mammary glands: mastitis, mastopathy, neoplasms of a benign and oncological nature, reactive sclerosis, sclerosing adenosis.
Mastalgia brings a lot of trouble to women.
Diagnostic measures
To establish the reason why breast pains before menstruation, appoint tests and checks:
- inspection and palpation;
- Ultrasound of organs located in the pelvis, a week after menstruation;
- Ultrasound of the mammary glands after the onset of the second phase of the cycle;
- a blood test for the presence of tumor markers, indicating the possibility of the development of tumors;
- determination of prolactin and thyroid hormones using a blood test;
- mammography.
How to relieve pain
Often pain is associated with mastalgia.
To alleviate the condition, use the following means:
- vitamins
- homeopathic and herbal preparations;
- sedative and anti-anxiety medications;
- medicines containing magnesium;
- pain medications;
- diuretics.
Any treatment and drugs are prescribed only by a doctor.
Traditional techniques
Due to the fact that there are a lot of factors causing mastalgia, there is no general approach to therapy. The only important thing is to quickly determine the causes of the development of pathology. Based on the results, individual therapy is prescribed.
Traditional Medicine Tips
Alternative medicine recipes can be used when a specialist has concluded that soreness is associated with hormonal imbalance, is a manifestation of PMS.In another case, the use of alternative methods of treatment can cause irreparable harm to health.
- Herbal decoctions have a positive effect on female hormones. Duration of admission is one month.
- Tea from St. John's wort, nettle, cuff, dandelion root eliminates cyclic mastalgia. They drink it 30 to 40 days three times a day. Take a break for 1 - 1.5 months and repeat the course.
- In addition to herbs, curd chest wraps are no less effective. Fat-free cottage cheese is applied with a layer of 0.5 cm, wrapped in a towel, insulated with a scarf. After 10 minutes, remove the residues washed off with warm water.
Alternative treatment can be used only if the hormones are imbalanced in the premenstrual period.
Preventive measures
Mastalgia has a different origin. It manifests itself as a sign of pathologies - from PMS to tumors. Prevention is prevention aimed at preventing hormonal disruptions, as well as diseases caused by inflammation and infections.
Preventive measures are as follows:
- proper regimen, nutrition, rest, minimizing stress, giving up bad habits;
- regular visits to a gynecologist, mammologist;
- self-examination for timely detection of seals;
- the use of special underwear for physical activity;
- you need to buy a bra according to size - this will prevent squeezing;
- frequent linen changes.
It is important to know the history of the family. If among relatives there were women with breast diseases, especially cancer, a mammologist should be visited at least twice a year. This is especially true for those over 40 years old.
For the good functioning of the hormonal system, nutrition is very important. If it is correct, then metabolic processes proceed normally. And this ensures that all organs and systems work without failures.
It is required to abandon the use of alcohol and tobacco. They negatively affect the entire body. In addition, alcoholism and smoking - increase the likelihood of the onset and development of cancer.
If soreness in the mammary glands appears before the onset of menstruation, do not panic, go to a specialist and find out what caused this condition. Perhaps - this is just a physiological feature, but the consultation will not be superfluous. Be healthy!