Trachemys scripta in the wild live in Central and South America, Mexico and some European countries. But in Russia, these reptiles can only be found in aquariums - they are often purchased as pets. In captivity, they can live up to 50 years, subject to proper maintenance and timely assistance in case of health problems.

Here is a list of articles that describe in detail the causes and symptoms of the diseases of eared turtles, methods of treatment, and below describes common errors in the content of these animals.

How to choose a turtle

First, it’s worthwhile to dwell on how to choose a healthy pet in a pet store.

Pond slider

It is necessary to pay attention to such factors:

  1. Behavior. These reptiles are active and mobile - they swim a lot, and when they land, they run pretty fast. If, under normal conditions, the individual is sluggish, weakly reacts to external stimuli, it is most likely sick.
  2. Moving in the water. A healthy turtle easily sinks to the bottom of the aquarium, while in the process of swimming it is kept level, without falling to its side.
  3. The shell. It should be solid, without dents or damage, and still motionless.
  4. The condition of the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. The skin of healthy animals is clean, the eyelids are without redness and swelling, and there are no ulcers and inflammations in the mouth. Head without horny growths.

But the purchase of a healthy turtle, unfortunately, does not guarantee that there will be no problems in the future. The owners need to observe the behavior of the pet in order to notice signs of ill-being in time.

Diseases of the Red-eared Turtles

The trachemy tortoise does not eat, breathes heavily, its behavior has changed, it has become apathetic, and during swimming it cannot sink to the bottom or tumble to the side? Pneumonia or tympanum of the stomach is not excluded.

Read more about the symptoms and treatment of these diseases and how to distinguish them:


Tympany of the stomach

If the turtle does not open its eyes, its eyelids are swollen or sagging, discharge has appeared, do not hesitate to contact the veterinarian.

Details about the symptoms, types, treatment and prevention of ophthalmic diseases are written here:

Eye diseases

About how to treat otitis media in a rubella tortoise at home without surgery and when surgery is needed, read this material:


What to do if the turtle has a soft shell, it peels off or there are white spots on it:

Shell and skin diseases

Caring for the Red-eared Turtle also includes ensuring its safety. Read more about what to do in case of animal injuries:

Injuries and burns

A significant part of diseases in reptiles (for example, rickets) is associated with hypovitaminosis - a deficiency of vitamins:

Diseases of red-eared turtles associated with a lack of vitamins and calcium

10 mistakes in the maintenance of red-eared turtles leading to diseases

In conclusion, it is worth dwelling on common mistakes made by reptile owners:

  1. Place turtles in small aquariums. These animals grow quickly, and 1 adult needs up to 100 liters of water.
  2. They have a terrarium on the windowsill or near the window. So the animal can catch a cold or overheat.
  3. Pour colored or fine soil into the aquarium. In the first case, toxic substances that can emit artificial dyes are dangerous. And in the second - that the animal is able to swallow a small pebble, and this will lead to serious digestive problems.
  4. They feed turtles with gamarus or bloodworm - such food clogs the intestines.
  5. Reptiles are given only dry food. The diet should be diverse, it is better to compose it with the help of a specialist.
  6. Allow animals to walk around the apartment. Not only does the turtle collect dust and dirt on its paws, it can get lost or get injured. If the street is warm, 25 degrees or more, it is better to take her out for a short walk on the grass under the supervision of the owner.
  7. Allow reptiles to come in contact with other pets. This is fraught with stress and various injuries.
  8. Settled together several individuals. In this case, fights are inevitable - for territory, food or just like that. Turtles do not need company and do not miss being alone.
  9. Apply paint to the shell, paste rhinestones or damage it in other ways. The fact that the function of the carapace is to protect the body of the reptile does not mean its insensitivity. In addition, toxins contained in paints and adhesives can damage the animal’s health.
  10. Completely change the water in the aquarium. This leads to a violation of biobalance. It is recommended to replace no more than 30% of the contents of the container once every 7 or 14 days. It’s also worth installing a filter.

When purchasing a turtle, it is better to immediately show it to the veterinarian and get advice on the content. This will help to avoid common mistakes, many of which entail various problems with the animal’s health, which can significantly worsen the quality of life of the pet.